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Posts posted by faraday

  1. Warfarin does not require a prescription. Any pharmacy with a first grade pharmacist always on duty can sell it OTC. Suggest you try Fascino on Suthep Road.


    Do you have a link on what the legal categories are for Pharmaceuticals?

    When occasionally I have needed something for insomnia, I've found that some pharmacies will sell you a hypnotic, while others won't.

    Just interested on how the law is interpreted with medicine.

  2. Don't consider taking any Steroids until you have a Full Hormone Panel.

    You need: Testosterone/Oestradiol/LH/FSH measured by a blood test.

    This will determine if you have low testosterone or not. Once you've seen a doc & had this done, take it from there.

  3. Can anyone recommend or point me in the right direction for somewhere to stay in Phuket Town please?

    It needs to be around Chalong, Naborn or Wichit.

    Ideally, a Mansion is what I would like as I will be staying for about 3 months.

    Price range is: 5000/6000 baht per month.

  4. Take Vitamin D3 5000iu everyday...it's a tablet that will help you.

    Contrary to popular believe it isn't actually a Vitamin but a hormone & will raise your Testosterone Level a little. Some K2 works synergistically also.

    Have a good diet...you know the score, fresh veg & fruit & plenty of meat & fish. Go easy in the gym & warm up for 20 mins before any heavyweights.

    Leave Steroids alone...unless you have low testosterone.

  5. It is of course a very good idea to reduce the amount of plastic. But biodegradable plastic is available & the bags could always be made of strong paper.

    However, in the uk carrier bags are now sold at 5p each (0.2bt?) - that I think is way too much, & suggests to me that so many 'enviromental solutions' are just a cost cutting scheme to increase profit.

  6. I just don't think everyone pays for it and that all girls are for sale. Though I must admit for a high enough price I am for sale.

    Yeah, of course that's true. But some people either need to hold onto the belief that 'everyone pays for it' (although many will be oddly offended if you suggest their mother would have accepted payment in some form...) in one way or another. Everybody doesn't, of course, and I can think of plenty of relationships I've been and ones (long term, marriages) that my friends are in (both female and male) where that's the case.

    But some people have just had shitty luck or chosen the wrong people to be with, or are even socially inept- so it becomes the mantra 'everybody pays for it', even though that's not true, and anyone who disagrees is deluded or naive. Because it's way easier to do that than to accept the actual truth- 'not everybody pays for it, but for some reason I am'.

    Then again I've seen people here equate the cost of paying for dinner on a date with the cost of hiring a prostitute to have sex with you- as if they are interchangeable activities of social interaction- so there are some pretty weird viewpoints out there anyway.

    As you brought our mothers into it.

    Would like to point out laws were different then, divorce was much harder, and a woman was not rewarded for divorce.

    The guys may or may not have been harder to live with, but generally they didn't run out on their families.

    She didn't make money from leaving.

    Today, in the west, a woman can walk out easily at any time, taking the lions share of his assets with her.

    She makes money from leaving, usually a lot of money.

    Yes, divorce has swung too much in favour of the woman...I'm sure quite a few of us have been 'scalped financially'. I was willing to give my ex 50% of everything but as usual some sharp lawyer got involved & she got about 80%. But that's another thread....

    However, the world would be a dull place without women....& ofc very many have made great contributions to life...except Margaret Thatcher!!

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  7. If you are putting a gf on a financial basis as you appear to do, then its a transaction.

    Like all business transaction, as you're the customer, then make sure you get the service & goods you want.

    OR....find a gf that you don't have to pay...maybe even love & respect her.

    However, no doubt one of our erudite posters will dismiss love & respect as somehow being 'old fashioned'.

  8. Hmmm I can assure you that I do not have any such Disney ideals....quite an odd thing to mention. But as for 'parents' then we all have been influenced of course. Rightly or wrongly.

    I thought your explanation of what love may or may not be, quite entertaining. Do you doubt the existence of love? I don't mean the hearts & flowers kind either.

    The household arrangements are what is being discussed in this thread..surely?

  9. But at what point does finance in a relationship become 'paying for it'? When I was married I paid the bills & the ex looked after the house...well sort of.w00t.gif

    So, does that mean - in the sense that is being discussed, that I was paying for it. "It" being the relationship.

    The obvious answer is no, as in a healthy relationship, as I said before, you both do what you can to support things.

    Then the question is of "Trophy Wife"....is that defined as 'paying for it' as the man wants a 'perfect wife' & she wants a lifestyle. So, then love most likely would be absent.

    Does is all come down to love? Or something else......

  10. I suppose that one way or another we pay for most things in life....whether we pay with baht/£/$/ or our time. Everything has a price...or does it?

    As an example......did Anna Nicole Smith marry Marshall just for money...she was 23 & he was 89?? I

    Just to push the thread in another direction & take the heat off the OP....is there anything you wouldn't do for money...if the price was right?

    Let's keep it clean though.

    • Like 1
  11. It's not all about money though, is it? In a relationship you both contribute what you can, & it shouldn't be about who does or gives the most.

    The man always contributes the most money, on separating the woman always keeps most.

    Never seen it any different, anywhere in the world.

    Lie to yourself if you want.

    You're referring to two different things, yes I agree that women end up with more when there's a split. Believe me...I really do know.facepalm.gif

    And mostly men do contribute more...but that isn't the point I'm making. smile.png

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