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Posts posted by Doza

  1. Any extra green is most welcome but the BMA giving away seedlings to apartment-bound city dwellers and telling people to plant trees is impratical and does not focus on meaningful long term strategies. But they leverage the PR pretty hard.

    I guess, at least they are doing something, and they are raising awareness on climate change etc which is positive. Slowly slowly...

  2. The country in question has always been eager to play the victim and use force and leverage to get what they want. I hope the journos, business leaders and members mentioned form a strong group and stand these paranoid intimidators down.

  3. Sorry but the embassies mentioned, Aus and NZ as well, will not just give you money and/or pay your airfare. They will, however, assist in contacting relatives in your home country (should you wish that) who may be able to stump up or guarantee cash to pay expenses for you. Or there may be some sort of way you can guarantee a loan (verifyable bank account in home country possibly) The foreign service will not simply give you money, without guarantee of payment, because you don't have any. They will not give beggars money for food and accomodation and a flight home. They would go broke.

    The way its written what this guy said "euros", "my friend" etc etc doesn't sound like a Brit or Yank to me at all.

  4. Hey let's not let our disagreements regarding Israelis to slow down our rant against the quality of foreign journalists in Bangkok and their inability to confront the current self-elected administration. The fact that they mustered the artificial courage to harass en masse a visiting Israeli pales in significance.

    Seems to me like the guy couldn't hack some questions, was dictating and made a fool of himself.

    If you think everyone at the FCCT is a journo you've never been. Its a discerning crowd and this guy obviously looked like a clown.

    I think you've got a personal problem with journos. Poor you.

  5. Just in case you think only Palestinians are terrorists...

    King David Hotel bombing

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    The hotel after the bombingThe King David Hotel bombing (July 22, 1946) was a bombing attack against the British government of Palestine by members of Irgun — a militant Zionist organization.

    The attack, initially ordered by Menachem Begin the head of the Irgun and later Prime Minister of Israel, had members of the Irgun, dressed as Arabs, set off a bomb in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which had been the base for the British Secretariat, the military command and a branch of the Criminal Investigation Division (police). Ninety-one people were killed, most of them staff of the secretariat and the hotel: 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 other. Around 45 people were injured. The attack was commanded by Yosef Avni and Yisrael Levi.[1]

    The attack on the hotel was the deadliest attack against the British in the history of the Mandate. Some say the bombing should be seen in light of the escalating violence in the region and the conflict between the three main forces in the region: British, Israeli and Arab.[citation needed] In particular, the attack was a retaliation for Operation Agatha, the British mass arrests of June 29 1946, when British troops raided the Jewish Agency and confiscated large quantities of documents, such as information about Jewish Agency operations, including intelligence activities in Arab countries.[citation needed] At about the same time, more than 2,500 Jews from all over Palestine were placed under arrest. A large number of seized documents were taken to the hotel.

  6. Please don't start on the Palestinian issue. Killing innocent people - do you know that many of Isreal's Prime Ministers were terrorist themselves and involved in terrorist organisation in the 30 / 40s trying to establish new state????

    All Isreal has shown is that it has offered Palestinians - the people that were living in (for centuries) what is now Isreal and were forced to move - is that it will do business on its own terms and its own terms only, and that the Palestinians should be thankful they get any offer whatsoever. Forvive them if they aren't grateful.

    You have your homeland taken away and occupied and your people persucuted, and see if you don't become a terrorist yourself. After all, many Isrealis did until they established their own state.

  7. Hopefully that means Skinner will get a start. Its definately a blow though...

    Back to the jerseys - tight one are definately the go, no doubt. They are great to play in and the players look like athletes (aside from maybe World's Best Prop Matt Dunning) in them. But the latest design out with all the seams and that ventilation thing on the front is just weird.

  8. I can see it now...the new slogan for Thai Tourism..

    Venice of Asia....

    You're about 100 years too late for that one. BKK with all its klongs and the river (used to have more) has been referred to as the Venice of the East for a long time.

    Also people are talking about flooding here but rising sea levels is different - think floods but permanent!

    I go for the sea wall scenario.

    And yes, as mentioned, water borne tropical diseases may increase. We are now seeing an increase in Dengue fever in the region (although I am not relating this to global warming necessarily).

  9. Well that's that then.

    Thais are slowly waking up to global warming. Now the BMA is on the warpath - although very ineffectively, we can see billboards around the city warning of global warming and announcing BMAs goal to reduce CO2 emissions by x% (thinnk 40!).

    They have an activity on the 9th of every month as well although it is badly publicised and will, in August, release a report on Bangkok and climate change and the BMAs 5 year plan to combat it.

    There are also climate change exercise books that are going into Thai schoosl to teach the subject but how many, and when and by whom is still unclear.

    But things are happening and it is coming on the radar - but very slowly.

    I'm not surprised Gore cancelled to be honest.

  10. All I'm saying is what the vast and growing majority of scientists are saying around the world. All you are saying is some argument that you believe and possibly a shrinking number of scientst are saying around the world now.

    Are you saying all the scientists, every one of them, from learning institutions of great repute (Carnegie Institute / CSIRO / Oxford University et al) and from organisation whose funding comes from many and varied places that all link climate change with human activity - every single one of them is conjuring up evidence to support their funding? Every single one of them is linking dodgy evidence to keep some cospirators in the business of fear happy? Are you serious?

    The problem with that is, the scientist who are establishing climate change is human influenced are not the same ones who research solutions. So when the world believes climate change IS human influenced (and YES the world does now believe this and every country and every university and every major company is doing something about it) the funding to decided whether it is or not stops, and it starts on funding to research solutions.

    And are you also telling me, some dude behind a computer on some Thailand forum, that world leaders, CEOs of the top companies, scientists from the worlds leading institutions, community and civic leader - all those people of great education, standing, and respect, have all been duped by these scientist who are making up connections between climate change and man-made GHG emissions, and are all way off the mark when they say we have to reduce our emissions to slow or reverse the impact of climate change???????????

    Good effort at an argument mate, but whatever, I'm sticking with the rest of the world on this one...

    Global destruction! You don't dare question this, it's too scary

    ###### right it is! And even a little evidence is enough to convince me to do something about it, the alternative is not worth thinking about.

  11. Taxi driver went out of his way to return a wallet to a friends apartment after he left it in a car.

    Thai colleagues will usually go out of their way to do anything for. Take you shopping, sort out food, translate etc etc.

    Always polite and generous.

    ....but hang on, those last two are generalisations which are frowned upon here so disregard them. Let me think of more specifics.

  12. So population control has to be the driving issue, not consumption alone

    Increasing populations drive consumption, so yes, we need to reduce people. But now you have countrie in economic booms that need increasing populations to maintain it. Some are looking abroad at immigration, others promoting more children.

  13. Its simple guys - the earth has warmed and cooled over millenia, naturally. But due to ice-core drilling where scientists can see what the level of CO2 was in our atmosphere thousands if years ago, and also the temperature from other data, they have established a very difficult to deny link between CO2 and temps.

    Now, since the industrial age, we humans have been pouring CO2 into the atmodsphere in a very UNnatural way and are altering the earths delicate balance that lead to natural heating and coolin periods.

    Never befire has the earth had to deal with CO2 levels at almost 400 part per million. Given the link between temps and CO2 levels, we could be leading ourselves down to path to some very serious MAN-MADE or MAN-INFLUENCED sh*t if we don't reduce the build up of C02 in the atmosphere.

    Remember simple science? GHGs TRAP the suns heat, they don't let it pass back into space. So we put more GHGs in, we trap more heat. Simple guys, really.

    So noone can say for sure what is really going to happen. But we wold have to be STUPID not to start worrying about the build up of GHG and start reducing. And in fact we ARE worrying. When big oil starts addressing renewables and ADMIT the link, things are happening.

    Its like the cancer debate - eventually eveyone will come around to the fact that the science is in and somethings got to be done.

    the WORST thing we can do is nothing,...

  14. You see very few respected scientist working independantly who will not acknowledge the link between CO2 levels and global warming. When you have Exxon now acknowledging a link, you know that the sheer weight of science has tipped in that direction. If there was still lively debate amongst leading scientist like there was 2 years ago, companies like Exxon would still be saying there is debate and noonce can be sure. But when they turn, you know the debate is over.

  15. Yeah whatever. Its like one person saying:

    "you know, Thai people are more polite than other nationalities generally - its my experience, my friends share the same comments, I read it regularly on the interenet so i know others have the same perception and its sometimes written about in the newspapers"

    and the other one saying

    "I don't think they are, give me scientific proof they are more polite than anyone else. Maybe you just notice it more because of xyz? I will not accept that Thai people in general are more polite than any other nationlaity unless you give me scientific proof?. How can I just believe anecdotes?"

  16. Mate, we all know the extent of it because you read it here, you see it on the news, I have even seen it on AXN's Extreme Video of X Factor or whatever, you read about it in the papers, and sometimes you or your friends have had it happen to you or seen it. And sooner or later you realise it happens here much more than back in farangland.

    If you don't realise that, nobody cares. Its clear here that most people realise it. Noone is interested in finding scientific 'proof' (how would that exist anyway???!!! Strange comment) to convince to faceless internet dude named JimJim of the issue. go find your own proof. Or better still, just keep your eyes open and sooner or later you'll realise it too. Or not....but who cares whether you can see it ir not. Not me...

  17. In fact, even those oil companies like Chevron and even Exxon now who ackowledge the link between Co2 and climate change are part of a bigger conspiracy as well!!!! Gore is secretly working with them to get rich and run a new world order. The whole need for clean energy is just a ruse!!!!!

  18. I love the global warming deniers. Lets just keep on cutting down a football field of forest every 2 seconds, burning up fossil fuels, consuming like crazy, increasing the GHG level in our atmosphere and think everythin is going to be ok, and the link between Co2 levels and temperatures is all crap, and Gore and others like Nicholas Stern are part of some big conspiracy to make us all greener for no reason so they can line their own pockets. And all those idiots tracking encroaching deserts and animals moving towards the poles due to increased temperatures are all psuedo-scientists who spend oto much time on research and don't have a clue about how the greenbhouse effect works. Blah blah blah...

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