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Everything posted by Catoni

  1. Well if others are wearing masks and/or vaccinated, they shouldn’t have to worry if someone else is wearing a mask with a valve, or even not wearing one at all. Or do their masks and vaccinations not really protect them after all ? I stopped wearing the obedience face condom after I got both my Pfizer-BioNTech shots months ago. I’ll be 70 years old in November. I refuse to live in fear and paranoia. And I’ve never had Covid. Not sick.
  2. There are some real Buddhists, and real Buddhist monks. But it takes a while to find them. They become more rare every year. Now, there are more criminals dressed in robes, pretending to be monks. Buddhism is good……it’s pretend Buddhists and pretend Buddhist monks who are bad.
  3. All the scientists say the world is getting warmer and the ice caps are melting and sea level is rising fast. All the coastal cities in the world and islands are going to be in great danger. Those beachfront properties will be underwater before long. Do you deny the science? Are you a climate denier?
  4. Foolish rich people. Beach front property prices climbing? Rich people buying for resorts and to build and live in expensive luxury homes with beach property? Don’t they realize that pretty soon their beach front properties are all going to be underwater from catastrophic sea level rise from Global Warming? Those beaches are all going to be gone soon, and they will have sea water and waves in their bedrooms. Mush smarter and safer to build nice homes in the mountains north of Chiang Mai.
  5. It’s very rare….but some people down on their luck in countries like Canada and the U.S. and in Europe will actually commit a crime to get arrested. For the opportunity to get a cell, good roof over their head, warmth in Winter, and three meals a day. There’s all kinds of people in the world. Even those who prefer jail and regular meals to being down on their luck and sleeping on park benches or in homeless encampments.
  6. I would say..very..very slow. So sea level is rising about 23 times SLOWER than the speed your slowest fingernail grows. …if your 3mm per year is correct. Not exactly a call for alarm. There are other sources that say sea level is rising even less than 3mm per year. It seems to vary year to year and place to place. In any case..the trend is linear…. And around U.S. shores about the same speed of rise according to N.O.A.A. charts as when Abraham Lincoln was President of the U.S. Some other places in the world show no rise at all. And other places seem to show fairly fast sea level fall. Like in Sweden and around Hudson Bay.
  7. Hey, thanks Lou. You’re a real nice guy with friendly comments. Oh…sorry… that last sentence was an error. Take care …5, 5, 5, 5 ????
  8. Two points, you can almost never pass tetanus to another person. And also rust has nothing to do with it. Tetanus is in the dirt all over the world. The nail you step on outside can look brand new, no rust, and still have Tetanus bacteria all over it. Tetanus bacteria can enter any cut, puncture or even burn wound. It doesn’t have to be a nail puncture, and it doesn’t have to be rusty. That’s just misleading old wive’s tale. Still a lot more dangerous than Flu and Covid….. Tetanus fatality rate is about 50%. Not good…. And very painful to get.
  9. Thanks you. First time I ever heard of long blades knives being connected to Sparta or the Spartans. But I guess King Leonidas might have a comment if he was still alive.
  10. NOAA tends to use actual sea level gauges on shore locations in the U.S. and information from other governments in the world from their sea level gauges at shore locations also. . NASA uses satellites hundreds of miles above the oceans.
  11. Yeah, sea level has been rising for at least the past 20,000 years. Ever since the last Glacial Period started melting back. The rise slowed dramatically about 7,500 years ago though. Rising pretty slow now. Only about 0.8 - 3.4mm per year. Depending on year an location. In some places, land is rising, and other places land is sinking. Some places are much further inland now than they were a few hundred years ago. The study of the subject is amazing. But what we tend to get is a linear trend. No upwards curvature showing increasing rate. Basically, sea level is rising no quicker now, than when Abraham Lincoln was president.
  12. Ground subsidence from pumping water from the underground aquifers and building heavy infrastructure above is a much much bigger problem than sea level rise. Sea level has not increased in rate since at least when Abraham Lincoln was president of the U.S. Sea level is rising now at about the same rate is has been since at least 1850. The graphs show a linear trend of gradual rise with no upwards curvature of acceleration. Sea level has basically been rising for at least the last 20,000 years. It used to be extremely fast, more than 40mm per year, particularly during Meltwater Pulse 1A. But it slowed dramatically about 7,500 years ago. Now rising only anywheres from 0mm per year to 3mm per year depending on the year and location. It varies from year to year and place to place.
  13. Perhaps Bangkok is simply sinking, same like Jakarta, Indonesia. (Sinking as much as 10 inches a year) Jakarta has been pumping all the water out of their aquifer, and built huge heavy buildings. The combination of emptying their underground aquifer and erecting big buildings is making the city sink fast. This is happening to many cities in the world. Even Mexico City. Parts of Mexico City are sinking as fast as 20 inches per year. AS CALIFORNIA’S ECONOMY skyrocketed during the 20th century, its land headed in the opposite direction. A booming agricultural industry in the state’s San Joaquin Valley, combined with punishing droughts, led to the over-extraction of water from aquifers. Like huge, empty water bottles, the aquifers crumpled, a phenomenon geologists call subsidence. By 1970, the land had sunk as much as 28 feet in the valley, with less-than-ideal consequences for the humans and infrastructure above the aquifers. https://www.wired.com/story/the-ongoing-collapse-of-the-worlds-aquifers/ Venice used to have water wells in and around the city. But outlawed all water wells due to aquifer subsidence problems and the city beginning to sink. The aquifer is now slowly being replenished. Indonesia is already seriously looking at building a new capital. What is the status of Bangkok’s aquifer?
  14. Try googling “Immunity following Covid” Examples: Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19 ... https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/lasting-immunity-found-after-recovery-covid-19 The immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection. The results provide hope that people receiving SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will develop similar lasting immune memories after vaccination. Colorized scanning electron micrograph of a cell, isolated from a ... Study Suggests Lasting Immunity After COVID-19, With a Big ... https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2782139 Immunity to a viral illness comes both from humoral and cellular immunity. This study showed a 50-fold increase of antibody titer, or 1.5 log units. The study did not assess cellular immunity. Additionally, the study did not show a clinical benefit, since none of the subjects developed a second COVID infection, either clinical or subclinical. Good news: Mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody ... https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/good-news-mild-covid-19-induces-lasting-antibody-protection/ Good news: Mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody protection. ... and mainstream media interpreted that to mean that immunity was not long-lived," said senior author Ali Ellebedy, PhD, an associate professor of pathology & immunology, of medicine and of molecular microbiology. "But that's a misinterpretation of the data. What immunity did having COVID give me? Do I need a ... https://whyy.org/articles/what-immunity-did-having-covid-19-give-me-do-i-still-need-a-vaccine/ Lab studies suggest that protection following a case of COVID-19 begins to wane slightly after about three months, but can last for up to 10 months, although there's a range to that, Wherry said. "We see some people with mild COVID infections where their immunity wanes more quickly over time, or they don't have as much coverage, and that ...
  15. Don’t forget…..if you’ve already had Covid and recovered, you now have natural immunity which is even way more effective than being vaxxed. They should not vaxx people who are recovered from Covid. They should save the vaccines for people who have never had Covid.
  16. Pretty sure that as long as you have official documented proof that you have been vaccinated with a major covid vaccine RECOGNIZED BY THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION….it will be accepted by almost 100% of the countries in the world. Vaccines like AZ, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, J&J are recognized by the United Nations affiliated W.H.O.
  17. Okay folks….that’s it. We all wear face condoms for the next 500 years. Vaccinations or no vaccinations. Doesn’t matter. Can’t get over the level of paranoia people have. Somebody or group of people is gaining from this. Big time. I bought a small amount of stock in face mask companies and in Pfizer and Moderna and AstraZeneca mid last year. AstraZeneca dropped a bit today. But the others doing well. ????????????
  18. Had to check my calendar. Hmmm…..it’s not April 1. This reminded me of U.S. President…uh, I mean Vice-President Kamala Harris and her husband outside at an airport…..both fully vaccinated….husband and wife living together, and they embrace and have a nice kiss…..WHILE THEY WERE BOTH WEARING THEIR OBEDIENCE FACE CONDOMS ! ????????
  19. Just a few months ago everyone was saying the Covid vaccines were poison and would kill us in two years, or do some other horrible thing to us. Now everyone wants the jab. Kinda funny how people’s attitudes change.
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