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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. 21 minutes ago, Thian said:

    They won't steal from me, i now have a pack-safe backpack which has a steel wire mesh and a solid lock.


    Last year in the plane there was a chinese-looking guy who came from the back of the plane, got my backpack out of the compartment above me to open it with me looking at it from 50 cm distance...when he put his hand in it i stood up and yelled at him to leave..


    Be carefull out there...

    Nothing a good knife won't open....

    • Haha 1
  2. 16 hours ago, daoyai said:

    17 people were killed because 1 mentally ill guy killed them. The laws were in place to have prevented this, he slipped through the huge cracks in the system.  The failure is on the enforcement side. Statistically American school kids are very safe.

    What statistics? I would argue that they are the LEAST safe of any civilised nation on the planet. This isn't the first shooting nor will it be the last until action is taken.


    Here is the full list of US school shootings. It makes horrific reading



    There have been 8 school shootings this year alone. How many in Europe ? 1.......in the last three years...


    It doesn't take a genius to see that the US gun laws are archaic but as always these things will be washed over until the next massacre.



    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, masuk said:

    In countries which are living in this century, driving licences are suspended after a certain number of points are lost. In at least one Scandinavian country, drunk driving (over 0.05)  is an automatic cancellation.

    As soon as the vehicle is listed as 'suspended', computers/CCTVs,  watch via number plate recognition software, and police are advised immediately if the vehicle is on the road.

    It's extremely efficient, but if this were implemented in Thailand, extra prisons and vehicle lock-up yards would need to be constructed.

    By doing the above, Thailand might lose its international standing as World's Worst Drivers.    :shock1:

    It's only efficient to the law-abiding citizen. In the UK, many still drive with a suspended license by buying a second hand car registered by a friend and don't bother with the insurance/MOT


  4. 1 hour ago, quadperfect said:

    So much back peddling .

    Kind of the police to back up and let a few hundred more people die this new years. Thats nice of them.

    I say let it go .its the thai peoples choice. They dont seem to mind. 

    So why should anyone care.

    People in the back of a pick up or not wearing a helmet has no effect on my personal sefety.

    Let them do there thing.


    Because that drink-driver or motorcyclist driving without a helmet is going to crash into me!!

    Still I won't care, I'll be broke within a week for smoking on the beach.


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