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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Don't think the NCPO has the guts to approve all the charter undemocratic changes. I see them dropping the unelected PM and full senator appointment but will approve the MMA system. These are the people that love the limelight and popularity and will not like to go down history as architect of a very troublesome charter. They know that the time has changed and the submissive mass are better informed, connected and more politically aware. It's just too big a risk to forcefully push a unpopular charter when the oppositions have now galvanized into a single voice. For all the aggressiveness shown by the PM, he actually a paper tiger and continuously checking and more oncern for his popularity.

  2. The greatest insult to any self appointed leader is to be ignored with the spotlight on a past democratically elected Prime Minister?

    Which one would be the democratically elected one?

    As long as I know Thaksin was never correct elected, it was always a full scale vote buying.....

    Struggling to find closure? All countries refer Thaksin and Yingluck as elected Prime Mnister and Prayuth as coup leader. All countries will welcome elected leaders but many will close their doors on unelected coup leaders.

  3. So he's no diplomat... not the end of the world for Thailand is it?

    If he can learn to laugh at himself and accept that others will too.... he might become one of Thailand's better leaders in the past 1/2 century, even with his flaws.

    Why? Why would he be thought of as one of the best? What has he achieved nearly a year into his rule? Stopping the protests I won't accept as it was clear as day the military were never 'neutral' in that.

    So what are these great things he's done? Can you give me ten reasons backed and sourced?

    'please tell and I won't accept this and that' ? "great things" and "ten reasons" ?

    Well,the government will come with their presentation on achievements after Songkhran. Can't you wait for that? I mean we're still waiting for the 'achievement reports' from the Yingluck Government. Unlike you I'm willing to accept, like 'democracy restored', 'amnesty bill pushed through', 'RPPS for the right people'.

    Achievements of the current government is a bit more difficult though. Most activities have long term goals, but there are some shorter term things.

    - put a stop to protests and cowardly attacks on protesters

    - gently prodded Suthep and accompanied him to the Criminal court to hear and acknowledge charges against him

    - pay (most?) rice farmers

    - stop RPPS

    - put items like 'dual tracking' and 'road maintenance' back in the MoT National Budget (aka NatBgt) allocation

    - planned seven years of 107 billion Baht reservation in the NatBgt, first one in 2014/2015.

    - started reform process with NRC, commissions, country wide opening of candidate application

    - started constitution rewrite with CDC, commissions, country wide request for input

    - stopped interference in nACC work on 'negligence' (Yingluck), corruption (Boonsong c.s.) and 'abuse of power (Abhisit, Suthep, Somchai)

    - befriended the press

    Hope this helps

    Rubi, you got a wicked sense of humour. Befriended the press!!! Perhaps it's tough love if you want to punch, throw banana skin and threaten to execute the press and later made up and be friends.

    • Like 1
  4. Lee had very strong views regarding the establishment if you read his book "One Man's view of the World". I qoute "arrival of Thaksin changed the politics of Thailand when before that the establishment dominated allsides of the political competition and governed largely to the benefit of the nation capital". He had very strong statements against coups and warned that repeated coups has led to political instability. I think all ASEAN leaders are not pleased with the situation in Thailand but kept silent in the spirit of non interference in domestic issues. I hope Prayuth will not creat an international incident in Singapore with his foolishness.

    Which foolishness?

    It would seem Thaksin and his Pheu Thai party 'speak-my-words' people are creating a charged atmosphere by suggesting that IF Thaksin meets PM Prayut in Singapore he MAY smile at him.

    I'm sure the Singapore Authorities do not want any irregularities during their and their's mourning for the Founding Father. They will keep private persons from making embarrassing noises or being seen waving some fingers.

    Rubi, I know Singapore has strict rules and even so during this sad time but I am sure they will allow smile. Just hope Thaksin will control his smile and not break out into hysterical laugh at the clumsy ways the General is running the country and the regular gaffes.

  5. Thaksin will not attend the official ceremony because he was not invited

    In reality the two were known to be close so every liklihood he was invited.


    Of course you'd know all this. Told you Thaksin was a good bloke no doubt.

    I'm sure Thaksin's PR machine will claim that. Just like they tried to link him to Nelson Mandela. Anything to try and legitimize the criminal.

    Er, no need because LKY was on record as having higher regard for Thaksin than any other Thai politician.

    Is it my imagination but are not the little band of military cheerleaders getting even more hysterical than normal? Perhaps it's not surprising as the object of their adoration has become an international embarrassment and laughing stock.

    Would that have been around the time Thaksin was taking out a loan at higher interest rates over a longer time period from the Singapore government to pay off the IMF loan? Followed by the sale of his family corporation to Singapore, after he changed the law of course.

    How very accommodating of him. Easy to see how such a chap would be held in high regard, not that there was much competition among his peers.

    Wonder if Mr. Lee still thought the same as time went on? We shall never know.

    Prayut creates his own problems with his "unique" style and makes Boris Johnson look eloquent and thoughtful. But, having a convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on much more serious criminal charges, actually running the government by Skype, openly dictating policy and reshuffling cabinets whenever it suited, was even more embarrassing.

    Just what are you implying BB. Tamesak Holding has a investment portfolio of USD177 B and the Shin sales was less than 1% of their investment portfolio. Peanuts really. AndI like to see a link that Singapore syndicated the IMF payback loan. You are trying to instigate something from nothing.

    Lee is pragmatic and honest with his opinion. He knows how to differentiate between money and power corruption. Both are wrong in his eyes. Don't think Prayuth has unique style, just that the job is totally beyond him and his expertise and intelligence.

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  6. Thaksin will not attend the official ceremony because he was not invited

    In reality the two were known to be close so every liklihood he was invited.


    Of course you'd know all this. Told you Thaksin was a good bloke no doubt.

    I'm sure Thaksin's PR machine will claim that. Just like they tried to link him to Nelson Mandela. Anything to try and legitimize the criminal.

    In fact he's right. In his last book, Lee wrote positively about Thaksin as a business-minded person who was going up against the old-time elites that were holding the country back. Hard to believe not everyone shares your view of the man, eh?

    In fact, this is what Lee wrote in his 2013 book: "Thaksin is much shrewder and smarter than his critics. Thats why he tapped the northeast to overcome the resistance from them."

    Lee had very strong views regarding the establishment if you read his book "One Man's view of the World". I qoute "arrival of Thaksin changed the politics of Thailand when before that the establishment dominated all

    sides of the political competition and governed largely to the benefit of the nation capital". He had very strong statements against coups and warned that repeated coups has led to political instability. I think all ASEAN leaders are not pleased with the situation in Thailand but kept silent in the spirit of non interference in domestic issues. I hope Prayuth will not creat an international incident in Singapore with his foolishness.

    • Like 1
  7. So he's no diplomat... not the end of the world for Thailand is it?

    If he can learn to laugh at himself and accept that others will too.... he might become one of Thailand's better leaders in the past 1/2 century, even with his flaws.

    Rather silly and naive statement. Leader and diplomacy are qualities that are needed to be a good leader. Good leaders use diplomacy to find common ground to deal with contentious issues.

    You said he has his flaws and yet you think he is becoming one of Thailand better leader. What are you smoking mate. Careful with laughing too much at himself as this is a sign of craziness. Don't try too hard kissing up the junta ass.

  8. "really nothing to show after almost a year"

    Do you read the news. The PM probably would probably benefit from professional PR assistance but after 10 months (and having full "undivided" resistance on the part of some people), there has certainly been progress in addressing illegal drugs, weapons, and corruption - in only 10 months, not 10 years.

    Neil, we are talking about weightier subject like the economy. Stay focus.

    The economy is an important factor, but so is law and order, justice, education and social development. They are all weighty subjects that interact.

    Thailand is slow to change, under any political party. You want to talk economy - please spell out the achievements of the Yingluck/Thaksin PTP administration and the negatives regarding the economy. As the Shin family already vast fortune increased a whopping 450% during that period I guess we can say their plans worked for some.

    A military junta took power because a corrupt government that has acted illegally was in caretaker mode and had either lost control of law and order or was deliberately provoking lawlessness. That was an untenable situation especially as the police refused to enforce the law. The underlying machinations that brought that situation about cannot be speculated upon.

    Having brought some semblance of law and order, the cumbersome justice machinery may now actually bring some criminals to justice.

    However, the down side is that a military propelled into government does not have an economic strategy and plans ready or people with the required skills and experience to suddenly create one. That is why a return to a civilian government must be made as soon as possible. But not one that lines it's own pockets and makes decisions based on what's best for itself.

    Yingluck really didn't have things easy beginning with the flood and then political unrest. Still she did quite well after the flood with a 6.5% GDP growth in 2012 and able to prevent a mass exodus of manufacturers and mending the bad relationship with Cambodia and increasing border trade. 2013 was a disaster with political unrest but she did lay the plans to develop the country infrastructure, long term water management and promoted the investment for Dawei; all the have been continued by the current government.

    On the negative side, the rice policy was a fiasco and she now paying the price. The first house and car schemes are debatable. It did brought a heightened domestic consumption and the auto and real estate sectors had a bountiful year and tax collected were on target. The negative side is the increase in household debts.

    The problem with the current Adminstration is the dominating style of the PM and his idioscrantic manner he made decision. Budget dispensation have been muted because of his style. The coup also contributed to political uncertainty which is not good for investments. The PM also find it difficult to travel freely for trade talks.

    I agreed totally with you that sooner we revert back to civilian rule, the better for the economy.

  9. All words and no action!!

    Give him a chance for Christ sake!!!

    Yingluck had her chance and succeeded in trashing the country and leaving it with a 600 BILLION baht deficit - when there wasn't a full blown global crisis.

    That's like saying to the Chancellor after just having announced his budget details "all words and no actions"!!

    Something that I've noticed that completely invalidates what you say is what Prayut say's he is going to do gets done (without the cock ups and corruption), to boot.

    Give him a chance!!! Do we have a choice. He had our full undivided enforced attention and up to now really nothing to show after almost a year and you still think he will deliver. This coup will be another lost year for Thailand as in other previous coups.

    "really nothing to show after almost a year"

    Do you read the news. The PM probably would probably benefit from professional PR assistance but after 10 months (and having full "undivided" resistance on the part of some people), there has certainly been progress in addressing illegal drugs, weapons, and corruption - in only 10 months, not 10 years.

    Neil, we are talking about weightier subject like the economy. Stay focus.

  10. All words and no action!!

    Give him a chance for Christ sake!!!

    Yingluck had her chance and succeeded in trashing the country and leaving it with a 600 BILLION baht deficit - when there wasn't a full blown global crisis.

    That's like saying to the Chancellor after just having announced his budget details "all words and no actions"!!

    Something that I've noticed that completely invalidates what you say is what Prayut say's he is going to do gets done (without the cock ups and corruption), to boot.

    Give him a chance!!! Do we have a choice. He had our full undivided enforced attention and up to now really nothing to show after almost a year and you still think he will deliver. This coup will be another lost year for Thailand as in other previous coups.

    You are just being stupid now - lets assume he had done nothing (which is complete cods wallop) then surely that is better then losing on average 150 billion baht/year without improving anything and allowing rampant corruption to take place along with complete disorder and running battles on the streets!!!

    Don't you think it sound rather silly from you when the coup will cost the country 15.3 B USD or almost 500 B Baht. Shhh how that's compare to the 150B "pull off the air lost" caused by the PDRC mayhem. BTW,there are still rampant corruption. Didn't stop after the coup. Ask the Generals.

    • Like 2
  11. All words and no action!!

    Give him a chance for Christ sake!!!

    Yingluck had her chance and succeeded in trashing the country and leaving it with a 600 BILLION baht deficit - when there wasn't a full blown global crisis.

    That's like saying to the Chancellor after just having announced his budget details "all words and no actions"!!

    Something that I've noticed that completely invalidates what you say is what Prayut say's he is going to do gets done (without the cock ups and corruption), to boot.

    Give him a chance!!! Do we have a choice. He had our full undivided enforced attention and up to now really nothing to show after almost a year and you still think he will deliver. This coup will be another lost year for Thailand as in other previous coups.

    • Like 1
  12. Allow me to refresh your memory. The Thai court had aquited the 2 remaining Redshirts and 2 juveniles accused of burning CW. There were photo or videos of Redshirts holding something which was later indentified as fire extinguishers. Further, the military took over the burning. So the juror is still out there as to who touched CW. Now we are on the same page.

    F because they can't positively identify exactly who burnt down CW, no red shirts were involved? By that logic, the army didn't kill anyone in the wat.

    I'm just wondering where you can get fire extinguishers that look like burning tyres.

    The "they" you're refering is the Thai court and they ruled that the arrested Reds and charged for arson were not involved and aquited them. Again it's the court inquest that concluded that the Wat killings were from shots by the military. Your wondering can ceased also as its the court that stated that the it's fire extinguisher. The tire reference is totally absurd and illogical now that the court have their rulings. I'm sure you're a law abiding person, no?
    The ''arresed reds'' were aquited. True. That still doesn't change the fact that the video released during the PDRC protest shows red shirts burning CW. Is your memory refreshed yet? :rolleyes:

    Really can't argue with someone who insist that unsubstantiated evidence not legally admissible are facts.

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  13. If anything, Abhisit and Suthep should explain why they they continued to be so patient, putting up with over 2 months of intransigence before taking dynamic action (except for one incident). If Abhisit deserves to be vilified, it would be because he was too nice and too open to negotiations.

    Then surely Yingluck will be qualified to be in our nice list as she was patient for 7 months and 22 days and still did not ordered the military to intervene inspite of violence at the Parliment House and at pooling stations. And she even agreed to dissolve Parliment and yet the military staged a coup. All planned, no?

    • Like 1
  14. Allow me to refresh your memory. The Thai court had aquited the 2 remaining Redshirts and 2 juveniles accused of burning CW. There were photo or videos of Redshirts holding something which was later indentified as fire extinguishers. Further, the military took over the burning. So the juror is still out there as to who touched CW. Now we are on the same page.

    F because they can't positively identify exactly who burnt down CW, no red shirts were involved? By that logic, the army didn't kill anyone in the wat.

    I'm just wondering where you can get fire extinguishers that look like burning tyres.

    The "they" you're refering is the Thai court and they ruled that the arrested Reds and charged for arson were not involved and aquited them. Again it's the court inquest that concluded that the Wat killings were from shots by the military. Your wondering can ceased also as its the court that stated that the it's fire extinguisher. The tire reference is totally absurd and illogical now that the court have their rulings. I'm sure you're a law abiding person, no?

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