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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. We can put the blame squarely on our politics. We have the brains and if not we can source from the best brains in the world. Planning large infrastructure projects like water management requires a long gestation period by the government during the term in office and beyond. In Thailand, governments do not even last 3 years in office except once in our history and most time the projects are slowed-down by oppositions and activists antics. Let's not even include the 18 coups that torn up the constitution and set the clock back. The reality is that we are stuck with knee jerk fire fighting solutions and will never see a concerted comprehensive solution unless the concerned parties sit down and agree on a blue print that will be royally endorsed and decreed.

  2. Looks like damage control to try pacify the outcry internal and external and prevent more protests. Give them a good excuse to tell the audience that they are trying to be receptive to opinions. Not going to be effective as the public just don't have trust that they are genuine in their effort for reform and reconciliation. Their actions and words especially from their leaders just do not exult the kind of confidence that they are serious. Take the PM who continue to cast blame at every opportunity at the previous government.

  3. I like the part in the link where it says they "couldn't think of a single economist that thought Thailand's rice plan would work". Thaksin and his clone sure showed them, approximately $15.3 billion in losses later. http://world.time.com/2013/07/12/how-thailands-botched-rice-scheme-blew-a-big-hole-in-its-economy/

    You will notice that the article is in mid 2013 when there were bountiful harvest in India and Vietnam. Now that their fields are dry and no rain expected for a while in those countries as well as many rice growing countries like Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia etc, demand will outstrip supply and India and Vietnam will not be exporting. Now the world need to thank the rice scheme for hoarding such large volume of rice and Thailand is reaping the extra profit from the increasing price.

  4. If I were a political enemy of Gen. Prayut, I would be sitting on the sidelines salivating, in hopes that he would sign the purchase order... What a political victory for the opposition that would be!

    But if they do buy them, I do hope that buy some spare parts and a maintenance contract. I'd hate to see them have to cannibalize two of the subs within five years so they could keep the third running. But then, the Navy must certainly be more competent than the SRT...

    I think this is a done deal tied up with the massive infrastructure rail loan. To soften the public outcry, they will get a long term long payment and claimed that this in no way will burden the country. It's a loan so can't be used for other programs to help suffering farmers etc. I am sure China has factored in the loan in their deal and will be extra soft loan to pacify the general public. The Navy need to get this submarines approved or they will never get another chance when the key benefactors ( admirals & generals) retire.

  5. Prayuth has really done Thaksin a favour by raising this subject. Now more people realized the good programs that Thaksin introduced besides the Village Fund (continued) and OTOP (continued). Prayuth did poke fun and try to run down OTOP recently which really is not working and annoying many poor people involved. This guy is idiosyncratic and really not politically savvy.

    Actually it was originally a Democratic party plan that wasn't brought in due to the cost and that little old 1997 financial crash which the Democrats inherited (and got blamed for).

    It was and still is a good idea but it does have several problems.

    1 It has always been underfunded right from the very beginning and neither the TRT/PPP/PTP nor the Democrats nor the military government of 2006/07 ever pumped enough money into it.

    2 The 30 baht fee cost more to administer and the Democrats under Abhisit scrapped it and made the UHC free. The PTP under Yingluck re-introduced it and the lataest government is carrying on with the charge.

    I believe that it should be kept going but like the national Health System in the UK it consumes more financial resources every year and will always do so. The hard part is going to be how to fund it. Cut somebodys budget or increase taxes?

    The village fund wasn't a bad idea either unless you were/are in the Pu Yai Ban bad books in which case forget it. It also needs much more accountability and transparency.

    OTOP in rural Thailand is dying on its own and does not need Prayuth to help it. There is an OTOP shop in my small village and I have not seen it open in months. Some shops are just about surviving but most aren't.

    Eric, when was the last time YOU went into an OTOP shop and what did you buy?

    Funding the healthcare was never a problem during Thaksin time. It is all about capable leadership and government. Poor government like current will always find something to blame when they cant do a good job. You can't ignore how Thaksin grew the GDP from 4 to 7 T and the national budget were always in surplus, even if you don't like the guy. Even the debt to GDP decreased and we have enough to pay off the IMF loan early. Regarding OTOP, it started to go down hill after the '06 coup government did a re-branding. Given a chance, the military Govnment will killed the project.

    Last time I shop at an OTOP, easy, last weekend on way to and back Hua Hin. Bought lots of dry food for my family and friends. I find their food items very reasonable in prices. When you last shop?

  6. Although Thailand’s navy has maintained a submarine division, it has lacked a single vessel for the last 63 years. The army stripped the navy of its submarines in 1951 after naval officers attempted to stage a coup d'etat against the army-backed government at the time.

    interesting - isn't it? This sub-deal has always felt like the "government" was trying to make someone happy... Not necessarily the Thai People, but you know, ... someone...


    Thats how it works in Thailand.

    You support us and you get nice toys, you don't support us and we take away your current toys.

    (can't wait for the junta fanboys to point out that Mr T did the same and therefore he is evil, while now the current government does it, it is justified because Mr T also did it)

    Doubt the junta fanboy can use Mr. T for this one as his previous governments rejected the Navy repeated requests. In fact, after the 2006 coup the submarine request did re-surfaced but sank quietly to the next government. Now it again surface and looks like a done deal with the Chinese and no better time for the Navy to get their submarines plus fringe "benefits".

  7. I called a friend who seems to be 'in the know' and he told me that the PM is somewhat sympathetic in public, so as not to insult the Admirals, but there just isn't that kind of money in the budget to give them. Prayut has already committed to spending trillions on dual-track fast freight/passenger lines and flood prevention projects and there are more than a few promises he's made to fund this or that. He did not budget for these submarines and he is stalling for time hoping the Navy will withdraw their request so that everyone can save face. I'm thinking this purchase will not happen with this current government.


    If ever there is a time to regain some lost image to the general public, it should be this moment whereby he as the PM and NCPO chief reject the Navy's request outright citing better use of funds to improve the hardship of the people. If he is afraid of insulting his fellow mates, he then has a problem of leadership and reveal him as weak and not totally in control. The previous government rejected the Navy's request outright and the junta cabinet should do likewise or face more criticism if they approve. Doubt they can hold off the pressure of the Navy till next government with the Navy knowing that this is about their best chance to get their submarines and their payout.

  8. Whether we agree or not there must be some legitimate reason for the purchases...and please don't use the ''personal benefit'' line...sure, the admirals will take their families for picnics on the subs rolleyes.gif Now if the news was that the navy wanted to buy 100 new S-Class mercs, ok, something's fishy, but a Navy purchasing submarines is hardly the conspiracy of the century.

    You right that he got a legitimate reason, in fact 2 reasons. The man said it himself that it is for other countries to stand in awe of us and a better option than leaving state money to be misappropriated by others. I think he absolutely right. It is for all his and pals ego and that first to get to the honey pot before others.

  9. No human being is perfect! Kh Prayut is the ONLY hope for Thailand and it is only those who have an axe to grind chose to criticize. He has made incredible progress with the elimination of corruption which extends from the top to the bottom - but the road ahead is a long one and I only hope he is able tyo continue like this.

    Unfortunately his elimination of corruption is rather selective and there goes the hope. Microphone fiasco and the expensive clocks in Government House swept aside. Questioning the generals wealth; threatened and never be asked again. Indeed the road is long and the only hope is that he hand the nation back to the people. At least corruption can then be exposed and talk about.

  10. No doubt that the illegal fishing crackdown is a good government move but the lack of a comprehensive plan to contain the fallouts tampered my praise. There is a total absent of any plans to prevent raising prices. Dear leader plan was to tell the people who can't afford fish to eat chicken. What about fast tracking registration. Nothing there or providing alternative employment and soft loans for those businesses that are affected. Zilch, nothing. Just leave all that to fact like our democracy.

  11. I like to think that health insurance underwriting is a better method than direct taxation or co-payment to fund the cost. Bit like the Singapore healthcare system where a small premium sum is paid to secure medical attention. The government subsidies the premium for the poor while the employed and civil servants paid via their social security or civil servant funds so their take home wage will not be affected.

  12. As it has regularly abused by Thaksin and co, why have a party list at all? why should the highest political position be up for sale to the highest bidder?

    How was the party list abused by Thaksin and company, Halloween? The constitution is not written by Thaksin. He just followed the election law. The 2007 junta constitution increased the party list. You think they do that to benefit Thaksin? Waiting to hear your expert opinion.

  13. Well, I did my research and there is no plan to scrap the Heathcare scheme.

    Obviously I think a proper Heath Care scheme important as well as a scheme which offers 'affordable' healthcare. Unlike some I don't care about the name '30 Baht' scheme as that just reminds me it costs 80 Baht to administer.

    BTW Did I hear you advocate the UK drops their new shiny aircraft carriers as surely that would help keep the NHS affordable? Anything on Cambodia removing it's troops along the border so Thailand can abolish it's army? An appeal to the UN so Thailand can save money? Should Thailand be brave and just abolish it's Armed Forces to shame the other countries?

    And here Rubl goes trying to change the subject......

    and here goes smutcakes bending the truth.

    A poster here states PM Prayut will scrap the Heath Care scheme another tells there's money for 260 feet diving subs and I'm changing the subject?

    Topic title "Prayut denies planning to scrap free health care to save money for subs". Even you wrote to me that these is room for increased spending. So why all the obsession with subs? Just people trying to position the Prayut government is as bad light as possible even if it means bending the truth a bit?

    There are arguments for and against the military viability of submarines for the RTN. There are arguments for and against the 30 baht health care scheme - should it be free, maintained, increased, abolished; should the spending on health be increased and if so by how much.

    These are not the only two items in the Thai budget. Submarines are not the only items for consideration in military expenditure.

    The previous government were secretive with budgets and issued conflicting figures, especially concerning their vaunted self financing rice scheme. Very large sums of money seem unaccounted for, either by sloppy accounting or desire.

    The current government have many issues to address including the budget and public spending. Linking two items together is far to simplistic but is being done to try and show the current government in a poor light. Many people believe what they are told - the health care money is being used to buy subs, Yingluck and Thaksin did nothing wrong, the UDD support democracy.

    Remember when the lovely Yingluck wanted to buy 4 new passenger planes for exclusive use by her family government. So they could all fly about wherever and whenever they wanted, free, in total secrecy, and do as they pleased? Wonder if that money was going to come from health, education or rice scams?

    BB, tamper your exuberance with some pointers. The budget for 2016 has already being finalized in April '15. No budget for submarines when tabled. The military has got a big budget approval and the submarines only need cabinet approval. I think the submarines are a done deal with the Chinese in a package with other stuffs.

    There are no secret budgets too with previous government. Falsehood here. Parlimentary system required by law to have budget openly debated in Parliment.

    Wrong again for 4 planes for government. Quarter of that money for a new plane for the Royal family. By the way, the planes didn't get off the ground and was aborted due to cabinet immobilized by the chaos.

  14. let them all do it at 4am and see how fair they consider that.

    Alternatively the court could say that it would be during the next working days hours, then hold the session at 4 am and rule that as the defendants didn't turn up it was too late to appeal.

    They might understand that.

    Not even Parliment can extend Parlimentary session without alerting all MPs. As in the case back 31st October 2013, extra-ordinary lengthy session and the Dem MPs decided to walk out and not participate in the vote as they have a plan outside Parliment.

  15. After what these dirty cronies did under orders from their paying master before the decent people of Thailand took to the streets, I have zero respect for a single one of them. I hope they all do jail time.

    I'm still wondering why nobody is being charged with abuse of power for the amnesty disgrace. Maybe that one will come next.

    What happened to the noble principles of democracy which involve putting the people you represent and your country above yourself ?.

    Red-shirt hypocrites should look to these people as the ultimate reason for the coup. But they won't because it doesn't suit them.

    Not sure who you referring for abuse of power for the amnesty. The Coup leaders? Don't think the coup was a result of people representation too. Think they broke the noble principles of democracy. Careful what you write less people treat you as a joke.

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