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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 14 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    It wasn't. If it was a simple mistake, they could simply say we will do it again ASAP.  


    Maybe they'll go abroad to make the oath and simply say it's done. Anyhoo, apparently the Thai ombudsman has taken this case on now. Interesting how they will move forward with this. 

    Most likely the same Ombudson secretary general Raksaecha who clarified that Prayut does not fit the description of 'state servant" overruling questions raised over his incumbency. Kind of much ado for nothing. 

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  2. Auto manufacturers are not complaining when they gained from massive financial benefits from government incentives and trade protection for domestic producers. They also not complaining about exchange gains from imported car parts. Guess they want it all as long as long as they made big profit and send them back to corporate Japan. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, kevinmartyn said:

    I'm British and staying in Bangkok and i fully understand about moving on with life after Friday's bombs in Bangkok. I find it totally unbearable and unbelievable that a Government representative stated it is now safe! How can it be safe when only "3" of the estimated "15" have been arrested! Yes! I'm scared/concerned about going into "Downtown Bangkok" for my own 100#% Safety! ????????????

    Better chance of being hit by a speeding car or a motor taxi racing down on the pedestrian pavement in opposite direction than hurt by an occasion bomb. ????


    The government will be shouldering the subsidies but will not affect the state's coffers. Strange statement made by the minister.


    Is 17B Baht allocation enough? Rubber set at 60B/kg and current price is at 39B/kg. Palm oil guaranteed at 6B while current price is 2.46B. Rice at 10,000B from current 7,000B. Just rice alone at export volume of 9 million tonnes will cost 27B Baht subsidies.  


    Maybe the minister knows better or maybe trying to impress on his first few days in office. 

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  5. The FM can talked to his boss about his vowed to push through tax hikes like the inheritance tax and the land and building tax. He had the power during his coup installed regime but decided to delay delighting his wealthy elites. The Land and Building tax alone would have raised about 100 billion baht in additional revenue. Lets see if the FM is just full of talk and bs and will not push through with new taxes for the rich and instead lay more taxes and sufferings to the middle class. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Cadbury said:

    Conflict between junta assistant secretary General Saprang Kalayamitr and First Army Region commander and Lt General Prayut Chan-o-cha were cited as a possible causes of the bombings and the coup rumours. Both men were potential heirs to the leadership of the junta after Sonthi Boonyaratglin would retire in September 2007."


    The government will never dare admit that the bombings could be due to a divided military. Yet in history of the RTA, there were many situation of internal frictions surfacing to the open. Major General Khattiya Sawasdipol took on one of Prayut's bosom buddy Anupong and openly challenged him. His life ended with a sniper shot to his head and no investigation thereafter. Could this also be a manifestation of an internal challenge? Maybe; nuff say. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, bowerboy said:


    Actually about Chinese determination and hard work. These are Chinese Immgrants and the Grandfather barely spoke Thai.

    Grandfather Cheng was an immigrant from Hainan Island fleeing China internal strife and poverty with only his shirt on his back in 1927. Thrifty, hardworking and discipline brought his family to where it is now. Truly an admirable background to this success story. 

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  8. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    Seripisuth alleged on Saturday that the government was behind the bombings, seeking to distract the news media and public from a row over an opposition MP’s accusation that the prime minister deliberately omitted a required phrase during his swearing-in last month.

    Very much spot on. Had the same thought right from the beginning that this was a distraction from so many problems that started with the election being staged for the junta return to the attacks on activists and the constitution crisis regarding the swearing-in. Probably also to divert the attention of the external activists like Pavin being attacked and Faiyen granted refuge status in France. The small explosions were meant to provide the props for distraction and to conveniently put the blame on one side. If the instigators want to bring attention to the ASEAN meeting, a few placards will be more effective than bombs.  

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