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Everything posted by Catoni

  1. Yes….even Aspirin and Tylenol can do bad damage if misused or if a person has a reaction to it. No vaccine or medicines are perfect.
  2. There is nothing in Theravada Buddhism that advocates such murderous brutal behaviour. Quite the contrary. Do you not know the very first Precept? That monk was a monk by robes only. Not in his heart and mind. Do you think that religions kill, but not atheists ? Do you think there are no murderers in the general public? How about politics? No murderers in Marxism? There is no room for hatred of Theravada Buddhism here. Where are the group moderators ? Why do they allow posts of hate for Theravada Buddhism..Thailands official religion? Is hatred of Religion now allowed in this group? How about other forms of hate?
  3. By all reports I have seen before, Pfizer is much more effective than the Chinese vaccines. However….that being said..none of them are perfect. And even the Chinese vaccines are better than nothing. If the Chinese vaccines were all that was available to me, I would certainly take them. I was just lucky to have access to fresh Pfizer vaccine for my two initial jabs and second booster. (One of my two boosters was Moderna) But definitely take the one of the Chinese vaccines if that’s all there is.
  4. I wonder if there are more of us with a similar experience? But you were only sick three days? I was sick for two weeks (two positive Covid Rapid Antigen Tests). and then …..like a switch had been thrown….totally back to normal extremely fast. So far …two initial Pfizer shots in 2021. Moderna booster in January, 2022 followed by Covid-19 sick for two weeks….and then a Pfizer booster about a month ago. Total four shots. Plus getting Covid and recovering is also supposed to give great immunity also. Should be Super Immune now. LOL ????????????
  5. My sister-in-law’s brother was so paranoid about Covid, he wore N-95 masks, those blue gloves, face shield over his face, shots plus boosters, and then he was totally mystified and puzzled when he still came down with Covid anyways. He couldn’t figure out how it happened when he obeyed all the rules and did what they told us to do. So much for masks……even N-95 masks didn’t stop him from getting Covid. I got Covid also in January and it was like a very mild Flu for two weeks. Positive RAT tested twice. Had my two Pfizer shots in 2021. Moderna booster in January, and five days after the booster, came down with Covid. 70 years old, borderline diabetic, on the obese side of weight, quadruple bypass. But Covid never even slowed me down. The two weeks I had it was easy. Not near as bad as regular Flu infection.
  6. Wells he might….if there is reincarnation. After all, Thailand is a Buddhist country. He could make the same mistake in his next life.
  7. You can also teach your kids yourself. You do your study online, and then teach your kids down-proofing and then how to swim. . Same as I did to teach my kids to read at home before they started grade 1. I kept them out of kindergarten and taught them myself. Fluent readers when they entered grade 1 and the top readers in their classes. Best accomplishment in my life. Now my kid’s home libraries are way bigger than mine.
  8. Yes.. Water Babies classes. My wife and I did the same for each of our kids shortly after their births. They learned fast. At just a few months of age they knew drown proofing…i.e. how to automatically roll on their backs and relax and float and breathe if they fall in or are thrown in. No matter how deep the water. Swimming not long after that. Why don’t parents get their toddlers learning how to drown proof and learn to swim ? ? The only reason these two kids are dead is their parents never had them taught, or never taught them themselves. Sad…. And so unnecessary.
  9. This is why I got my kids into “Water babies” class at the local facility within just a couple months of being born. They quickly were taught how to automatically roll onto their backs and relax, enabling them to breath. They were perfectly comfortable in the deep end of the pool and able to swim at the local lake by the time they were two and three years old. No worries if they fell in. Highly recommended to all parents. Becoming comfortable in deep water shortly after being born should be normal to all. See videos on YouTube about babies and infants learning how to be safe in deep water. Toddlers much less than a year old knowing what to do if they fall in deep water.
  10. “..Requiescat..” is a Latin word….prayer for the soul of a dead person…. Thinks of it as “rest” if you like. The word “..pace..” is a Latin form of the Classical Latin “..pax..”. …….”…peace” in ..in Latin means same as ..in ..in English. Latin can be a bit complicated, because there are different forms, and it changed over the centuries. A person raised with Classical Latin or street Latin would have a bit of trouble with Ecclesiastical Latin used in the Catholic Church. They would understand much of it, but have difficulties also and not understand some of it. Like an English speaker of today going back to 15th or 16th century England. The English language changed. My apologies to the moderators. Just answering “keystonecoppers2”s question.
  11. Anyone who takes a corner at too high of speed in the opposing lane is an total idiot at a criminal level. Let’s see if my comment is censored for stating a fact. Requiescat in Pacé to those who lost their lives or injured.
  12. Comment pushing the unproven Wuhan Institute of Virology Covid escape conspiracy theory, and criticizing Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party reported and removed.
  13. Well….everyone dies. Covid jab or not. I hate to burst your bubble. But life itself is 100% fatal.
  14. You seriously think that facing the charges she is facing is NOT serious trouble? Really? And you seriously think she might be innocent? Uhmmm….yeah…..okay. 555555
  15. You had better ask for official photo I.D. first. Not easy to tell an Asian girl’s age. They can be much younger than they look, or much older than they look. You DON’T know. AND…..if they’re offering themselves for money…..they could be well underage and lying to you about how old they are. You could be caught with a fourteen year old girl who told you she is nineteen. Don’t believe them. ALWAYS ask for proof of age. You might save yourself a hell of of lot of grief and regrets and years of free room and board in the Bangkok Hilton.
  16. Saddam Hussein’s sons executed people using a wood chipper machine. If they didn’t hate the victim too much and wanted to show the victim a bit of mercy….they would put him or her in head first and push them in fast. If they REALLY hated the victim…they would put him or her in feet first..and feed them into the machine slowly.
  17. In the west….it’s sometimes priests and pastors. And now it looks like there might be a whole ring of pedophiles in Hollywood…not to mention what goes on in many South American countries. But slowly…they are filling prison cells with the criminals. Epstein’s girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell is in huge trouble for grooming young girls for men. And she might name a lot of big names….to cut a deal for a shorter sentence. This could prove very interesting.
  18. You’re loving 2021 ? Really ? Wear your mask, and social distance. If you don’t have your shots…then stay home.
  19. Wasn’t it the lunatic left that accused Trump of “conspiring” with Russia? The “Russian Collusion” Conspiracy Theory? It appears that the lunatic left are also into “conspiracy theories”.
  20. The word “theory” does not mean “lie”. Neither does the word “conspiracy”
  21. Well, we have the theory of evolution, and the theory of relativity. And the theory of gravity, quantum theory, string theory, Big Bang theory etc., etc…. ad infinitum. The word “theory” does not mean “lie”.
  22. Conspiracy can and does involve secrecy often. But not always. Those accusing others of being “Conspiracy theory nutters” try to claim the word conspiracy is synonymous with the word lie. Which it’s not. These people are implying that conspiracies are fables. Conspiracies do not exist. In reality, there is no such thing as conspiracies. Often they are the same people who accused Donald Trump of a Russian collusion conspiracy. Makes you wonder just who the REAL nutters are. 1: the act of conspiring together. “They were accused of conspiracy to commit murder. 2a: an agreement among conspirators …”We uncovered a conspiracy against the government” b: a group of conspirators, such as a conspiracy made up of disgruntled aristocrats
  23. I see. You are claiming that a political philosophy like Marxist Communism or Fascism/Nazism does not involve conspiracy. Uh huh? Yeah. Okay. Sure…….I believe you. ????????
  24. It’s not the CO2 level that is so important. When indoors in office buildings or working in greenhouses or serving on submarines, we regularly breath much higher levels of CO2. Sometimes up to 2,000 ppm. It’s the Oxygen level that’s more important. You don’t want it to go too low, because you could pass out. And you don’t want it to go too high, because then it becomes more of a fire accelerant.
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