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Everything posted by Suitcase

  1. Read the post it's free for Thai people not foreigners
  2. I've read at least 50% of the women in Thailand have been a prostitute at one time or another So maybe yours was also You'll never know because they can keep it a secret big time
  3. Most guys think with their little head not the head on their shoulders
  4. Yes I had this one lady that did Thailand 2 weeks, Hong Kong two weeks, and Singapore for two weeks She finally got married to a sucker
  5. If it's true, you guys must have a gift of b******* a mile long In order to find wives like that
  6. Keep going How much was the motorcycle How much was the diamond ring How much was the dowry How much for the dead buffalo How much for the house for her parents How much was the visa and plane ticket to show her off to the family How much.......
  7. In all my years I have never heard of a rich Thai woman marrying with a foreigner There is no advantage for her It's always the other way around where a poor woman with kids marries a foreigner so she has a better life I will concede you may be the first to marry a rich Thai woman
  8. There should be plenty of animals right here in Thailand that he doesn't have to go to another country looking for
  9. Instead of bad-mouthing the posters why don't you get on the parents apparently they've known for years that he's a troubled kid and needs psychiatric help
  10. And then after meeting them and being with them a long time you still may not know them
  11. How can it be cheaper? Doing it yourself costs only the price of a new passport How lazy can one be??
  12. 6 million baht !! That is some expensive Golf, Massages, Airport transfers, and medical exams
  13. Are you just trying to be an idiot You're sure working at it pretty hard
  14. Onward tickets are actual flight tickets but are not usable by the person to fly How they checked that it was not an actual ticket is beyond me Your name and the actual flight is on that ticket
  15. I'm sure any benefits or money that comes to you from decisions of Trump while he is president you will gladly take but still hate him
  16. Sounds like he's jumping too fast to buy a condo Why don't you tell him to live here for a while to get his feet on the ground 6 months after buying the condo he may not like it where he is By renting you can just walk away With so many new condo units on the market it's not easy to sell a used one unless it's in a very special location
  17. Yes they'll smile at you in the store and the bar and the massage and when they get in a car our motorcycle you are fair game and try to run over your ass Very rude and inconsiderate!!
  18. You said a mouthful there, kingstonkid That is my thinking 100%
  19. Look at all the guys that get married, have children, and then get divorced, and they're paying through the nose and are not getting any. Hahaha
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