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Everything posted by Catoni

  1. Cold weather claim for Laos and Cambodia also. Impossible. We’ve been having Global Warming for half a century now. This cold claim is just propaganda from right wing climate deniers.
  2. Okay, then why are YOU in Thailand? Are you desperate? Or simply crazy?
  3. He didn’t bring clips. He brought magazines. There is a difference.
  4. The guy is an adult with no criminal record. Clean History. And an honourable work record in law enforcement. I would give him the benefit of the doubt.
  5. Leave your case closed when you’re at the shooting bench. That way empty shells flying out of your weapon won’t go flying into your case. Good idea to put your case on the opposite side from the side the shells fly out also. Double check everything before you leave the range.
  6. I heard that in Singapore you get in deep doo doo even for spitting your chewed gum on the sidewalk.
  7. Bullet…”…clips..” ? ? I thought they said magazines.
  8. Too bad Thailand doesn’t have a tiny weather research station in Antarctica. They could send him there to serve a few years.
  9. Israeli police officer with no criminal record. Confiscate the pistol magazines, have him pay a modest fine, and give him a verbal and typed up warning and let him continue on with seeing Thailand. The guy is obviously not an international criminal wanted by INTERPOL or anyone else.
  10. Are lighter and lighter sentences, easy parole and release happening in more and more countries for theft, sexual predators and pedophiles and violent criminal gang members, and drug dealers? What’s going on ? This perp should not have been on the street.
  11. NEVER annoy ghosts. Respect them. They’re waiting for us. 555 ????????
  12. Spent more than four months there. In cities, and in the the north west mountains. Lots of karaoke bars in the cities. But there were no Karaoke bars far back in the mountains in tribe villages….like the Lisu villages. I might not know everything about Thailand. I suspect you don’t know everything about Thailand also. 5555 Namo Buddhaya ???????? ☸️
  13. Not proof. Karma works in following lives also. Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot will eventually regret what they did and pay at some point. We don’t pay in this life? We pay after death or in next life. It catches up with us eventually. Namo Buddhaya ???????? ☸️
  14. There are karaoke bars in the countryside? Are you sure? I never get outside the cities. Why would anyone have a karaoke bar out in the countryside? Not enough customers out in the countryside.
  15. None of this is “accidental”. It’s intentional. “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
  16. I can’t prove it exists. But can you prove that it doesn’t?
  17. He’s lucky the police just told him that what he did was also illegal and he could have been charged. He’s lucky they thought it was funny and let him off the hook and decided to help him. I guess this Indian wasn’t in Thailand to spend time at Buddhist temples working towards enlightenment.
  18. Maybe instead of got goatees…..they “have” goatees. Standard attempt at disguise.
  19. Well when I had the Sak Yant Gao Yord tattooed at the top of my back by a highly respected monk tattooist outside of Chiang Mai…. Yes, it was painful….perhaps because he is tattooing you right over your backbone vertebra. He was using Khem Sak…. A long brass or bronze rod with a double pointed spike in it. It was all Thais there. I was the only Farang. There with my Thai friends. If I had known how painful it was going to be, I never would have started. First time I had a tattoo in my life, at age 61. Crazy thing is….a few days later I wanted more. Ended up with nine Sak Yant tattoos from the monk… with the prayers and blessings and sprinkling ….. I am a Buddhist also. Having gone for Refuge in the Triple Gem and taken the Five Precepts with the head abbot and monks at a Khmer Krom Theravada Temple. Namo Buddhaya. ???????? ???????? ???????? ☸️
  20. Maybe it depends on where about you are living in Thailand. Where all the farangs usually go…maybe Baht bus. But other regions ….Songthaew.
  21. Maybe good for a stretch in a Thai prison behind bars. Big fine, kicked out of Thailand and never allowed back in. Don’t need criminals.
  22. “…baht bus..”. I think that might be the vehicle I call a “Songthaew” if I’m not mistaken. Condolences to the victims and family.
  23. Nope …..just fists. So old fashioned. Didn’t even bother picking up a rock or a branch. And not even a little Swiss Army Knife.
  24. It’s caused by the horrifying Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Crisis with Sea Level Rise, and oceans becoming Acidic. Caused by western capitalist bourgeois society’s use of fossil fuels, Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, John Kerry, Barack Oboma, Joe Biden and A.O.C., and Leonardo DoCaprio and Klaus Schwab and the W.E.F. and the U.N. warned us. But we didn’t listen. We still have lots of people who claim that climate is not changing and never changes. They are DENIARS.
  25. Obviously you have no understanding of Lord Buddha’s teaching and the teachings of Theravada Buddhism. You are allowed to eat meat as long as it was not specifically killed for you. Vegetarianism and Veganism is an individual choice. Perhaps a few sects of Mahayana Buddhism are strict vegetarians/Vegans. Try going to Nepal and Tibet and see if Vajrayana Buddhists eat meat or not. Buddha never forbade his followers to eat meat. Namo Buddhaya ???????????????????????? ☸️
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