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Posts posted by Tony125

  1. On 10/26/2018 at 12:12 AM, sead said:

    Dont take this wrong, but I never understood why people who has left Thailand still read thai news and are interested in anything involving Thailand 

    Probably because they are sad/bitter that they had to leave and want to vindicate their reasons and convince themselves and others that they made the right decision.


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  2. 4 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    I read somewhere that the 'big' Christmas dinner in Japan was to go to KFC. Really!

    Although Christmas is not a formal, nationally recognized holiday in Japan, the Japanese culture has adopted the season's traditions and spirit over time. Cities celebrate Christmas through festivals and special events, and citizens celebrate the season with sentiment , presents and, of course, food

    From December 1974, KFC Japan began to promote fried chicken as a Christmasmeal, with its long running "Kentucky for Christmas" (Japanese: クリスマスはケンタッキー) advertising campaign. Eating KFC as a Christmas time meal has since become a widely practised custom in Japan.

    So contrary to your post where you asked why should the Thai celebrate Christmas both the Thai and Japanese celebrate it not as a religious holiday but as a time to give presents and have sanuk(fun)

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 10/22/2018 at 7:23 PM, wgdanson said:

    Do they celebrate Loy Krathong, Song Kran and other Buddhist dates in UK or USA. So why should they do it for J C in Thailand?

    For someone who has been in Thailand for any length of time you should have seen the many celebrations going on for Christmas with decorations, trees, carols , ect in Bangkok, Pattataya and other places. They even do Halloween especially in Pattaya. Japan does a huge Chritmas celebration ,its not a holiday but they have Christmas trees, decorations and  many Japanese go out  for  a big dinner. Bourbon Street Restaurant in Bangkok serves a Christmas dinner and also serves other US type dinners on Easter, Thanksgiving and other holidays. Many hotels will also be serving Christmas dinners .

    • Thanks 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, NobbyClarke said:

    I would appear to be the only one noticing hat there is never a mention of Chinese overstayers, Chinese criminals, Chinese gangs, Chinese gambling or anything remotely bad regarding the Chinese!!!

    Maybe I am missing something???

    I am 100% that not all Chinese arrive at the airport, go directly to the hotel, spend money and leave on time!

    Anyone have an opinion?


    There have been a few reports on TV of Chinese on overstay  but was not very long overstay. The ones coming over now are not working have lots of money and leave  and come back again. They are over running and buying property all over California as well. Guess you haven't seen the Chinese in Malls pushing large suitcases that they fill with goods they buy at the malls and then take home. My wife and I bought a condo in Jomtien to rent out , while waiting in office for a van to take us back to our car 6 Chinese couples came in with a Thai guide to purchase condo's.

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  5. 4 hours ago, jessebkk1 said:

    Fxxx you and anyone else like you who lacks empathy towards foreigners who live here in the midst of this harassment that is going on with immigration and expect us to be sympathetic to Thai people who are living in other countries.


     I'm american, and I have written to reps and senators in my state and I hope the thais in the US get taunted and hunted and sent back to Thailand, and yes they are in the millions. The only problem is that As a Thai person in America/Europe after a few years you earn the right in there forever and become a citizen, and even contest for elections, whereas as an American living here I have a higher chance of winning the lottery than becoming a citizen/resident, and God forbid I become sick after 20 years of already being legal here and become unable get my visas due to my illness, i'll be hounded like a dog and tossed in Thai immigration Detention Center (aka gas chamber), and mind you I've raised a Thai family with kids from another Dad and bought cars and built houses for her family members and treated their kids like my own blood. I have seen this happen to countless of Foreigner with absolutely NO mercy from the Thais.


      I want other countries to start tortmenting thais who live there and possibly cancel the citizenship of any Thai who visits thailand more than once in 2 years, and maybe this will cause Thais to start demonstrating about the harsh way their immigration is treating foreigners here. Most of these Thai politicians have kids who hold citizenship in other countries and they'll be the first to brag about it when you talk to them. I tell my neigbours about the constant troubles I've had with my visas over the years and they pretend to listen and pretend to care with the "oh sia dai na", and nobody gives a shit afterwards...After being here for over 20 years I have come to accept something "a thai person is like a cat who cry meow for you to give them milk or cuddle them when they want to feel loved, but will never stick their neck to fight for you because you're a foreigner. GOD, I WISH I NEVER STEPPED FOOT IN THIS PLACE, i'm stuck here financially.

    So now we can discern from your rant here and the other post that "you" are on overstay and are fearful of being caught up in this "good guys in  bad guys out" saying that exceptions should be made for falangs who have GF/wife kids here.. Sorry but you were young and "dumb" that you came for a visit and fell for a pretty/sexy Thai girl sold everything you had and are now stuck here. You should have checked the rules and ways to stay here long term (marriage visa)  If it came to a point of you not making enough to fullfill the mariage visa requirements then you should have left ,retuned to USA and found a job and brought your family over . Only choice now is to go to airport pay 20,000 baht overstay fine and work in USA or elsewhere till you 1--5 year ban is over. If can get good USA job bring family over. if caught on a long overstay the ban will be 10 years.

  6. 1 hour ago, jessebkk1 said:


       You can continue to support this Xenophobic acts by the Thai Government, and I believe you are either three of one of these groups of people who feel they re never going to have to be under the hammer of this growing Xenophobia. You are either a luk kreung, a foreigner married to Thai but you live outside the country, one of the lucky who got a residence permit or you a retiree.


     Here is what you need to understand foreigners are being used as scape goats in this political game currently ongoing in Thailand and being that most Thai's are closet Xenophobes they honestly don't have  problem with it.


    And here is where the problem is for a person like you cheering on this Mania. If you are a luk kreung you already know that you never be considered Thai, and you never be able to run for a mere council office as politician not unless your other half is asian, if you're married to a Thai woman who raised in Thailand or by a Thai woman anywhere else then your marriage is only a marriage of comfort, and whatever children you bring fort will FOREVER be foreigners and disenfranchised in thailand, If you're a retiree - understand this you can't survive here without the younger lads and their businesses, Thailand would never be thesame without them and yes, once they start lacking foreigners other visa categories, they'll start harassing your old ass in the retiree dept, and if you are one of the lucky few who got the residence card, you still not considered Thai, you're not "Thai Thai", you can't get a car loan or a house loan, and when ever you stop bending over you will be reminded that you are just a foreigner with an ID.

    Your post makes little sense. You say luk kreung  will never be considered real Thai and can't even run for a council office.  That half Thai children will forever be disenfranchised in Thailand.  luk kreung  may have been considered that many years ago but they have full Thai rights and privileges now. Many of the actors, singers, models  entertainers are luk kreung  . They can run for political office, buy land , serve in the military own businesses and don't need a work permit like a foreigner would.

    You say us retirees can't survive without the younger lads and their business.  ???? Retiree means I don't work, I receive money every month from a pension, property rentals, stocks or shares/income from a business I own so where do I need younger  lads and their business to survive?  I am not Thai. do not care to be a Thai citizen or permanent resident but will stay here as long as I like andwill leave if things become difficult. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    You are living in a dream world, for one they are rarely caught as they are wearing hoodies and never recognised, and secondly even if they were you couldn't force them to paint your house. That would be entirely at your expense. Ever tried getting blood out of a stone?

    You just like to argue , as I said in my post " as long as they were caught" as these two were then that is what I would want happen to them. If no one was caught as you say then there is no argument on a sentence my homeowner's insurance would have to pay. And as far as being made to repaint my house I guess your not from USA or never heard of alternative sentencing. That's where a judge would say pay for damages,pay fine and repaint (in this scenario ) the home or spend 3 months in jail, your choice.

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    I recently received a parcel 4 and a half months after it had been posted. The contents were not valuable (a book) but it appeared simply to have lain in a pile, in a sorting office perhaps, for months. I complained after about 3 and a half months. Perhaps this is why it arrived at all. No apologies. They provide a low standard service.

    Pattaya parcel and mail service is bad. I had a pkg sent from USA ,never got it or a notice of delivery attempt. 5 months later my brother in USA got it returned to him. Another time a pkg was attempted to be delivered but I was not home (was traveling) I sent sis-in-law to get they said they didn't have any record Is ent her back with tracing invoice showing  an attempt had been made and low and behold they find it in back room.

  9. 3 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    No one has said they are going to do 10 years, that's an absolute maximum that I imagine is never utilised, similarly with the huge fine. These youngsters have grown up in societies that are so soft on crime that they believe they are untouchable. Let Thailand, like Singapore make an example out of them. How happy would you be to come home and find graffiti all over your fence and front of your house? Might not be quite so magnanimous then.

    They could paint all over the house, I would be pissed but as long as they were caught I would have them pay damages/fine and would have enjoyed watching them personally have to repaint my home

  10. 2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Do you really think that's going to deter anyone from committing a similar crime? You only have to look at the ugly proliferation of graffiti in western countries to realise that a smack on the wrist never deterred anyone.

    The punishment is supposed to fit the crime. You don't execute someone for littering and they should not have to spend 10 years in jail for a stupid/drunken prank on a not ancient wall.

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  11. On 10/13/2018 at 5:18 PM, baansgr said:

    At 68 does she have kids and grandkids....apparently thai culture is that they take care of the parents and grandparents....or would it be as she was married to a Foreigner its the other way round....lets get some clarity on this issue as I see it as total crap

    You can see it however you want , I just stated the facts , why should I make the story up. My wife says they never had kids, and her parents have passed . She plans to sell the home (listed at 6 million baht) and move into a small condo or apartment and live off the sale of the house.

  12. 28 minutes ago, Kurtf said:

    Well since you aren't allowed to own any property in Thailand you can assume that land in her name will stay in her name. I don't know about your retirement but mine required me to list my beneficiary. Originally it was my first wife. When I got divorced I changed it to my kids. When I remarried I changed it to my Thai wife. I don't see where there is a problem. Make your bank account a joint account and she will have no trouble getting any money you have there. In the mean time you could be purchasing bars of gold for investment and when you croak she can cash them in or not.


    As others have stated depends on his country and pension. You said you changed your's 3 times  and you can leave an insurance benefit to just about anybody but a pension is a different story. Social Security Survivor benefits (from USA) can only be left to a spouse (legally married ) unless one has children under 22 yo. I am not positive but I think US  SS rules have been recently changed so that a spouse designated to receive a pension must have lived in the US for at least 5 years in order to be eligible.  Other countries and private/company pension plans have different rules. If he owns any property/assets in another country then he needs a will drawn up.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Jerry787 said:

    the child is in Thailand on  Lao passport as a Lao citizenship, indeed he got also European passport.

    Since the child has also EU passport you may be able to get  your embassy involved to say she is denying you access to a EU citizen or get a lawyer to maybe even bluff her by writing her you will sue for full custody if she doesn't alow you visits with the child. You know this new guy she is with will try to keep you from seeing the kid as he doesn't want a former lover of hers to still be in the picture (around your ex) as he considers you a threat and might try to get her to come back with you.

  14. 13 hours ago, Jerry787 said:

    yet on tourist visa but long resident as over 2 years in Thailand with the monthly visa run over the Myanmar border, without an official income, but yet with cash coming in via friends bank account. 
    Practically a permanent resident, legally a tourist, as was the officer similar point of view, the possibility of the court to accept the case will be minimal. 

    Shall maybe a possibility to get Immigration get involved for the above motifs,
    but again immigration is not concern on family law, as as long the passport is stamped regularly every month there will be no issue for them, at maximum explain where she get the funds for live, but being nothing illegal also cancel the tourist visa status will be not considered, i guess

    i am trying to see, that why i ask suggestions, if i got any ground to start a legal process, or better drop the idea as would be just waste of time and money.
    thanks for the help




    You ask for help but do not want to give us full information. Since you do not answer I guess we can decide that you were never married to her and since neither of you are Thai the child is not Thai but considered a stateless person. If you were USA, Brit or some other country's citizen your child might take your nationality by descent (being child of fathers country) What is your nationality? If you are from a country which allows citizenship by descent then you would at least need your name on the birth certificate, you then could go to your embassy and apply for a passport for the child. Did you ever go thru the process to legitmise the birth of your child by going to court or local Amphur? If your name was on birth certificate you could have done that and may still be able to do. If no name on birth certificate and without help from the mother I see little chance of any success without a really good lawyer.

  15. On 10/10/2018 at 2:08 AM, RamenRaven said:



    One of the best posts, thanks. I don't eat large meals right before bedtime, and when I carb-load, it's usually several hours before bedtime.


    Back home, I used to have carb-loading pasta parties with my friends. Here in Thailand, white rice should do the trick.


    As for beer, it doesn't actually have that many calories. Fruit juice and sports drink can have more, and athletes drink a lot of them.


    Thanks to all the members for the beer suggestions, which really made me laugh. But if you exercise a lot, alcohol is the last thing you want to have (drunk biking? that's scary, no thanks!). I always have tea or fruit juice instead.


    Some other people are saying, stop all that exercise! But we exercise to compete, to win, and just for the hell of it too. Hardcore athletes don't really think that much about weight loss.


    Now I'm easing into a new habit of drinking carbohydrates by drinking moderately sweet, healthy drinks. Before I was drinking almost exclusively water since sugary drinks don't quench thirst as well in hot, humid weather for some people.


    Was in GNC yesterday at The Mall Ngam Wong Wan Road and they had a sale all their weight gain powders buy 1 get 1 free

    High T

    If you’re looking to grow lean muscle mass and to perform better in the gym, proper nutrition is key.


    Immediately after you finish your workout, you’ll want to make sure to digest some protein to help speed up recovery and to start the muscle building process.

    For most people, a shake that contains roughly 40g of protein will work. That’s typically two scoops of any protein powder.

    Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing
    • Thanks 1
  16. Update 5
    Posted by Sarah Evison
    We are coming home! George has been given his fit to fly certificate and so we leave the beauty of Koh Samui on Wednesday returning to the UK on Thursday of this week
    without you this would not have been possible and the whole family thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity 
    but unfortunately it doesn't stop here. Upon our return, George will start cancer treatment at the North Staffs hospital in Stoke. His girlfriend, Natalie and George will be staying with my family whilst he undergoes whatever treatment he requires. It's not going to pleasant nor easy, but we look forward with positivity and light in our hearts. 
    Please do not stop donating as any amount is , believe me, going towards Georges wellbeing in the future
    Again , thank you all
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  17. 4 hours ago, Geordieabroad said:

    Never heard of suicide brought on by toothache before, R.I.P. mate.

    In the U.K. i would always buy Ibuprofen for pain but it's not available here. While suffering with sciatica here in Thailand recently, i discovered that GOFEN 400, which is available over the counter at virtually all pharmacies is actually ibuprofen 400mg. 

    Just a tip for any of our expat friends who may require pain relief.

    You can also get it as Nurofen (Ibuprofen 400mg) over the counter.  I simply asked for Ibuprofen at Pharmacy years ago and she showed me pkg of Nurofen . Can get Naproxen aka Aleve in the US as NaproFazt (soft gels ) here. I had a wisdom tooth causing a lot of pain could not sleep and ibuprofen not working so had it pulled. seems to me he or his daughter could have afforded at least that. My brother-in-law had an infected molar pulled last week. Antibiotics plus removal was 2,200 baht.

  18. The fat farangs you see are from not exercising and drinking beer. You can gain weight by drinking beer but if you don't consume alcohol like me try eating carbs at night before a long run/bike ride in the morning. I was a runner most of my life and still do distance on a bike now. You must know that marathon runners and triathletes eat a lot of pasta the nite before a race to carbo load to have enough carbs to easily burn during a race. You can also go to any GNC stores or other health/supplement shops to buy weight gain whey powders to give you the calories and protein your body needs for the hard workouts your doing. "The Rock" Duane Johnson eats 6,000 calories a day to maintain his muscles and size.   Read post #18 , that shake can help maintain your weight. Try Pizza Company, if you get members card you can get 2  pizzas for the price of one so no extra cost to eat more. Can also use creatine to boost energy and strengthen your muscles, it's legal even for pro athletes. 

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