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  1. Yeah, marriage and ownership can go together if you can own property in LOS. Homes represent stability for a Thai wife or GF but not for you. You can easily lose all here. If she is with you cos. the property she can be easily "gold digger".So many foreigners here lose all.
  2. Yeah, your wife can buy it in her name. I have been here for 13 years and I can speak Thai fluently. My wife is Thai, but I want to be the owner, so I bought a condominium.
  3. As a foreigner, you can not buy land (house) in Thailand in your name.
  4. As we can see, he has a cute Thai wife who wants to purchase property advertising on social media. He did not do due diligence and properly check the documents in LOS. I do not feel sorry for him. How anyone normal can pay upfront following social media only?
  5. Yeah. For smaller health issues I can go to Thai government hospitals and pay a fraction I need to pay in private one.If you are over 65 it is almost impossible to have good insurance here .
  6. From my experience and point of view, 25-30.000 THB per month is quite enough if you live alone and have a place to live. Single accommodation can be easily found for 5-6000 THB per month. If you have a Thai spouse 40.000 per month is OK. In rural areas, the cost of living is 20-25.000 THB per month. Of course, this is without a car and very costly health insurance which is a luxury and not necessary.
  7. KRUNGSRI bank pays interest in THB and USD and EUR -fixed for 3-4 months
  8. vukovar77


    I ordered some things from TEMU, but they never came.
  9. You can find a job, live there, or stay in some Thai temple occasionally.
  10. I have a TIN and a Pink ID. Numbers are not the same.
  11. Insurance is so expensive in Thailand if you are over 65 that I decided not to do that in LOS.For smaller health problems I go to state hospitals (I can speak thai and my wife is thai) and it is not expensive.For a bigger problems I will go in my country in EU where I am fully covered .
  12. This will be interesting???I hope it will not make unrest and political instability we have witnessed before in LOS!!!!
  13. So,what do you suggesst ?Ukraine should surrender and lose their country and ukraian people must be russian slaves?This will not happened.All civilized world will help Ukraine to destroy russian forces in ukraine.West will not give up as well.No one want to live in russian captivity.
  14. Yeah,Siam Reap and some places near the seaside are thriving cos. Agkor and tourism,but Cambodia is far bigger and poverty is high.
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