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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 4 minutes ago, mosan said:

    It is not he who should be embarrassed.  He's talking about road dividers and road islands...look it up, you can make dividers and islands out of (hard) rubber--just like in parking lots (car parks) where rubber can be used instead of concrete to make bumpers to stop cars from mounting curbs and walk-ways.  

    What you described sound like the definition of Guard-rails. 


    a strong fence at the side of a road or in the middle of an expressway, intended to reduce the risk of serious accidents”. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    You'll find it hard to find any airline that's government owned/backed that's not in the same situation, unless their government is sitting on oil and pump their planes up with cheap/free jet fuel in home hub...

    SIA is the exception; state owned and profitable. The government allowed them to run independently and they have good quality leadership. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Selatan said:

    Not sure if a state-owned carrier like Thai Airways has the same kind of problem like our national carrier, Malaysia Airlines, but after many bailouts, another bailout was approved again today:


    Malaysia Airlines gets another RM300m injection from Khazanah

    MAS and TA have identical problems like poor quality leader, state owned and handicapped by too much influencing by the government and an unproductive poorly trained large employees which are mostly unionized. The RM300 injection from Khazanah is just to keep MAS afloat for now but its long term problems are structural and takes much much more to have the money, political will and courage to reform. 

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  4. For those who are on ground zero like me, last few months business have been brutal and the next remaining months of the year doesn’t looks to be any better. I have meet the challenges of the ‘08 financial crisis and the ‘10 big flood which flooded my factory and still able to keep myself afloat. This time things are different and seem a perfect storm. A global downturn and a incompetent government lead by a unqualified PM. I doubt we have reached bottom and Thailand will continue to spiral downwards unless the elites realized that they too are hurt and decide to change the government and the Generals.  

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  5. 16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    To mark its reopening, the USTDA awarded a grant to Thailand-based renewable energy company Blue Solar to conduct a feasibility study on a solar photovoltaic power plant with an integrated energy storage system in Suphan Buri province. The project represents one of the first private sector deployments of utility-scale battery storage in Thailand.

    Should first try selling this alternative energy idea to his climate change denier Boss. 

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  6. 47 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    I thought he was appointed by the current one,sorry my mistake they're both the same one.????

    The old one will still be in office until end September and he was appointed by the previous junta. The new one and the only candidate will assume the post 1st Oct after endorsed by the senate. You right, appointed by the same regime. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    The Prime Minister, therefore instructed all ministries to ensure cooperation and use the Bio Economy, Circular Economy and Green Economy models to help adjust the economic structure to address the economic downturn and raise the prices of agricultural products.

    Well at least he manage to copy some big powerful economic models which I doubt he understand but does made him sound intelligent. Obviously he left out the part of how he want these models to be implemented. It will be a bridge too far to stretch his intellectual capacity. 

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