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Posts posted by faraday

  1. 6 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

    It will be more like 70 million if Prayut gets back in power. Whats the big deal about working 50 hours a week ? Did that and more for most of my working life in factories.  Now enjoying the financial benefits and retirement

    And you had a considerably better lifestyle, than a lot of Thai people who work for low wages, have often poor housing etc etc.

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  2. 34 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Boasting about your life isn't really unique experiences .......... nobody cares.

    Tell us how you were abducted by aliens and subjected to medical experiments.



    Don't forget to include the probe ...


  3. The "may use any methods" sounds chilling.

    Does that include enhanced interrogation?


    Governments spying on the people isn't new though; the land of the free has the NSA, blighty's got GCHQ.


    Perhaps, when or if they have total control, tvf might be forced to hand over our email addresses....


    Then, any comment which is deemed to be "incorrect thinking" results in deportation!



  4. 1 hour ago, Skeptic7 said:

    I like my dad. He's like a distant long term friend. Never really spent any considerable time together as they split when I was 3. Some fun times such as sporting events, but then at 10 we moved far away and have basically had a telephone relationship since.  We talk about every 3-4 months...mostly about sports, his garden and the weather. I've visited him maybe 2 dozen times or so over all the years, but only for a day or 2. Last time was a few years ago. He's gonna be 89 this summer. Still sends me $500 for my birthday every year! I'm gonna ring him up soon.


    Maybe I should visit one last time...????

    Yes, you must go & see him.

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