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Posts posted by faraday

  1. On 5/9/2019 at 10:45 PM, JHolmesJr said:

    Check out this wonderful German film


    Never look away (Werk ohne autor)


    A classic, very much along the lines of The Lives Of Others


    Theres a great copy on 1337 with embedded sub...its a 3 hour film 

    but never lags. 



    I'm halfway through this; it is very, very good.


    I've got a 1080 copy, & it makes some of the German countryside shots, amazing.


    So far, I give it 9/10.





    • Like 1
  2. Let's not forget that Gerry Adams, was the first person to drive & place a car bomb in Belfast.


    I hope the undercurrent of his defence that I perceive in this thread is incorrect.


    Yup, the Blitish government did behave atrociously. We also need to remember that.


    On topic though, I went to Belfast in the noughties; it's a lovely city, but I was surprised how few CCTV there was compared to the mainland.

    • Sad 1
  3. 1 hour ago, justin case said:

    haha, ignorance... most old farts that ate too much red meat will end up with too much iron in the blood and a nice cause of heart attacks & diabetes.... women don't have that problem till they start menopause and don't bleed out the excess iron every month and catch up later in life in heart attack rates

    Can you please show me how Iron causes this?

  4. 4 minutes ago, justin case said:

    question the mother's parental skills... was the girl abused by someone ?  mental problems or other....   this bullshit again .... violent video games make people shoot others... NO ... I play 35 years already shooters and never went to bash in or shoot anybody


    guns & bullets and people with a mental problem (on antidepressants) kill people


    next time you take an anti-depressant or give to your child, read the side effects, as it says SUICIDE !!!

    Is what you are saying Justin, that people aren't influenced or copy by what they see?


    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Will27 said:



    Enjoyed episode 1 of this one.
    Am watching on Netflix but I've seen it on Lime Torrents.

    Summary: The Belgian Federal Police finds itself on the track of one of the world's largest XTC networks,

    which has been under the radar for years.



    Will, can you pm a link on Lime please?


    All I can find it UK TV series from last year.



  6. The actual cost of making a Pharmaceutical drug in the factory is extremely low.


    However, bringing a drug to market involves extensive trials, & is hugely expensive. Pharma has to recoup their costs, but once successful, the profits are astronomical.


    As for fake drugs & knowing which are genuine. Apart from sub- standard packing, I don't think, in general terms we can know.

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