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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. From the comments section of the article:

    "Not anti junta journo. Just telling you what we were told. It is unclear because frankly the whole issue is unclear. The official seemed a bit overwhelmed when we called numerous times after meeting for verification."

    One or two officials seem to have been moved from office for not enforcing certain rules and regulations. Suspect statement is purely an a#s covering operation.

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  2. "Wonder when they gonna ban fun as a whole? This country is turning into a hyper-conservative, puritan, boring copy of a typical muslim country under Sharia law, but with a buddhist touch... Never felt as uneasy and tense here than over the past year." I've had a bad feeling about the future for us farangs after listening to the general's first speeches, all about morals, his version of morals. Yea, I think the general has always had in mind to ban farang style "fun". Thai morals, Thai culture, Thai happiness, Thailand for Thais, his version. About "prohibition" there was once a country called America (now the Corporate Police State of Amerika) that tried prohibition. How did that work out? Oh yea, and that "war on drugs" how's that working out?

    Just because you are paranoid it doesn't mean they are not out to get you.

  3. Well, boo-hoo.

    Whoever thought a military solution to the country's political differences wouldn't lead to this sort of thing was an idiot.

    Get ready.

    There's a lot more of this coming.

    A bit harsh though to call anyone an idiot who thought things were looking up after the coup, but I fear you are correct saying that more of this will be coming. Problem in my opinion is the erratic/aggressive sequence of priorities. Feels like they want to paint the house before the walls are up...

    As far as I understand it, reading the OP there has not been a statement about this from the "Junta"

  4. It starts with the ban at midnight, and as they get more control, and weed thru the mafias it will drop to 10PM

    This will have the effect of dropping the late night traffic as well,

    Once that has set in, and the people are now on a "soft curfew", it will be dropped to store bans at 8pm, and bars must close by 9PM

    Thailand needs productivity, not drunkards in Mercedes plowing into vendors, or bus drivers killing all in their view

    Soft crackdowns are the future

    From what I observe the only places that have the time restrictions on sales of alcohol are the big chain stores. That law seems very selective and hardly enforced. Where do you think a bus driver gets a drink? Nana? 7/11?

  5. check the laws in north america. these are close. I do think that tat will get bar hours until 1.

    next step blow abovve .08 24 hours in jail.

    \have an accident automatic 30 days

    They are NOT close. The US is much more tolerant.
    Where my mom lives in the states the sale of alcohol is prohibited 100 percent. How is that more tolerant?

    Bet she knows where to get one if she wants one.

  6. At first I was shocked and couldn't believe it. Then I calmed myself down and re-read the text on the website. It actually doesn't look that bad. It is basically just removing alcohol advertising.

    This will not really effect the common person. You will see less advertisements for alcohol. You will not see the beer girls or staff wearing beer tshirts. You will not see Singha logos on team uniforms. Really, that's about it. There will still be happy hours, you just won't see signs advertising happy hours. You can still wear your Chang tank top (unless you work at a bar/restaurant). You can still buy alcohol at nearly everywhere that you used to (except for those sidwalk bars that spring up at 1am). The only thing that looks worrisome, is no alcohol consumption after midnight at bars or restaurants.

    No no no. Not allowed a good spin on it. Has to be anti farang and bad for tourism. Booking a flight out on internet as I type.

  7. New edict not yet implemented I guess. Give it a few days.

    Enforcing existing Laws? Only law now is Martial Law, ie whatever the CiC Army, Head of Junta and PM say is the law today.

    Oh, they`re the same person!

    CM has been bending over backward to back Minister of Happiness since April when they had to check Northern Army would not oppose coup. Also that was when CM refused my 4th annual retirement extension but I`m not bitter.

    This alcohol crack down will be enforced against Farang bars and hang outs I bet. The junta seems anti-western, anti ASEAN and pro Chinese. You don`t need a weather man to know which way the wind blows.

    At a loss. Why is the statement anti farang?

  8. Some years back, when Australian alcohol related road deaths/accidents kept increasing, the government brought it random breath testing and police 'booze buses'.

    Motorists could be expected to be tested anywhere, anytime.

    Within a few months, road deaths started dropping, and it's stayed that way.

    No need for draconian banning of pub staff, advertising, etc. The fines and convictions were enough.

    The limit has been .05 for years, and a bit of organising for a 'duty driver' amongst friends solves a lot of problems.

    Of course, having a realistic tax on alcohol helps too, but it seems the hospital bills and loss to the community here far exceeds this.

    Totally accept the the benefit for reducing road accidents but why the hefty tax? Hi So (still not sure what that really means) can carry on, farmer can't?

  9. A good friend works for Diageo putting together launch events in bars, discos and hotels around and about. I guess she will be NOT be out of a job then.

    Tax the stuff by alchohol content and this whole discussion becomes moot. Whisky would become too expensive and everyone would drink beer and wine. Problem solved.

    Did they not reach the maximum tax limit a year or two back and introduce a new tax on alcohol content?
  10. If you're gullible enough to believe what the OP has posted, and it appears that some of you are, you might also be interested in a Nigerian money-making scheme that is guaranteed to earn you big bucks.

    While OP may just be trolling, what he describes is quite common. Thai people are in general very generous and if they have money they like to share it. It however isn't related to how young and handsome you are, but rather to how poor you present yourself as.

    true you must be one of the only ones on here who actually knows 2 squats about thai mentality , the rest are still angy at the world because the 7 /11 staff short changed them 20 baht three years ago.

    Agree a bit. Generally they will share it with family and close friends. Havent met a Thai yet who had some money and decided to spend it on a stranger in a bar.

  11. If you're gullible enough to believe what the OP has posted, and it appears that some of you are, you might also be interested in a Nigerian money-making scheme that is guaranteed to earn you big bucks.

    You dont believe me?? Whats not to believe??? Its true but your attitude is what im on about.... as a young buck ive learned money is nowhere near as important as charm and social skills.

    Oh great stuff, how about heading out to Thong Lor or Slim at RCA without any money, please make sure to come back and let us know how far your looks, charm and social skills get you.

    PS, dont bother trying to flog the HiSo types dodgy timeshares, they could buy and sell you.

    Lmfao i been to rca and the girls are all over me for not one satang ........

    Just with a good bunch of full of life falangs that made the night , might not have pulled but left with 20 numbers to show for it.

    Old fellas seem peeved that there charm may have worn off and the greenbacks all they got left . Try to mimick bruce willis , george clooney and sean connery you might just find your mojo

    Window shopping?

  12. I've been sitting at the computer in silence, head down, thinking hard, "What can I write that will summarise this situation and be helpful to all concerned, Thai and Westerner? I've come up with this: Thailand gets among the lowest marks for English speaking ability not only in ASEAN, but among other countries worldwide. Such a time as this is NOT a time to debate quality or degreed qualifications for English teachers. It IS a time when MORE TEACHERS ARE NEEDED; desperately. There needs to be a special "Teachers Visa" and, along with a background check, it needs to be easy to obtain. The Thai's need to adapt their cultural mentality of requiring degrees for this and that, and simply require a TEFL certificate. FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS they need to quickly raise the English proficiency of students, tourism professionals, and business people. I find hope in today's edict from the General. There can be a perfect marriage on the near horizon: A "teacher's Visa" that is easy to obtain, thus helping (English speaking) ex-pats live here legally and worry-free, while creating an influx of teachers to RAISE the English abilities of the lovely and intelligent Thai people. I offer a small file of my artwork titled, "The Burden" to possibly inspire people to help make life easier for each other, not more difficult.

    Seems you are pushing ELC like religion.

  13. I think it would be quite simple for those to that want to stay long term to just do a police background check and/or get a qualified reference or sponsor locally to vouche for one's character, issue a "green card" and let people work where ever they can get a job and pay taxes. I don't understand why that would be so damn difficult. I just find it so offensive that if you're one of a certain race to can work here. Democracy starts with equality and all people should be recognized as people and not things such as "farang".

    Really? So why you're not allow Thai to go to EU/US without hell of paperwork? Typical western double standards. Democracy is not kind of thing which will work only in one direction.

    It's not like the person you're talking to is setting EU/US policy, though. Personally, I think Thai's should be allowed to immigrate very easily to the US, speaking as an American. I'd feel no problem with it at all.

    I brought up this very thing with a US Consul General. When a good friend was denied, despite meeting all the criteria.

    There is a quota on how many people are granted US visas - and that quota is pressured downward by the Thai authorities.

    So who are at the top of the list for entry?
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