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Posts posted by faraday

  1. If you gently retract the lower eyelid with your finger & look at the inside surface, if it is pale pink this generally is an indicator of low iron/anaemia.

    A blood test is of course a sure way of confirming this.

    For what reason do you suspect they have an Iron Deficiency?

  2. "Have you ever studied Philosophy - do you know what it actually is?"

    Apparently you don't because it actually means love of wisdom or modernly translated as thinking.

    It appears that you may not.

    Philosophy is considerably more than just that; although I'll permit you some credit for your approximation.

    I like his definition, what is yours?

    While I would agree that Philosophy is about thinking, that oversimplifies it. There are many different kinds of 'thinking'; Critical, Independant, Reflective & etc.

    I guess an easy reply would be that it's about asking questions, to which there is no definate conclusion or answer. But trying to bring clarity to them.

    A reasonable definition is something like:

    "Do Horses like Cows?"

    If I have knowledge ie wisdom about football, & also think about it, that does not make it Philosophy.

  3. "Have you ever studied Philosophy - do you know what it actually is?"

    Apparently you don't because it actually means love of wisdom or modernly translated as thinking.

    It appears that you may not.

    Philosophy is considerably more than just that; although I'll permit you some credit for your approximation.

    I like his definition, what is yours?

    While I would agree that Philosophy is about thinking, that oversimplifies it. There are many different kinds of 'thinking'; Critical, Reflective, Reflective & etc.

    I guess an easy reply would be that it's about asking questions, to which there is no definate conclusion or answer. But trying to bring clarity to them.

    A reasonable definition is something like:

    "Do Horses like Cows?

  4. "Have you ever studied Philosophy - do you know what it actually is?"

    Apparently you don't because it actually means love of wisdom or modernly translated as thinking.

    It appears that you may not.

    Philosophy is considerably more than just that; although I'll permit you some credit for your approximation.

  5. "Jesus is not God,"

    And you claim to be a Catholic? Perhaps you fell asleep during bible study. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, the Trinity is God. They are all rolled up into one. Jesus was born a man but after resurrection he ascended to heaven where he is a part of the holy trinity. So yes, he is worshiped and prayed to by most Christians. I pray directly to God myself but I am a very rare Christian.

    Never claimed to be a Catholic, just said I was brought up as one.

    There is, & has been for a long time, a debate as to whether Jesus of Nazareth was God. See: John 14:28 & etc.

    I have no wish to get into a Bible quoting discussion though.

    Have you ever studied Philosophy - do you know what it actually is?

    When you pray to God, who or what are you praying to?

  6. Jesus is not God, & neither was Buddha. So, in my opinion you (I) can pray to both.

    But officially you can not pray to Buddha. He is not listening. Buddhists monks do not pray to Buddha! They pay respect to him, but do not pray to him, don't ask him for favours or so.

    And if Jesus is not God, but was human what do you mean when you say "pray to Jesus" ? Has he been reborn in one of the 26 Buddhist heaven realms and listens to prayers?

    Can you pray to all other humans who once lived good lives and are now death?

    Jesus was the son of God. Buddhists pray to Buddha.

    Do you understand what prayer is?

    Are you asking me those questions because you truly don't know the answers, or are you playing the 'devils advocate'? smile.png

  7. Only just seen this thread....

    I was brought up as a Catholic a very long time ago, & was not taught anything about other Faiths.

    For whatever reason, I was guided towards Buddhism over 10 years ago.

    I endevour to live my life well, to 'do as I would be done by' & to be respectful of all living things.

    Jesus is not God, & neither was Buddha. So, in my opinion you (I) can pray to both.

  8. I think you'll find there is no 'one' way that people interpret what is 'Buddhism' or how it should be practiced.

    As the story goes, when 'Buddhism' makes its way across cultures over time it is almost forced to take on parts of that existing culture and customs to become as 'part of the Buddhist practice' so not to be thought of as being 'too foreign' to be accepted. You will probably find the beliefs a mix of animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, with some Chinese beliefs imported for good measure.


    Even though I think of these 'offerings' to the spirits (or spirit statues) as non-Buddhist, there is something to be learned from the behavior.

    What "is" food? - Something that provides nutritional, emotional & Spiritual nourishment.

    When does it 'become' food? - When it achieves this.

    Who does this food belong to? - To the person or Deity that you have transferred ownership to.

    How 'attached' are you to it being 'food', needing to be eaten. ??

    When does it become 'waste/wasted'. -When it doesn't provide the above aforemententioned.

    If someone creates something and it looks like 'food', are there restrictions to what can.

    Is it helpful to honor the memory of those you once knew? -Yes

    Is it helpful to honor the memory of your ancestors? Of what they accomplished and passed on to you? - Yes

    Is there an 'upside' to this behavior?

    Is there a 'downside' to this behavior?

    Is the behavior neutral?

    (By the way, this goes over the head of most of my friends. Though some long-time practitioners probably know what I'm on about)

    I'm not sure how many Thais there are that are experts in their own culture, or Buddhist Monks that are experts in what is and isn't Thai Buddhism. I know many Buddhist Monks who make their living off fortune telling and blessing people's newly acquired personal property. What gets called Thai Buddhism appears to be vast and wide, and sometime quick and loose.

    And I always think is best to ask the people of that custom and culture what this is, why is it here. Make friends.

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