My sister-in-law’s brother was so paranoid about Covid, he wore N-95 masks, those blue gloves, face shield over his face, shots plus boosters, and then he was totally mystified and puzzled when he still came down with Covid anyways. He couldn’t figure out how it happened when he obeyed all the rules and did what they told us to do.
So much for masks……even N-95 masks didn’t stop him from getting Covid. I got Covid also in January and it was like a very mild Flu for two weeks. Positive RAT tested twice.
Had my two Pfizer shots in 2021. Moderna booster in January, and five days after the booster, came down with Covid. 70 years old, borderline diabetic, on the obese side of weight, quadruple bypass. But Covid never even slowed me down. The two weeks I had it was easy. Not near as bad as regular Flu infection.