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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. Both were close ally during the PDRC protest and now bitter foes. They were actually fighting for the minister post and Rajata got the ministerial position and Narong the perm sec. Got to have a bearing on their inability to work together from the very first day. Hope this not the reason as personal differences should never be brought into work which is holding hostage to thousands of citizens needing medical care.

  2. Just did some more reading on this.

    Dr Narong has been trying to run an effective health care system for the government.

    The doctor was transferred to the generals staff as a special advisor, with a 42,000 baht allowance a month on top of his normal salary.

    The Public Health ministry's Permanent Secretary Office (PSO) has been in conflict with National Health Security Office (NHSO) for several months over the management of the Universal coverage healthcare scheme (UC) supervised by the NHSO. Dr Narong suggested that the PSO manage the healthcare budget, while the NHSO believes that the PSO proposal would create conflicts of interest. The Doctor suggested this proposal as the NHSO is poor in the management of the UC budget allocation which is causing problems for a number of PSO hospitals.

    One of the major issues that this Thai Government has is not spending money along with not the right personal able to give guidance in matters of spending/governance.

    Committees were set up to resolve the issue but Dr Narong and associates boycotted the meetings.

    The lads in the health care system see Dr Narongs actions as maintenance of the Thai Health system.

    Whilst the appointed military types see someone not kowtowing to their demands.

    A states healthcare system is expensive, with armatures running the system they may dismantle social services needed not only to provide basic healthcare, but create issues that may have catastrophic reach into public health management. Hope the NHSO has an idea what they are doing?

    Chris, don't think Prayuth is taking side and certainly not a question of Narong not kowtowing to his demand. Prayuth is just frustrated with his stubbornness to compromise and work out an amicable solution. He has given him and Rajata a time frame to break the impasse and Narong refusal to even attend meetings has left Rajata no choice but recommend his sacking. At the heart of this impasse is the breakdown of who should manage the health budget. I think PSO argued that universal health is a social welfare and loss is expected while Narong insist that the budget must be tightly controlled and balance.

  3. In regard to both the USA and European Union, where is their comment on the lack of democracy in both Singapore and Malaysia?

    Allow me to comment about Malaysia and Singapore having lived there for considerable length of time. Both lacking in real freedom of speech and both guilty of using the courts to stifle oppositions. Their ISA is a questionable democratic method. They will face the people wrath in the next election and the corrupted Najib BN will be severely tested. The process will be very democratic and it's the people's mandate to oust the corrupted. Singapore PAP better keep their ear to the ground or they too will lose support. For certain no coup as the people in both countries know the costs and the fall-out and will never tolerated a military takeover.

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  4. Just a re-gathering of PDRC supporters in the photo. Martial law has been lenient with them.

    I think it really comes down to the subject matter for the protest - not unrealistic tbh

    I like the idea that the PM is bringing him on board as an advisor, I suspect the real target of this investigation is the NHSO

    The advisor mentioned to save face. He was sacked and posted to an inactive role. Really all about the money or rather who control the budget. His hard stance and recalcitrance attitude are his fallings as he was unable to solve the year old problem. Just watch how fast this issue will be resolved without him and that will give you a big clue.

  5. ... ...

    We have a dominating and intimidating PM who presides over the cabinet. Just like a family run business, a very micro managing and dominating CEO will stifle ideas and expression. All is not well and the economy is heading for a free fall until Thailand revert back to democracy and free election.

    We had a criminal fugitive running his cabinet and clone like a family business. Top man thinking, rest acting. Lots of posters seemed to be happy with that.

    Anyway, it would seem Thailand's economy has been in a free fall for almost a year now (according to some that is). The rest of the World follows the Thai example it looks like. The Euro on it's lowers point since 2003. Must be the coup in Thailand.

    Rubi, was Thaksin back running the cabinet? Giving some advise is vast different from physical presiding the cabinet.

    Funny you don't see the fall in export, dwindling FDI, struggling SMEs, low tourist inbound, drop in car and houses sales, stalled government projects and drop in revenue collection from poor domestic consumption. Yes, it's a free fall and really lack of government initiatives and policies. And someone said that more taxes are the panacea. A cabinet re-shuffle is not far away.

  6. Rubber another blight brought on by the Thaksin bunch. When the Shin clan tried to clamp down on the muslims in the south the insurgency swelled and numerous rubber projects were started in the NE with the usual back handing deals. Rubber trees went everywhere, the tragedy now is the investment it takes to produce rubber; the trees, the land clearance/bedding, the seven years to production. Additionally, rubber planting has destroyed a lot of soils as the erosion from ditching has been huge.

    I hope the rubber folk the best in their endeavors and what a shame they were duped by the past governments.

    But even now when we here the current PM talk of new crops and diversification in agricultural, I sincerely hope the processes are well thought through and not just to make people temporarily "happy".

    Don't think that less than 5% of total hectares Thailand rubber planation in the North East will made much of a dent and affect much farmers. They did enjoyed a period of high rubber price and should be happy. Contrary to what you said, rubber plantation actually reduce soil degradation, erosion and enhance soil fertility.

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  7. Don't made democracy any more harder by coups. Keep changing the constitution also is not helpful. Military must keep their guns outwards, not inwards. Strengthen the rule of law with a fair and just judiciary. Corruption must be punished by equal dispensation of deterrent for rich and poor. Lastly, only legit power to the upper and lower house from the people. Khun Pompimol should have said "our democracy deserves every chance to made it work".

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  8. The good General had that covered and his solution to our poor economy situation is to raise more taxes. Military men should stay as military men and not try to act as economist.

    You might have missed that general government financing and the financing of various projects to stimulate the economy require some money. What with the previous government having been somewhat easy in spending, the current government needs to operate in a tighter environment.

    There's still the 700 billion Baht RPPs debt and somehow the 1.4 trillion the previous government parked under the carpet at Bank of Thailand because that gave them better borrowing conditions.

    He has also missed that the present finance minister is not a military man but highly respected in the financial world and that the BoT (which has just lowered interest rates by 0.25%) is responsible for managing the economy.

    But when you are just posting for a bash what do facts matter.

    Rob, your highly respected financial minister seem highly respected by only the coup leaders. He got his finance portfolio in both coups and not once in an elected government. May be his ability to condescend and follow orders. He is reported to favour the land tax just like the PM.

    Yes he is respected in financial circles.

    Thaksin with his proxy Govts put his own people in a finance ministers, loyalty and doing what they were told being the only qualifications needed.

    Korn was the choice of the Abhisit Govt and he was said to have been the best finance minister this country has ever had.

    It would appear you prefer Kitterat who believes that telling lies about the economy is the correct thing to do.

    The land tax is a tax on the rich who own expensive properties and large land holdings, the alternative which has been mentioned is an increase in VAT which would impact most on the poor.

    No problem that you find Khun Sommai highly respected. Somehow to me the experience of being the MD in SET outweighs working for a bank for the important finance minister role. Also fine with your assessment of Korn even though he was clouded with controversies regarding the fire sales of cheap 1997 assets. That's totally your personal prerogative. The Kittiratt lies always close at hand to be quoted. Just tell me which FM including the current and global do not lie to talk up their country economy.

    Somehow what Kittiratt tried to ask BOT to do finally happen during Junta time. The quarter percentage drop has done its job and Baht depreciated and will help the export sector. Lacking in large amount are the fiscal policies to stimulate domestic and export growth. Like or hate it, the rice scheme, first house and car schemes and tax cuts in previous government gave a big boost to the domestic economy. Toyota is experiencing a big drop in sales and would affect manufacturing which have a influence on employment. Real estates are not fairing too good too. Budget disbursement is off target and money is not getting into the economy. Projects delayed and many contractors and workers are feeling the pinch. The SMEs are struggling due to lack of liquidity and lack of government initiative. The FDI is slowing down as foreign investors are concern with the uncertainty of a junta government. Remember the previous junta gaffe in introducing capital control. It was a disaster.

    We have a dominating and intimidating PM who presides over the cabinet. Just like a family run business, a very micro managing and dominating CEO will stifle ideas and expression. All is not well and the economy is heading for a free fall until Thailand revert back to democracy and free election.

  9. The good General had that covered and his solution to our poor economy situation is to raise more taxes. Military men should stay as military men and not try to act as economist.

    You might have missed that general government financing and the financing of various projects to stimulate the economy require some money. What with the previous government having been somewhat easy in spending, the current government needs to operate in a tighter environment.

    There's still the 700 billion Baht RPPs debt and somehow the 1.4 trillion the previous government parked under the carpet at Bank of Thailand because that gave them better borrowing conditions.

    He has also missed that the present finance minister is not a military man but highly respected in the financial world and that the BoT (which has just lowered interest rates by 0.25%) is responsible for managing the economy.

    But when you are just posting for a bash what do facts matter.

    Rob, your highly respected financial minister seem highly respected by only the coup leaders. He got his finance portfolio in both coups and not once in an elected government. May be his ability to condescend and follow orders. He is reported to favour the land tax just like the PM.

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  10. I would be surprised if it was not linked. Most violence in Bangkok over the past 2 years was red driven.

    Oh yes, the popcorn gunman. Cannot forget that guy amongst the 100's of attacks and deaths by the reds.

    Oh yes, it will be linked for sure if they want it link. The authority will find every and any reasons to justify their continuation and imposition of martial law. They even allow the bombers to carry out their act to be convincing. Irony that they have know the perpetrators and even the 100s targets and have been tracking them and yet not apprehend them before they carried out the act as normal law enforcers will do but allow them to complete the act and gave chase and a fire fight. Just to be convincing.

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  11. Remember the Thaksin "press conferences" coffee1.gif

    I remember when Yingluck was elected and you moaned that Thailand was becoming North Korea, Jingthing. Now that Thailand has an unelected coup ruling the country, martial law, military tribunals for citizens with no appeal, no constitution, no political rights, no civil liberties, greatly increased prosecution for political speech, among its many repressive features you can't still be going on about what a threat to democracy the Shinawatras are, can you? You can't possibly lack a sense of scale to that degree, right?

    You missed one out: "and no government backed terrorist groups murdering innocent men, women and children on the streets with grenade launchers" - which coincidentally is the ENTIRE reason for the coup.

    Still, ignore what you don't like eh ?. And always blame someone else ...

    That bunch of cronies were using deliberate terrorism to murder civilians in their attempts to hold on to power. You can't get worse than that. And it's pretty obvious who gave the order.

    Seem you have a great analytical mind. Care you explain why no coup in 2010 when events were more dire?

  12. We've been watching these two very closely for a long time...yeah, that's the ticket. And we followed them all the time, but they got away for a minute and lobbed a grenade in...the parking lot. Yeah, that's believable. And afterwards we were right on them - shot one and nabbed the other perp (perp always sounds so damning--hee hee).

    No one will ever figure this one out.


    Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius

    Yes really hard to figure this out when normal law enforcement officers should have stop search the car when these folks are under surveillance and are crime suspects before the crime is committed. They choose to watch the crime and made this like a movie scene. Too hard to believe this not another set up by you know who.

  13. "felt like punching a reporter for asking him a question he disliked"

    And this guy is a PM???

    No, he is not. He is a self appointed autocrat.

    What planet are you living on?

    He is the appointed PM and has been royally endorsed.

    You might not like it - but that's irrelevant.

    Cut that out. All coup leaders got royally endorsed almost like a royal tradition. Key word self appointed and that mades a world of difference to the free world.

    Nonsense Eric. Thaksin was self appointed care taker when removed, but don't see you decrying that.

    However he got there, Prayut still the current official legal PM.

    Why the crying when it's within the constitution for Thaksin or Yingluck to be elected caretaker unlike current junta tearing up the constitution and set up their own interim constitution to be the PM. Expect a re-write for an insertion of a non elected lower house representative to be PM soon.

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