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Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
The people with emotional damage are the paranoid obedient sheep. I have this thing about freedom. I love it and I’m addicted to it. Strange huh? My father and grandfather and uncles raised me to love individual freedom and personal responsibility. They taught me to hate authoritarian/totalitarian systems like fascism, Nazism, socialism and Marxist Communism and other types of communism and dictatorships . I do understand these authoritarian totalitarian ideologies are becoming more and more popular among many people these days. But I refuse to join. The point is, unless it is an N-95 mask or a highly efficient gas mask, benefit is insignificant. What you are doing is bowing to the orders, acquiescing to whatever the overlords demand. You are wearing a mask not for the science, but for virtue signalling and to “fit in” and make your leader happy. I see you like to mud sling and ad hominem name call to conservative and libertarian freedom loving media and interests. That’s not very nice of you. Very rude. But these days it’s common of statist extremists to condemn freedom loving individualists. You remind me of our present Canadian Prime Minister, who is on record for admiring the Chinese “basic dictatorship”. You can see the video of him making that statement on YouTube. He also idolized Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and went to the funeral in Havana and gave a gushing, admiring eulogy at the funeral. Trudeau is also an admirer of the Venezuela socialist system. I bet you and Trudeau would get along together just fine. Thank you for your hope I never have to wear false teeth My teeth are just fine. Not sure why I would need false teeth. I take good care of them. Only had to have my wisdom teeth removed many years ago. They came in impacted. But thank you for your kind wishes. Have fun and take care. Best wishes to you and your family. ????????????☸️ 555 -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
The way you talk, you seem to be the type of person who loves authoritarianism or a totalitarian type of government. I certainly do not see you as a freedom loving person, except perhaps for yourself. You would love to enforce and regulate people’s lives to suite your particular proclivities. It’s quite evident in your comments. “Not unless you walked around with it sellotaped to your forehead for all to see.” Really? Your comment reminds me of a book I once read. “1984” by an author named George Orwell. Ever heard of it? I’ve got news for you. I ‘m back in my home country of Canada, (hoping to return to SE Asia later this year or early next year for good this time) and we don’t mask up on buses or trains or grocery stores or malls anymore ….unless we want to. Only places still insisting on it are some, (not all) doctors and dentists offices. Now out of 20 people, you might see two or three still wearing the mask. What’s really funny is seeing people outside, a long ways away from anyone else, and walking wearing a mask. Or masked up and driving alone in their vehicle. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people living all alone and masked up all by themselves and even sleeping masked up. Many countries have dropped mask mandates. For good reason. Some people are so paranoid…. Perhaps you would find this graph interesting. States with no mask mandates only saw a slight increase in cases during some months, and less in other months. On the other hand, states with mask mandates saw more cases in some months, and less in others. Over all …not a significant huge difference. NY Post Illustration i hope you have a wonderful day. Best wishes to you and family. Take care . -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
If I wanted to reduce all risks in life, I would never ride a motorbike, never get in a car, never fly, and always carry a loaded pistol and a couple spare full magazines for self defence in case of criminal attack. And for risk…….have you crossed busy streets in Thailand or Cambodia or other countries in the region? Even crossing a big street in Chiang Mai (Huay Kaew Road at Malin Plaza) when I had the light and crossing in my favour, a guy in a pickup blew right through the red light anyways, and almost put me in the hospital or almost killed me. Literally inches from me. Quite an experience. Needless to say, I turned the air blue with lots of choice words when that happened. Life is full of risks. And I still cross streets. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Quote: “You do understand you can be sick and not know it, right?” So we should always mask up even if we are fully vaccinated and boosted and feel totally fine ? “”Sick until proven otherwise”. “Guilty until proven innocent.” Nice….. How about I take a RAT test every day before leaving the house? Shows negative ….I don’t mask up. Would you be happy with that? -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
I’m not being controlled? Good. Then since I don’t like wearing the mask, and I don’t want to wear the mask, I refuse to wear the mask. Very happy nobody is controlling me and insisting I wear one or face penalties. Thank you for pointing out that I am not being controlled. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
I did try it, wore the mask from the day everyone started wearing them, until the third week of January, 2022, when I got Covid anyways five days after my first booster. Wearing the mask and getting the shots…got Covid anyways . Don’t you get it? I repeat: Masking up constantly and with others masked up and constant hand sanitizer, and social distancing, and staying home except to get groceries, did not stop us from getting COVID-19 I’ve now had two Pfizer shots, a Moderna booster, a second booster, (Pfizer again). So now I’ve had a total of four shots. GOT COVID-19 FIVE DAYS AFTER MY FIRST BOOSTER, AND RECOVERED. I thought “How the hell did that happen? I followed all the rules!” So I now also have the natural “super” immunity from having had Covid and recovered. So I’m finished with the face condom. It didn’t stop me and many others I know from getting Covid. Keep wearing it if you like. Knock yourself out. I’m finished with the face condom. Back to the normal life our “dear leaders and Fauci” promised us if we faithfully got vaccinated. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
That’s the way. Mud slinging, ad hominem, attack people because they are Conservatives. You forgot to call them Nazis and racists…..I expect that to be next. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
And a lot of other people stop wearing masks and don’t get Covid. And others wear masks religiously and get Covid anyways. Your friends getting Covid when they stopped wearing masks is no proof that the masks were preventing them from getting Covid previously. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Science is never done by “consensus”. If it’s consensus, it’s not science. If it’s science, it’s not consensus. The late Michael Crichton, MD, author, film producer, put it this way: “I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had. “Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period. Quote: “Consensus: “The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead. What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner: ‘I stand for consensus?” - Lady Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of England “A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.” - Abba Eban -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
I guess you missed the part where I said…quote: “Obeying common sense laws,”. I never said “We shouldn’t obey any of them…” (laws) So no…you didn’t get it. But it’s quite evident you love putting words in other people’s mouths to suit your agenda. Not surprising. Statists of the extreme right and extreme left tend to be selective of what they read and quote, and then interpret things as they see fit, and stoop to making things up. After all..they are lovers of “Big Brother” and tend towards authoritarianism and dictatorship. Please have a safe and wonderful day. Take care. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
The ones who have “fragile egos” as you put it, are the ones who are masked up and who feel insulted and disgusted when they see someone out in public not masked up. They tend to resort to referring to unmasked people in public, insulting name calling…like “inconsiderate jerk”. Such thin skinned sensitive egos need to grow a thicker skin and respect other people’s decisions to not wear a mask. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
I don’t care how I look to others as long as I am dressed respectfully, and show normal respect and normal politeness to others. And I couldn’t care less what others think about how I look or what they think if I choose not to wear a mask. Some people have a very thin skin and very little self confidence. That’s their problem. Not mine. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
If he was fully vaccinated and boosted and not sick…then No…he was not being an inconsiderate jerk. He was breathing free. Obeying common sense laws, and not being obedient about nonsense dictates from our overlords. The jerks are those who believe people should obey whatever “laws”, rules and dictates our “Great Leaders” wish to impose on us. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
The doctors and trained scientists don’t even agree with each other, and to top it off they kept changing their minds ever since this thing escaped from the lab. Mask, no mask, mask indoors but not outdoors, mask outdoors, stay home, get the shot you won’t get the virus. Get one shot…get two shots. Oh..sorry now you need a booster…… sorry again two boosters…..three.. four….. oh sorry… now a booster every nine months for the rest of your life. Double mask is best…. N-95 mask is best…and don’t forget your face shield on top of it. Do you so soon forget the WHO tweet on January 14, 2020, the World Health Organization (doctors and scientists) tweeted that there was “no clear evidence” that the Covid coronavirus could spread between humans. Do you forget that already? Did you believe the doctors and scientists then? And they told us the vaccine is the key to going back to a normal life. Do you forget? Well, a normal life means I don’t wear a mask anymore. But please feel free to continue to mask up for the rest of your life if you wish. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Fine, then you wear it. I won’t criticize you. It’s “,,just a mask”. But for those of us who’ve had enough of the face condom…let us breathe free again. I wore the mask religiously until I had my first two shots, and then my first booster, followed five days later by getting Covid anyways even though I had the shots and wore the mask and used hand sanitizer. . After I was cleared from Covid…. that was it for me… No More Obedience Face Diaper. Don’t criticize me for not wearing one. I won’t criticize you if you choose to wear one. Fair ? Thank you. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Well, I’m 70, a bit obese, quadruple cardiac bypass surgery, borderline diabetic. Got Covid back in January five days after my Moderna booster. (Marked it on the calendar. Tested strong positive for Covid on two tests) Was sick for two weeks. Like a little bit worse than the common cold. Never even slowed me down. I could function just as easily as usual. I’ve had the Flu several times in the past, and the Flu was much much worse. WAY worse. Totally bed ridden and soaked in sweat from high fever. If you were to tell me that starting tomorrow I had to have either Covid, or the Flu, my choice…..I would say give me Covid. Whatever you do, don’t give me the Flu. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
I wore the [face masks] long enough. And it didn’t stop me from getting Covid five days after my first booster. Tested strong positive with two tests. Sick for two weeks. So much for the face mask. I’m done wearing those.... It’s wonderful to be able to walk around breathing free after covering my face for so long. Keep wearing them if you wish. I do believe in freedom. I won’t think badly of you if you mask up. Try not to think badly of those of us who are finished with masking and wish to breath free and see faces again. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
“Coincidence?” You can’t prove it’s not. I wore the mask religiously from day one when it was suggested, got my first two Covid shots in 2021 as soon as the vaccine became available here, (Pfizer) then in January 2022 got my first booster, Moderna (continuing to mask up), and five days later got sick and tested twice strong positive for Covid, and was sick for two weeks with it. Coincidence ? Much good the masking up did. I’m finished with the Obedience now. I’ll continue to get the shots. But I’m done with the O.F.D.’s I can also tell you about my sister-in-laws brother. A REAL Covid paranoid if there ever was one. Started masking back when this all began, then double masking with a face shield and wearing those silly blue rubber gloves. Got his shots. And ALSO got Covid anyways. Coincidence ? There is no way you can prove you got Covid because you stopped wearing the mask. But go ahead and try all you wish. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
When I come across a country where it has been long established custom for everyone to wear masks, going back to their great great grandparents time and before, maybe I’ll do so. But then why do people from other countries continue to dress in their national dress and not dress and act like us when they come to western countries? It appears that for us….when in Rome do as Romans do. But when Romans go to other countries, they can continue to do as Romans do. What we call a Double Standard. I’ll dress and wear what I wish as long as my torso legs and arms are covered. No mask. Now please list the countries where it has long been established national historic custom to go around masked. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Wear one if you wish. Your choice. It is my choice and many others, to not wear one. I wore a mask religiously at first, got my two initial Pfizer shots. Then I got my Moderna booster. And five days after my booster, I got Covid. (Tested strong positive for Covid twice) I’m also supposed to be in the group that ends up in intensive care and on a ventilator and die. (70years old, obese, quadruple cardiac bypass, borderline diabetic). It was no worse than the common cold. Never even slowed me down. So wear you mask if you wish. I believe in freedom of choice and would never insist you remove it. Just respect other’s freedom of choice also. Don’t tell us to put one on. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Strange…I don’t know one person who has died from Covid. But I knew three in my long life who have died of Flu and complications into pneumonia. I do know a few people who have had Covid, including myself. And it was much milder than Flu. Never even slowed us down. Perhaps because we had had a couple Pfizer shots. I’m 70, a bit obese, quadruple cardiac bypass surgery, borderline diabetic. They kept on saying it was people like me who end up in intensive care on ventilators with Covid and die. I had two Covid tests when I got sick. Both were strong positive for Covid. And yet it never even slowed me down. From my own experience, It was no worse than the common cold. As well as my two original Pfizer shots, I’m now also doubled boosted. One booster of Moderna, second booster was another Pfizer shot. No more Obedience Face Diaper for me. I love breathing free again everywhere. And it’s wonderful seeing people’s faces again. What I say is….if you want to wear an O.F.D., wear one. If you don’t want to wear an O.F.D., don’t wear one. Freedom of choice. But don’t push your weight around ordering others to wear an O.F.D. My personal guess…no amount of masks will protect you forever from Covid. At best…it will only delay getting Covid. Instead of getting Covid now..you’ll get it later..in six months or a year or two if you’re lucky. NOTE: I am not an anti-vaxxer. I do believe in vaccines. I get all my shots. Infant shots, boosters through life, adult shots like Shingrix for Shingles…. Tropical Disease shots for travel, everything. And all my Covid shots. However…I AM very much an anti-masker. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
I know of no country where wearing a mask is a local custom of showing respect. Perhaps some aboriginal tribe in some jungle I am not aware of. Maybe you would wear an animal mask or spirit mask in such a situation. Other than that….no such place. Not to mention, how are you supposed to eat your meal and have your drink? Perhaps lift the mask, shove some food in, and lower the mask while you chew? Apparently there was some California politician that told us we should do that. Only raise or lower your mask while putting food or drink in…then cover up with you mask while you chew and swallow. No…seriously…that’s what they tried to tell us. No joke, this is not April 1. Could you enlighten us please? -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
The code word is: “OBEY” -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
What exactly is wrong with his comment? I see nothing wrong with his comment and I agree with him. -
Leading Thai doctors calling for mask mandate to be reinstated
Catoni replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
As if the masks actually work. Studies now around the world show that they stop less than 30% of the virus. My sister-in-law’s brother was super paranoid. He wears a mask, face shield over the mask, blue plastic gloves. He got fully vaccinated plus boosters. And then he was totally shocked to still get Covid. So much for masks, face shield and blue rubber gloves protecting him. You need at MINIMUM..an N-95 filtering respirator with no valve, to make any meaningful difference . That’s science. I didn’t go to my sister-in-law’s brother’s extreme. But I WAS wearing my mask and was double vaccinated and one booster…and got Covid five days after my first booster. So much for masks protecting me. Your mask is not protecting that kid. There are so many viruses….and kids are much much more resistant to Covid than adults are. That’s science. The common Flu would be much more deadly to him if it effects people with some sort of heart defect. If he is that sensitive…. then the kid should be enveloped in a plastic body shield with a built in air filtration system. He should not be outside. He should be living in a “bubble room” to shield him from bacteria and viruses.