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Posts posted by alanrchase

  1. It shouldn't be that hard to get parts only 80km away from Bangkok. If I really wanted it bad I would just make the trip to bkk. It's maybe just and hour away. Well never mind you'll get your part on Friday and all will be good.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Got no transport. Could agree with you if warranty was not in play, used to do that sort of thing with previous bikes. Hondas job to provide customer service. Toyota have always managed to get parts that rarely need replacement by the next day.

  2. It is only the rubber mount for front bolt of the fuel tank. Bike is only 500k old. Must have a bucket full of them on the production line and probably same part as fitted to 250. Would have expected better service for a bike still under warranty and only 7 weeks old.

    That's wired I think you should have gotten that by now. Maybe try a different Honda dealer next time.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There are three in town but all linked. I am using the one the others directed me to. Got no problem with the dealer, been good about it. Honda were good as well and sent a mechanic from Bangkok quickly. Spares distribution not so good it seems. Totally get New Model points, but 11 days? Had a dealership in UK take a bike off display to replace a warranty part before.
    Where are you?? It sounds like the problem is your location no Honda.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    A whole 80km west of Bangkok.

  3. It is only the rubber mount for front bolt of the fuel tank. Bike is only 500k old. Must have a bucket full of them on the production line and probably same part as fitted to 250. Would have expected better service for a bike still under warranty and only 7 weeks old.

    That's wired I think you should have gotten that by now. Maybe try a different Honda dealer next time.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There are three in town but all linked. I am using the one the others directed me to. Got no problem with the dealer, been good about it. Honda were good as well and sent a mechanic from Bangkok quickly. Spares distribution not so good it seems. Totally get New Model points, but 11 days? Had a dealership in UK take a bike off display to replace a warranty part before.

  4. It is only the rubber mount for front bolt of the fuel tank. Bike is only 500k old. Must have a bucket full of them on the production line and probably same part as fitted to 250. Would have expected better service for a bike still under warranty and only 7 weeks old.

  5. Today is day number 9 waiting for the spare part to be delivered for my bike. Seems Honda spares distribution system is fairly non existant. A week I might just be able to understand ie a weekly delivery, but 9 days suggests they either do not have a spare part or only deliver when the local dealers order is considered large enough to make it worthwile.

  6. Just spoken to the Bangkok Mechanic. Noise being caused by a defective rubber mount at the front of the fuel tank.

    If you order it from Honda can you post up the name and part number?

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    My guess is this...




    You know the best thing to get when you get a new bike?

    The parts manual wink.png

    I have one for mine because Kawasaki posts them

    have not seen one for the Honda 300....Though I have not looked

    This may help though


    Or in your CB case


    Thats the one.

  7. Just spoken to the Bangkok Mechanic. Noise being caused by a defective rubber mount at the front of the fuel tank.

    If you order it from Honda can you post up the name and part number?

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    They will order the part, so don't have the info. All being done under warranty.
  8. This after all of the "advice" I sought on sites and got the typical jaded responses that sent things off the rails.

    There is a difference between a loser having a long distance relationship with a tattooed working prostitute his own age,

    And an old guy buying a much younger wife (from any occupation), and then living with her.

    When you are young, you have a choice.

    When you are old, you take what's available.

    OP is a good looking young guy, you are, well you know what you are.

    You have an excuse, OP doesn't.

    Wow what a comment.

    My wife is close to my age and has some grey hair. I could have gone with a much younger woman but went with a woman I love and is most wonderful. Didn't buy anything. Well maybe the wedding rings that came under $900, unlike American coworker who wanted a $10,000 ring from her fiancé.

    Nice to know that being 48 is old and you take what you can get. LOL. Old is in the mind and heart. So is young. Your choice.

    Thanks for jumping to conclusions. Some of us need a good laugh.

    Why oh why is thailand (maybe Philippines too) and tv the only place on earth where every old person has to tell everyone how young they act/feel/look/


    It's truly a unique phenomenon

    People In the cultures and countries I've been exposed to simply acknowledge their age

    Possibly because an old <deleted> with little money here can walk arround with a young girl on his arm. Supply and demand.

  9. She speaks very low of her mum who I think lives back in Isaan.


    Interesting. not sure of how much weight to put into that comment. I could speak lowly of my parents, but I don't. I know others who speak lowly of their parents and I understand. This is a difficult measure.

    However, I will say that a contributing factor to choosing my wife was that she loves her parents and family and they are one hardworking, happy lot of people. Wish I had the same growing up.

    Okay, she speaks lowly of mom. That's only one data point of 10,000.

    Again, don't study the data points as you may weigh one data point too heavily while not knowing the other 9,000 or so that are good.

    The "hopefully" did not last long.
    • Like 1
  10. This after all of the "advice" I sought on sites and got the typical jaded responses that sent things off the rails.

    There is a difference between a loser having a long distance relationship with a working prostitute his own age,

    And an old guy buying a much younger wife (from any occupation), and then living with her.

    When you are young, you have a choice.

    When you are old, you take what's available.

    Unless you are filthy rich, world is your lobster.

  11. first bike was a 1985 RZ 500 follow by a 1993 CBR600 F2 and my last sportbike was 1989 GSX-R 750 slingshot

    all those bike before my 20th birthday, glad to be alive and 39 now :)

    Riding them is a bit dodgy for living a long time. Had some great times and some scary times on bikes. Not a good bike rider myself throwing one into a corner. Had mates that scared the crap out of me, but still loved it.

  12. "From the photo, age somewhere between 26 and 32.

    Assume she started working at age 20, assume 1-2 customers every day.

    6 years at 500 per year (5 day working week), that's a minimum of 3,000 customers."

    Very bad for a woman, bragging rights for a man!Wow I've had 3000 women!

    Sorry back on topic!

    Get the jist. Lots of "boyfriend". How many girlfriends have you had?
  13. Been here too long. Great country, love my wife. Stupidity occurs everywhere, including myself. Try to avoid it but keeps biting my ass.

    I think really to survive here, you need to put yourself first.

    And the one you love as a disposable extra while you can afford her.

    Self, self, self, essentially. learn to think like a woman.

    Off topic.

    If you say to "think like a woman", sorry but that is sexist.

    Think like a sensible person!

    Where is Scotroll?

    How did you manage to put sexist into that? Scouring the internet for possibilities?

  14. Been here too long. Great country, love my wife. Stupidity occurs everywhere, including myself. Try to avoid it but keeps biting my ass.

    I think really to survive here, you need to put yourself first.

    And the one you love as a disposable extra while you can afford her.

    Self, self, self, essentially. learn to think like a woman.

    Harsh but realistic. Unfortunately "love" does not follow sensible thinking.

    Single? I would be such a mess after a year or two. That is me, each to their own.

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