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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Its just out of curiousity really. The other day back in my country I was speaking to another fella that I know that married a soi 6 virgin. Now he sits there telling the whole sauna how she was a travel guide ect, everyone was trying not to actually laugh in his face. Listen its no problem if you married an ex bar girl. Just why the lies life is too short to tell porkies that no one believes anyway. It makes for better conversation if you say you met over a heiniken and 1000 baht note.

    Its obvious some men met their missus by normal means but id put it at less than 1 percent.

    So if your wife had been a Sex Worker, would you tell your friends?

  2. Although we can't see Electrons, we can allegedly prove their existence....but there again, that might possibly be a Conspiracy by all the Physicists to dupe us. cheesy.gif

    However, no proof is not 'proof' of something not existing.

    How do any of us know, that there are other people on this forum. It could all be a very sophisticated program. Surely, that requires some faith?

    Descartes described the Pineal Gland over 400 years ago, & said that this proved that God exists.

  3. I know that there is a chair under my ass because I can see and feel it. I can also take a photo of it, video it, move it around etc. I don't need to 'believe' it is there. Ghosts, gods, big foot, Nessy, Santa Claus and unicorns are all pure fantasy.

    But your senses might be decieving you....

    An example: If a person was to enter a room that was painted white, but illuminated with a yellow light, it would look yellow.

    Another person goes into the same room later & the yellow light is switched off. The room looks white.

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  4. It may well be a 'stunt' or a threat, but if anyone has suicidal ideation I would take it seriously.

    How would any of you feel if a girlfriend went through with it, & died.

    Many people 'attempt' suicide but don't mean it, then they suceed. They just want attention.

    Statements like "you've broken my heart, I'll never love again" are the kind of things that some immature people say.

    But Suicide....call up a relative, or friend, or talk her down.

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  5. Science being the new religion, everybody is obsessed with proof. What would someone from the 15C have thought about an MRI?

    Just because something cannot be proved, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    I have seen ghosts or whatever they're called. Never seen them when drunk.

    Then we have Platos 'Allegory of the Cave'.......

    Just what is real, because our senses trick us on a daily basis.

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