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Eric Loh

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  1. Bringing in thousands of soldiers from another country to attack Ukraine is an act of escalation.
  2. I have no love for convicted felon. Not same as you.
  3. Putin has yet to call Trump to congratulate him on his election. Simply demonstrate who wear the pants in their relationship. Putin even said that he will not call him and expect Trump to initiate the call. How embarrassing.
  4. To be fair, there were 2 major escalations by Russia that prompted Biden's decision on the 18 November. - 10 Nov. confirmation of North Korean troops in Ukraine - 17 Nov. russia fired 200 missles and drones at Ukraine in largest attack since August. .
  5. The struck on the city of Kursk was to take out the command post of the Russian forces in the Kursk region. It was a strategic move by Ukraine. The cruise missles were UK not US and there were no troops deployed in the attack.
  6. Finally you are making sense. Once the Ukraine air defense system know precisely what kind of IBM, it will calibrated to take them down more efficiently.
  7. Both war worlds were about defending freedom, sovereignty and liberation. That is exactly what the Ukfraine war is about. Afghanistan, Iraq were unjust wars by Republican Presidents with the endorsement of republicans in congress. Vietnam and Korean War were aspect of US doctrine to stop spread of communism. You are living in a free world because of the sacrifice of money and lives.
  8. You don't put a dollar cost for defending sovereignity and freedom. No one talks about costs to defend Europe against Hilter or Asia against Imperial Japan.
  9. He didn't clean up when he was POTUS. What make you so sure he will do what he pledge in his election campaign. Will this be another repel and replace Obamacare that never happened and let 4 years slipped.
  10. Lefties didn't vote for Trump. This just demonstrate the scorn and disdain for anything to do with Trump. Morning Joe is a coward for kissing Trump's ring.
  11. Russia has been threatening nuclear war since 1999 when Yeltsin warned US. They threatened nuclear over 2007 missle defence, threatened Poland over US missle shield and again during the Crimea war. Over 2 dozens nuclear threats over the years. Putin know it is the end game if he use nuclear weapons. Russia will be isolated economically. China and India which are their biggest trading partners have warned them against using nuclear and will have to halt economic ties. It will be end for Russia and Putin if he goes nuclear. He knows it. His threats are becoming more desperate and he is near to his finishing line.
  12. USA is now a regressive country. Even Muslim country like Malaysia allow transgender people to use female toilet.
  13. Shocking. Not my words but from the GOP Susan Collins.
  14. No he didn’t sell shoes. He wore them and subsequently auctioned them off.

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