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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Neat act to eliminated the Shins since no one else from the yellow side have been convicted. How appropriate that Thaksin and Yingluck fall into that category. Expect the junta apologists will say that only they are corrupted.

    this applies across the board, are you saying that the ptp are all corrupt so should not be included as you support them. If a politician does anything criminal they should be banned for life, doesnt matter who they are but all the red/thaksin lovers are up in arms as they support the corruption their heroes do and dont care what happens to the country as long as they are paid off to ignore the truth. Talk about a pathetic outlook, and if you bother to look this will include politicians from both sides but then that doesnt support your whinge.

    ..................."and dont care what happens to the country as long as they are paid off to ignore the truth"...........................Y

    And I suspect a few posters are being "paid off" as well !

    Eric, I think you are barking up the wrong tree, again.

    How many times do you have to be told ? You like to insinuate that the people who attack the Shins are "junta apologists", over and over and over.......................

    Sorry to burst your bubble but you are arguing with yourself. I know you would like this to be so, because it is what you base the majority of your comments on.

    You can expect lots of people like me, who do not support the military junta, to say the Shins are corrupted and they are not the only ones !

    Capice ?

    Capice Mike. Can't disagree with your post. I never said that the Shina are not corrupted. They are like the others. My point is that we must see good and fair governance on corruption. We want to see fair discharge of reponsibilities, accountability and transparency by the government. I don't see that at the moment and especially at this current time when freedom of expression is curtailed. There is this big elephant in the room that refused to be opened and allow to be scrutinized.

  2. Neat act to eliminated the Shins since no one else from the yellow side have been convicted. How appropriate that Thaksin and Yingluck fall into that category. Expect the junta apologists will say that only they are corrupted.

    Let's hear some names, then. And then their alleged crimes.

    Let's start with the 7 cases with the NACC since 2010 that involved Dem Party. Lots procrastination while others (mainly PT) have been fast tracked, convicted and banned from politics . And please don't ask me what 7 cases, Mr. Know-all.

    So the only response you have is 'But what about the dems...'

    Not exactly and it's about level playing field, fair dispensation of justice and non discrimination. So far I see none. Especially so when the NACC and NLA have members that sided the PDRC and their "get rid of Thaksin regime".

  3. Neat act to eliminated the Shins since no one else from the yellow side have been convicted. How appropriate that Thaksin and Yingluck fall into that category. Expect the junta apologists will say that only they are corrupted.

    Let's hear some names, then. And then their alleged crimes.

    Let's start with the 7 cases with the NACC since 2010 that involved Dem Party. Lots procrastination while others (mainly PT) have been fast tracked, convicted and banned from politics . And please don't ask me what 7 cases, Mr. Know-all.

  4. Why do you lie like this. The floods took place in September to December 2011. The PTP government took office in middle August 2011. If you wanted to lower the level of the dams to avoid flooding downstream water had to be let out over a 3 month period. So your lies don't tie up. There isnt 3 months between middle August and middle September. The Dems was in power untill middle August and the flood was already building up and areas such as Singburi was already flooded, but they did nothing to prevent the flood reaching BKK. If you want to confirm this search for NASA images taken at that time. PTP spend money (B 80 bn) on building flood walls at the industrial estates and all of these walls have been completed. PTP provided funds to the BMA to dredge canals in BKK and remove water plants that prevents water flowing. Dredging is however not a once off task, it must be repeated on an annual basis. The present government have provided zero Baht for these tasks.

    The present government canceled the B 350 bn flood prevention projects, which included a water management system, the system that could have prevented the present chaos. They also stated publicaly that this B 350 bn would be used for drought related projects. None of these drought projects ever materialised. This is however a dead give away that they knew about the pending drought already last year and did nothing to prevent its impact. Why didnt they cut the outflows from dams when they knew there was a drought ? Why did they not react on the international warnings of a pending El Nino ? Incompetence or arrogance or false belief in rain dances ?

    Can you please provide proof of any flood related funds been stolen by PTP? Any I mean I will even accept an article written by BKK Post in which they speculate that some of the B 80 bn was stolen with even meager evidence. Untill today the present government have never ever mentioned corruption in the spending of the B 80 bn, but you offcourse know better and more than them.

    As none of the B 350 bn was ever spend on the flood prevention projects how could any corruption have taken place. Please explain how this is possible. Your dear great leader canceled all of the projects and after that there is no trace of what the money was used for. Maybe it was used for other projects or for salary increases or it never got spend, but there was never a public explanation of what this funds was used for. I am not saying they stole the money, just saying the public lost track of the funds.

    When the PTP was in office, there were only small flash floods in different province, these flash floods are the same that happens every year. PTP deliberately delayed the release of flood water so farmers can bring in a 3rd crop. PTP's Agriculture Minister even admitted to this mistake.

    As for corruption, if you simply search "PTP flood prevention corruption" on google, there were many cases and complaints.

    Not saying the current government is any better as nothing has been done.

    Let put what the Agri Minister said in the correct perspective and not out of context. He didn't admit it was a mistake but acknowledged that it was his decision to delay water release and he went on to state his reasons. Those were reasons worthy of consideration like causing farmers additional problems during harvesting and that rainfall was unusually 50% higher than normal. Agree on second point that all flood aids and prevention are mired with corruption just like any other projects in the hands of civil servants.

  5. Now who's to be blamed for canceling the water manegement projects in June last year. The blame game continue. When is he going to man up and face the challenges.

    Remember your last PTP water minister admitted after the big floods that he failed to release water early enough, the when the monsoons came water overflowed and flooded Thailand---DID YOU FORGET THIS.??

    Where did the money go after when the Yingluck government were to put it all right so it would never happen again, But it will happen because most money disappeared.

    Now we have drought, and in 1 year governing you think that the dry areas can all be given wells...NEVER in 1 year no where in the world can any government do that.

    Where did the money go that was given to dredge the canals, so they could hold water when it came.??

    Most of the PTP arrangements had to be cancelled because they were NOT managed properly and corruption rife--hence the cancel bit.

    Totally confused. Is there a Water Minister and can you provide quote to what he said? You are also lumping the short term and long term programs together. The short term immediate after the flood was for flood rehabilitation and providing confidence to the foreign companies like building flood wall barriers and retention area. The cancellation was for the long term project by the junta. When you put things in proper perspective, you can see that the short term programs were achieved but not the long term which is a big mistake.

  6. Good. Better than any others there have been since Thaksin first came to power.

    Maybe but how is that good?

    Are they really killing corruption or just corruption in stealth mode?

    Stealth? More like blatant. Start by explaining why the motorway project in Chonburi was increased by 4.2B or 26.25% from the original budget approved by the previous government.

  7. What about a hose pipe ban? What about asking the public to collect rain water like they do in the country side? What about flushing the toilet only when you poo into it? Brush your teeth with a glass of water not with a tap running. These are advice given by other countries governments during water shortages. A little more research needed PM.

    I have never seen a toilet in Thailand, similar to the ones used in Australia. These are all 'FULL' flush or 'HALF'' flush.

    It saves a few hundred litres week per person and it all ads up.

    It took water shortages to do this, and maybe now Thailand needs to look at this for all future installations.

    Many houses in both suburbs and country in Australia have water tanks, some for their entire water supply, others have smaller flat tanks against walls, to supplement domestic water.

    Talking of hosepipe bans as Wilsonandson suggests, this is the law in London. Car washing is by bucket only, and garden watering is with a watering can.

    Time to look at re-cycling or reclaiming of waste water a la Singapore Newater (reverse Osmosis and microfiltration) or de-salination. The budget used for the submarine deal could easily pay for a deslination plant.

  8. So Yingluck learned her ropes after elected. What's wrong with that. I can quote you few countries that have the same situation. Is Prayuth better qualified or have experience? And by any defination of democracy, universal suffrage and the laws of Thailand, she was elected PM even by party list (same as AV) and chosen by his brother ( every electorates know that).

    Eric, Eric, Eric..................................You must have had tongue jammed firmly in cheek when you wrote that one ! biggrin.png

    The only thing Yingluck learned how to do after being appointed was to avoid work, skip meetings, shrug responsibility, and abuse the entire position of PM in general.

    Please quote a few countries that you claim had the same "situation", I would be interested to see that.

    Prayuth had the same amount of qualification/experience as Yingluck - zero.

    Because you spend little time in Asia and have very low knowledge, I will provide 2 Prime Ministers who were housewives before they took political role. Try research Cory and Megawati. Guess its your tongue firmly jammed now. Still you got one right to say Prayuth has zero qualification and experience and too stubborn to learn from other advise. That's uniquely his style.

  9. Yes? What do out of work relatives of some somebody have to do with my point that the army are no better qualified than nurses, electricians and plumbers, or the fact they have been running the country for an awful long time without carrying out such infrastructure projects in the past if they do indeed possess the appropriate credentials, as you seem to be implying?

    Don't be deliberately obtuse. I am saying that the current PM, at worst, is as qualified as the last.

    Of course it could be argued (although I doubt you would agree) that the previous PM was rather better qualified for the role - having been elected, by the people.

    The present incumbent selected and appointed himself, albeit with the approval of a legislative assembly which he,, umm, also appointed himself!

    Jag oh please, be honest----what qualifications did Yingluck have to be PM ?? any government experience ?? any other quality apart from being a traveler and shopper. SHE was not even elected by the Thai people she was placed there by her brother.

    So Yingluck learned her ropes after elected. What's wrong with that. I can quote you few countries that have the same situation. Is Prayuth better qualified or have experience? And by any defination of democracy, universal suffrage and the laws of Thailand, she was elected PM even by party list (same as AV) and chosen by his brother ( every electorates know that).

  10. Didn't the Constitutional Court ruled that the infrastructure projects are unconstitutional last year? Never mind, different time different stroke.

    Yes they did my friend.

    That was due to the last govt funding the project "off budget" thus it would not be transparent and the ability of them to be scrutinised by parliament would be negated.

    I suspect the funding for this project will be "on budget" though if you are able to provide evidence to show otherwise I look forward to it.

    Have a nice evening.[/quote

    Putting everything into context, off budget funding in Thailand is not a new PT phenomenon and government in the past have funded programs with off budget. Actually the most recent off budget that meet with no oppositions legislatively or judicially was in 2009 TKK programs. This current government infrastructure will certainly funded with part off budget and private investment. Just too big to be allocated in the regular budget without affecting expenditures for other important segments. Cheers.

  11. This is all so wrong to have the army base use for selling food. What is Prayuth thinking. No army base will compromise their security for such cheap PR publicity. Don't soldiers have better things to do like training? Give the selling to the village or tambon chiefs. Even better, give the cheap food to hardship farmers to earn some money. Just ludicrous and cheap publicity.

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