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Posts posted by faraday

  1. 4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    I can never understand this excessive emotion when a family member dies (with the exception of a small child) Death belongs to life, it is natural and inevitable. Many of us are old ourselves it can hardly come as a surprise when a sibling or parent dies. My mother died recently in Australia at 93, shooting across a busy road on her mobility scooter, as my sister said when she informed me of her death,"She died as lived, without a care in the world and without ever having looked at the highway code."

    Good for you Saul.




  2. 5 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Because they aren't American and have other ways of ending a situation without killing someone. That takes more skill than pointing a gun and firing at someone, a skill that many country's police forces have. Even the Thai police, it seems. The result was that no-one was injured or killed here, including an obviously mentally disturbed individual who did nothing more than hold up traffic for a while.

    And wave a large knife around, and do something ?( unspeakable) with a Snake...


    Yea, nothing.


    That said, perhaps he's a Snake Handling Pastor...?



  3. 1 hour ago, Justgrazing said:

    Why didn't they offer the poor critter in the photo a spliff instead of needling him up .. I mean he'll be on the skag next once hypo's get involved .. 

    & then on to be a 'working mouse' - poor bugger.


    Ok, seriously, the comment by Impulse hits the nail on the head.


    The cost of some Cancer drugs is stupendously high, & for Thailand to perhaps find a compound that makes a difference, would be marvellous.


    Indeed, using Cannabinoids for Chemo sickness is supposed to be effective. Rather than taking yet another tablet - probably produced by the same Pharmaceutical company.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    I could, but that wouldn't address the carelessness of 7-11 employees. Forgetfulness can be forgiven but not if it's laziness. Sort of like the dilemma of walking on sidewalks with all oncoming pedestrians glued to smart phone. Yes, I'm able to navigate around them but is that right. Why should all the responsibility of walking safely rest on my shoulders. This the world we live in.  

    Totally with you there blud; put a few 'stripes' on their backs.


    That'll learn 'em.


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