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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Phillipines received similar warning and responded positively and now EU has lifted the threat. Thailand is bundled with Cambodia over poor and inadequate regulations to thwart illegal fishing. Shame that a minister made such remark. Doesn't help. If Philippines can take responsible action, amended their system, switch to proactive approach against illegal fishing and impose tough penalties on such activities, Thailand can do the same if the have the political will. They now have article 44 and they can clean up the mess unless there are uniforms that reaping benefits from illegal fishing. The military will never go against their own kind.

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  2. Unlikely if we looking at a 3 years horizon. We are suffering from 10 years of political volatility which has left a serious dent in our competitiveness. It also left a inconsistent and non cohesive long term toll on businesses. Our productivity has not improved that negates our low employment. Export has stagnated and that is 70% of GDP. Tourism numbers may be up but we are not attracting premium travelers who are scared by the political events. So far, the current government rhetoric are not backed by consistent actions and investments.

    To be economic leader, we need to move from current neutral ground to a GDP of more than 4%. Also need to move out of the middle income trap. We need to produce more high value products and that will mean a revamping of our education system and investment critieria. We also must rely less on foreign workers which will decline when their home countries begin to develop. Lastly we need political stability and an elected government for the next 10 years.

  3. Blinkered conclusion with Sansern already pointing fingers without evidence or proof. Just don't made sense for the Reds perpetractor to steal a pick up in Yala, evade all the tight checkpoints and hired the south insurgents to hook up the bomb. Wouldn't it be easier to steal a car in Surat and hook up a relatively simple gas cylinder detonator. The north accent is also very distinctive from the south and people can differentiate and provide information to the law. Well unless the south have red cells and that is a game changer.

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  4. I think we all have to keep slowing down a bit.

    1) Could be the Southern Insurgents

    2) Could you be the Red Shirts

    3) Could be a business conflict at least for the storage facilities that is owned by Suthep

    I put my money for the moment on 1) the Southern insurgency.

    Just a few weeks ago I posted in TV that it is just a matter of time before the insurgents will target tourist destinations.

    As for the stories that some ill intentioned groups are hiring the insurgents, I don't believe in it.

    4) could be disgrunted ex-PDRC rubber farmers who are well schooled in violence not happy with the government respond to their hardship after all the heavy lifting to invite the coup. Also angry with Sutherp for not doing enough and abandon them to become a monk.

    Take your pick.

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  5. Prayuth loose lips did it again. Really unnecessary remark which are thoughtless and careless. Why dont he engage his brain before he talk. Perhaps drunk with absolute power. The damage from his unnecessary remark will made reconcilation harder as he try to exonerate the military from the 2010 atrocity of overwhelming civilian casualties from excessive and indiscriminating fire power and poor command of the situation.

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  6. This Canadian MP is clearly out of his intellectual depth. His country is a revisionist Theocracy under the rule of a Christian Fundamentalist Fanatic in service to the Zionist masters. Their nut case Prime Minister most certainly does not represent the people of Canada. He hangs with the Jews instead of attending UN meetings. He is so ill informed he donates Canadian taxpayer dollars to the Ismaelite Assasins Guild in nice photo op with Aga Khan IV.

    Hang your head in SHAME. Go back where you come from, Boy! We live under the benevolent rule of a gentle Monarchy. Dump Harper and restore Canadian Democracy such as previously managed by great leaders Diefenbaker, Pearson and best of all The honorable, Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

    Ain't he an elected MP since 2006? That's what count.

  7. You don't need permission to mourn the deaths of your own citizens by the guns of your own military. Everyone remember that fateful days. Just like Thammasart massacre 1976, the day will go down history in time live with infamy.

    To many I am sure you are right, but keep in mind that to many others, me included, it will go down in history as the day the army saved Bangkok from a terrorist attack.

    You do have the right to express, something in short supply at this trying time. Just that the word "save" is way off the mark. Here you have a military with overwhelming fire power against a static target and the majority of those killed were civilians, journalists, nurse and taxi drivers. If the casualties were MIB, I say well done but when the casualties are civilians, I called this brutality. More like the protestors needed to be saved when you faced with M16 and live ammo. To me it's indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force. That will be remembered in Thai history as another atrocity by the military.

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