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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. 14 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:


    I would say these two suspects headed for the South of Thailand with a possible link to the insurgency would be the best evidence of who maybe was behind today's bombing. Obviously there must have been more involved or the bombs were placed yesterday and went off on timers. That's my armchair detective assumption.

    Suthep? He got no reward for setting the conditions for the coup. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, 300sd said:

    Wow, if he didn't switch sides his criminal case would go to court!

    Now it will keep being put off and put off as long as he follows orders. 

    A rare example (possibly) of it not always being about money......

    Similar to hard core UDD Issan Rambo Suporn who has his criminal charges dropped for switching to PPP. The other 6 UDD leaders who faced similar charges for the ASEAN summit debacle will face the court. Not at all rare. 

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  3. 59 minutes ago, Angry Dragon said:

    I would say it's not comfortable territory, but still affordable and in line with many other OECD countries (UK in particular).  It's the debts of Greece (150% of GDP), Italy (150% of GDP) and especially Japan (250% of GDP) that are worrying

    I wouldn’t be too worry about Japan as most debts are domestic and denominated in yen and therefore not vulnerable to dollar fluctuation and also can be re-structure internally.  It is the Greece and Italy foreign denominated debts that are worrisome. If their currency not strong enough, they get double whammy of more debts in their own currency and higher import costs. Ditto UK. 

  4. 35 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    Nice to see the avoidance here of the issue. It was about feeling the pinch as the GBP is diving. How did it become a referendum on the US economy? It classic bait and switch stuff. 

    Not really about US economy but what Trump said that would have an enormous effect on the GBP. Can he deliver?


    Donald Trump promises Brexit bonanza after UK leaves EU in first chat with new PM Boris Johnson

  5. 41 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    That's right Eric, Thaksin is innocent, of everything. Never ever done anything wrong in his entire life. 


    And it wasn't Oak's fault someone gave him 10 Million baht from the fraud as a "drink". He gave it back when the shit-hit-the-fan anyway. All a misunderstanding.


    When Yingluck appointed herself to chair the rice scam she never thought she'd actually have to do any work and do it. Another simple misunderstanding.


    When one auntie and her husband were convicted for insider trading - yep, another misunderstanding.


    And when another large aunty and her daughter were both convicted of election fraud - yep, that damned misunderstanding yet again.


    Just an average misunderstood innocent family trying to help their country eh Eric?

    Still throwing mud and hope something stick BB. 


    Maybe you can find time to let me know where the bulk of the loan went and why Meechai who was chairman of Krisada Mahankorn Group who received the big loan was never investigated. Fill me in if you can on the rest of the 150 entities and people who received the loan money and none has been charged. Also do tell why Uttama who signed the loan was not indicted like his other directors who will spent long time in the cell. He seem to be rewarded a big fat ministerial job after helping the junta to coercive cobra politicians to join his Sam Mitr clique.Why not just say that it was Thaksin younger sister and husband inside trading which they were fined 9.6 M by the SEC; not convict. Try to be more honest next time BB.   

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  6. 9 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    And, as already said, this could in fact bounce back and rehit his father's case in this loan scandal, where the guilty who didn't flee are in jail on 14 / 18 / 22 year sentences. 

    Don't think it matter much for Thaksin if this loan scandal hit him worst. His jail count as it stand now is 5 years from 3 years Exim Bank case and 2 years lottery case. He know he can't win against the establishment and the establishment has no plans or extradition leverage to bring him or Yingluck back either. He is just weakening the establishment base and influencing public perception to his side. Those who signed and approved the dodgy loan deserved the long sentencing. The witnesses that spilled on Thaksin being the person behind the loan approval were not convicted and now part of the government. Lots to unpack from this and Oak's public display of the loan signatures.    

    • Sad 2
  7. 19 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Yes we are talking about an amount over 9,9 billion baht that was divided between 4 persons where 3 of them was Taksin, His wife and Panthong.

    Allow me to correct your ill informed posting. The 9.9 B Baht loan was for Golden Technology affiliated to the Krisdamahanakorn Group and Meechai was the company executive. 

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