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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. Yes, you collected money but how much did the wedding cost? How much did you pay? or will pay in the future?

    Were those friends? - probably. the whole village come to weddings. just in case someone did not know about the wedding they play the music super loud. every then is officially invited.

    Had dinner music. No big speakers. I don't live in a village. So , no the village did not come.

    Had some beer and liquor but not much and most of it left after everyone left.

    Boy did you miss the point of the thread. The point was she invited her friends to our wedding because she was proud to marry me. She told the world and posted pictures. Since the house was new there were only a couple of families from the neighborhood there.

    Who would not invite their friends to a free party?

    • Like 1
  2. Not at all. I recently bought a Samsung Note 3. It is more phone than the iPhone 6 can ever dream of being. And I use only apple devices, otherwise. I love my 27" mac, my iPad, and my iPod. But, the iPhone is not the leading edge of phone technology. Especially in the past with the tiny display. They may be able to get back some of their customers with the bigger display. But, the proprietary keyboard has got to go. It is dreadful. Made for 13 year old girls, with tiny fingers. I love my android keyboard apps like swift key. The note 3 is crazy fast, and super powerful, and standard memory is 32GB! With a processor of 2.3GHz, and 3GB of ram memory. The new model (note 4) has a 2.7GHz processor. A lot of power. And all my friends who have iPhones marvel at how gorgeous the display. In side by side tests, the Samsung display always wins. Always. Apple still has a very long way to go to catch up with Samsung.

    Possibly. I coul show a picture of my 9 month old S4 battery (second one in a year) quite scary how fat it is after removing from phone.

  3. Yes, you collected money but how much did the wedding cost? How much did you pay? or will pay in the future?

    Were those friends? - probably. the whole village come to weddings. just in case someone did not know about the wedding they play the music super loud. every then is officially invited.

    Thanks so much for your bright, cheerful, positive, upbeat comments, full of optimism for his future. Thanks for that, your contribution is one of beauty and loveliness, as always. Keep it coming.

    Sarcastic but possibly true. Time will tell.

  4. So you get a young beautiful wife, while she gets a new house, money in the bank and an ageing husband. Sounds like a fair trade to me.

    She is 40 years old. Seems young to me. She will get the house in 30 years when the bank loan is paid off.

    You have been posting on here for a while. Best wishes to you and your bride. Thought you might know the ins and outs of Thailand. Hope all goes well.

    • Like 1
  5. She is prettier than I am handsome. She is younger than me by quite a few years. She bought me Thai silk clothes for the wedding. Her brother helped me dress. She invited all her friends. Her friends from school. She invited her boss and her co workers. She invited her family. We had a big party and closed off the street in front of our new house which all her friends said was beautiful.

    Everyone took pictures with me and posted them on their face book pages.

    All in all she sure acted like she was proud to marry me. Did she fake it? She asked 250 people to the wedding to meet me. They all gave us money.

    She had a photographer to take pictures that we now have up on the walls of our home.

    Why would she take photos of us and put them up on the walls if she was not proud to be married?

    She is a happy girl. She has a house and a husband and money in the bank.

    Love? Don't know. Don't give it much thought. Happy? Yes.

    Several threads in the "News letter" from TVF. Life is what it is. Am I being ripped off, does she love me? If the individual concerned is happy so be it. Future may not pan out, dont get paranoid but don't be blind.

    Easier to start off as a "cheap person" than try to establish lack of money at a later date, ie. retirement.

  6. Folks looking to possibly buy the Honda 300

    should also take a look at the new Kawasaki singles IMHO wink.png

    Power to weight is slightly better & HP/Torque near identical

    Price is 118k for the naked & 121k for the ninja


    yes, very similar bikes, just honda has 300 cc engine

    No it does not.

    You've been taken in by their false advertizing. :(

    Let it go. 300cc class bike, name all the bikes that have exactly the same cc as their names suggest.

  7. Looking for accommodation in Nakhon Pathom some years ago while still fairly new to Thailand I was introduced to this practice. Looking at a place not really suitable, way too much unusable space and way, way too expensive, my Thai friends were told that the price was very high because they had to increase it as the place had been empty for a very long time, and therefore they had lost lots of money.

    If someone has lived in Thailand a long time and claims they've never noticed this practice, you really have to question their sincerity. It's like saying you live in Pattaya and haven't seen sex workers.

    Sorry mate but havent really noticed it myself. Neighbour tried to sell their old house a few years back, took over a year to do as they would not drop the price. I offered a lower price and got turned down, 6 months later they called me and agreed to lower price but by then I had lost interest.

    If economy is down and Baht is weak all imports cost more in Baht. Mr Ferang also gets more Baht for his Buck. 5US$ beer at 25 to the dollar = 125B, 5US$ beer at 30 to the dollar = 150B, tourist is still paying 5$.

  8. Just saw 4 beer girls in uniform at tesco, near raum chok. No police showed up and nobody bothered to say anything to them about breaking the law.laugh.png

    As noted previously in this thread, most of the rules spelled out in the Chiang Mai announcement relating to limits of alcohol promotion and advertising were already enacted in a Thai law back in 2008... But apparently, have been widely ignored by pretty much everyone everywhere ever since then, certainly in terms of activity by bars, restaurants and other retailers.

    So I guess the key question is, this time around, will anything be any different???

    Out and around BKK today, I saw absolutely no sign that anything different was occurring regarding alcohol sales.

  9. I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I was. I wasn't referring specifically to the ladies. I believe my wife would have a bit of a say if I ever got caught with another lady. Hey, I'd be feeding the ducks, ouch. I'm not into "peace, love, dope and good vibes", if you get my drift. I stand up for my beliefs, period. Push comes to shove, I'm good to go. Live and let live.

    Unfortunately I have drunk so much that I can't remember how good I may have been.

    • Like 1
  10. Yea, people that post it is good to shut down alcohol venues. I like to drink, I don't like to get drunk, I like the bar girls, I like the bar scene, most of the time. I had a charge account at the Shady Rest Motel and Bar when I was 15 years old "across the river" in Louisiana. I'm 69 and still good to go. I have an 'intense dislike' for those that wish to impose their beliefs on me or anybody else. I don't tell people how to live their lives, don't dare tell me.

    Still good to go? Please elaborate. Not questioning your virility.

  11. About time, alcohol causes more deaths than illegal drugs and legal drugs like cigarettes which have warnings already.

    What a rubbish. cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

    Motorbikes, cars, airplanes, electric saws, guns, knives also cause allot of deaths each year, maybe they should all be banned in Thailand too ? About time my ass, what a ridiculous opinion. Just cause you don't drink, I guess nobody else can have fun.

    I believe his previous posts suggested he used to drink a lot and it ruined his life. I take his posts as a bit of a life lesson. Had wonderfull evenings fuelled up on drink, good mates, good talk. To suggest a person who doesn't drink anymore for his own personal reasons is a party pooper is extremely crass.

  12. A good friend works for Diageo putting together launch events in bars, discos and hotels around and about. I guess she will be NOT be out of a job then.

    Tax the stuff by alchohol content and this whole discussion becomes moot. Whisky would become too expensive and everyone would drink beer and wine. Problem solved.

    How would this solve a problem of too much alcohol consumption? So the poor could now buy 12 bottles of more expensive beer instead of a cheap bottle of Thai whiskey to chase a high? You don't think it happens just look at alcoholic farangs consuming beer 12 or 18 bottles in a night. The only way to lessen alcohol consumption is through education and restricted supply. Nothing else has worked anywhere.

    Thailand has a serious alcholism problem and if it means restricting supply to help solve it I will gladly go out earlier and put up with some of these barriers.

    Prohibition in USA was effectively a restriction of supply. Unfortunatly trying to restrict a product that can easily be made at home or smuggled in at a price will never work. Applaud a bit of control but if it gets too excessive the "gangsters" will win out.

  13. the new law is totally over the top, and it won't curb alcoholism, because they mostly drink the cheap illegal stuff anyway.

    I expect them to backpedal on this.

    Let's hope we don't see more of such nanny state laws.

    Where in the OP does it say it is a new law? Opinion comes from Chiang Mai. If the tambon Phoo Yai where I live makes a statement is that to be taken as law for all of Thailand?

    Tough new crackdown on alcohol promotions in Thailand

    ...CHIANG MAI: -- The Government has warned that it intends to enforce harsh measures regulating the advertising and promotion of alcohol, in a move that will affect thousands of businesses throughout the country.

    1- How can the government intend to enforce something that isn't a law? "immediate enforcement"

    2- "throughout the country" ... Thailand, right?

    ... maybe 3- is the article actually disseminating false information, intentionally, to be a click baiter?

    is the OP in breach of forum rules? or are you?

    2) You will not use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, [...]

    Will accept that , but do we look to Chaing Mai for the seat of law now?

  14. If they don't crack down on Lao Khao, they're whistling in the wind.....


    the new law is totally over the top, and it won't curb alcoholism, because they mostly drink the cheap illegal stuff anyway.

    I expect them to backpedal on this.

    Let's hope we don't see more of such nanny state laws.

    Where in the OP does it say it is a new law? Opinion comes from Chiang Mai. If the tambon Phoo Yai where I live makes a statement is that to be taken as law for all of Thailand?

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