The dogs a lot of these guys are married to and sleeping with is unbelievable
Give me a beautiful sex worker any day
Never boring, never complaining, never unsatisfied
You would be lucky to get a short time from a Thai woman for 1,000 baht
Anything else you want from a Thai woman will cost you two arms and a leg and then the other leg will go to her family
Rent don't buy you'll get money ahead
Where do you buy extra large condoms in Thailand
I have only ever seen small and medium and I'm going to purchase mine in my home country anyway
No need for Thais needing large condoms as most of them only need small and medium and most Thais don't use condoms anyway
If they knock the girl up they just run away
Don't even trust pedestrian lights because you become a Target for many drivers
As for sidewalks I call them break your leg sidewalks
I am always looking down so I don't trip and fall
The wife probably didn't put a dime into the condo and neither did the rest of her relatives
They are just out for the almighty dollar anyway they can get it
So protect yourself and get a will
I did my first one in Bangkok with a retirement extension of one year
They told me two years first And then five years after that
Last year I didn't have the retirement extension and came in with a Visa exempt and they would only give me two years
So it depends on Your Visa status As to how many years you get
Last summer it was taking 6 days from the United States to Bangkok Bank
Just a week ago I was going to transfer money And it said it would take Six days Again
So I canceled the order
Don't know what their problem is because it used to take only seconds to transfer money