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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. why is this such a big deal ? a convicted criminal is stripped from his police title ?

    a princess was stripped from her title with no second toughts

    A big deal when considering PAD & PDRC activist Maj Gen Chamlong Srimuang charged and convicted for the airport seizure still has his rank and no account of any attempt or process to strip him. Double standard??

    I can't recall that Chamlong has a jail term and is on the run at the moment, or?

    Selective memory? 2 years sentenced for the government house seizure. He didn't need to run and we all know why.

  2. That's half a report by the UTCC. Where is the other half on which ministries are still asking for kickbacks. Percentage down is not good enough. Those corrupt ministries or government departments have to be identified and criminal justice process for graft initiated or this report is just another piece of paper and meaningless. The UTCC has the information and has the duty to do more than praising the government.

  3. More important to change the demeanour of the PM. He can have the most qualified ministers in the cabinet but if his attitude and overall presence don't change, he only gets a cabinet of discontent ministers or a cabinet of yes men. If he maintain his arrogance and temper and failed to see his shortcomings and inadequacies; this new cabinet will be short-live. Either ministers will leave or he will re-shuffle again. All up to his leadership. Personally I doubt he can change much to made this a efficient and effective cabinet.

  4. Were told that the railways are bust, (both financially and physically), and yet they are still offering free rides?

    Government project, taken over from the previous government.

    I understand the current government is reluctant to totally scrap it as some TVF posters were very vocal about 'screwing the poor'. You may have forgotten since it's slightly more than two weeks ago.


    Rubi, think you mean previous governments. Ahbisit even proposed to make free rides permanent. Over zealous to demonize Yingluck?

  5. So you cannot transfer your subordinate if you have "conflict of working" with him? And get 2 years for that?

    Depends. For example, the junta did a systematic transfer of governors in 13 provinces mostly from pro-Thaksin north and northeast and also 17 top police including Tarit himself out of DSI. That's ok. The junta just claimed that it's not political but based on appropriateness although many senior officers that spoke on condition of anonymity, paint a different picture. See it all depends on who is in power. Like same same but different. smile.png

  6. This is the only way that lot ever have power, so it's unsurprising to see them cling onto it so desperately.

    So wrong to have PDRC sympathizers and the Group of 40 appointed senators to be in the NRC. Even the NRC whip is a PDRC lackey. This group who campaigned with Sutherp during the PDRC rally have came out to support Sutherp call for the junta stay and election delay. They will do everything to derail early election and stay in power illegitimately. Activists have came out and asked for ethics probe of these members. These are the people who will split Thailand and continue the divide so they can cling on to power illegitimately; only way they know to stay in power.

  7. and that's why America has this hymn "God (please) bless America" ?

    It may surprise you, but we're discussing the Thai government here. What may seem nuts to you for whatever reasons is simply application of laws, even here in Thailand.

    it may surprise you that people refer to other countries from time to time while discussing politics in Thailand.

    As for laws in Thailand, ah, but that is the point, isn't it,

    under what law are these MPs to be impeached?

    Get real rubl, this isn't about 'application of laws'. There is no law that allows the current group to impeach the last group...

    As a side note, you should also figure out some time that when a court in Thailand says a law passed by the legislature is not constitutional, that does not mean that the legislature has committed a crime...

    The crime, as determined by the Constitution Court, was 'trying to overthrow the democratic system of government with the King as Head of State'. or words to that effect.

    All a bit contrived really, just one carefully considered step on the road to a coup d'etat. And I believe they knew it.

    That's a pretty serious charge but somehow seem heavy handed. What the 248 ex-MPs did was to amend the constitution to make the senate a fully elected chamber. That seem to be in line with the the democratic value of universal suffrage and in line with the 1997 constitution which the military shredded to pieces and force acceptance of appointed senators. So you mean the 1997 constitution was an attempt to overthrow the democratic system.....?

  8. Go ahead and build your "clone". It will draw a few curious at first, then die. People who want to see Preah Vihear, want to see the REAL THING, not some mock up bull crap!

    Thai thinking at it's best.

    this is the chinese way ..................copy , copy , copy .

    Don't be racist just because you have limited knowledge. Four greatest inventions by the Chinese ; gunpowder, paper making, printing & compass. Who copy who????

  9. "Suthep has vowed that his new activities won't involve organising protests. Rather than turning out on the streets, the movement will submit written recommendations to the authorities"

    Satit Wongnongtaey, the foundation's vice chair, is among those who have not yet ruled out the possibility of a demonstration,

    2 contrasting statements matter of days. Can you trust any of them and that include Suthep vowed not to re-enter politics.

  10. So much for ASEAN solidarity and united in one voice. Not even a day passed, ASEAN leaders put up united strong rebuke to China on their intrusion in the disputed Spratly Island and you have this nitwit throw a spanner in that blunt retort. This regime march to their own drumbeat and is embarrassing when they engage in any foreign matters. Must be trait aped from his leader.

  11. Dear Mark,

    Give it up, politics that is, you're always going to be a loser and spineless one at that

    Love from


    Ahbisit never have the fortitude and boldness to be a leader. He will always be a follower or just be subservient to higher powers and that include Sutherp; major financier to the Dem Party. Yes, he should give up being a pseudo leader of the Dem Party and allow other credible people to helm the party and hopefully regain their glory days when they are the people representative and critics of the military.

  12. Reality check time. Meeting chaired by the General who knows nothing about economic discussing a stimulus package proposed by FM Sommai who was the previous coup Deputy FM and really have no distinguishable or notable achievements to show. The package is the same old stuffs like speeding up the projects and budget release and farmers reliefs. Nothing new and things that could have done in a regular cabinet meeting. This cabinet is in dire need of better qualified and experience ministers that dare to proposed new & bold ideas to stimulate the economy or Thailand is doomed.

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