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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. A lot of high ranking soldiers from the Junta reviewing large infrastructure plans and development projects I would presume these people have absolutely no idea what they are looking at and are completely unqualified to manage such high profile many billions of Baht projects, and are more used to shouting at soldiers to march and turn left and turn right.

    Shouldn't be that difficult. Just juggle around the previous modules, re-set the time frame, call it differently and called them your own. No need to re-invent the wheel.

  2. Thanks Winstonc, I don't mind at all being "educated' and have stuff pointed out to me, how do you learn without asking questions, and asking the difficult ones too?

    I want to learn, I want to know all the good stuff and the bad stuff as it helps me understand the situations better, and I rely on the Ginjags of the forum to provide this, warts and all, I prefer to keep an open mind, and listen to all sides, and if I have to form opinions I do so based on what I find, I'd love to have been an investigative journalist, I'm not afraid to ask the difficult questions either.

    My bosses have a love hate relationship with me, I'm good at my job, I get results and the clients are always singing my praises, but I'm not afraid to tell the "grown ups" as we call them, the ground truth, I don't ever believe in glossing over the cracks, I've never been the one to toe the party line entirely, just because the rest of the herd do, I've asked the questions that guys are too scared to, who when all together whinge and moan like <deleted>, and say they'll do this that or the other, but when push comes to shove and the big cheeses come down and ask "hows things on the ground" they clamp like <deleted> oysters!! Me, I can't help myself, I'll tell them the truth, and then I'll have a go at the blokes for talking shit and not backing it up, the truth always hurts, in love life and politics.

    Thailand has a chance now to progress, everyone should be getting behind that effort, focus on what can be achieved now, and the future will be easier to deal with.

    Without the valuable input and contributions from many TVF members, we'd all be sitting in a dark room, making shit up, afraid to go anywhere, or say anything, I love this forum, it's a valuable learning place for those who wish to know more about an awesome country!! :D

    Search and have a read on "what Transparency International says about Taksin will shock you". I enjoy your posting and don't sell yourself short just because of someone. Stick with your beliefs and principles.

    • Like 1
  3. Not sure how long it will last or how deep army will dig, but it appears this time around Army is very serious about cleaning up the country.

    Starting in 1957, the coup commander Sarit Thanarat was not only serious about this, but had public executions of recalcitrant people opposed to his serious cleanups. These executions and other summary "justice" were quite popular actually. Many older Thais recall with some great fondness those days of the Sarit cleanup, just as many recall Thaksin's drug war.

    The problem is, you can look out your window or look at a newspaper/magazine, or look into your computer or TV news screen and see how well it worked and how strongly it took hold and survived.

    The entire problem here is that these people are doing exactly what has been done many times, and poised to do it many times. Why you or they expect a different result ... well, only you know. Even the manner of the coup two weeks ago is right out of Field Marshal Sarit's "how to conduct a coup" manual, nothing of importance changed. And the language you quote is right from a Sarit/Thanom/Pibulsonggram/Prem/Thaksin/Sonthi/Suchinda playbook speech, not a word changed.

    After 60 years, you know, you'd think someone important or influential would ponder briefly and say, "That's not a feature. That's a bug."

    Even the excuses are the same. "Thais are not ready to take part in politics as they don't know how to excercise their rights properly and can be easily exploited". This written by Khun Suchit 30 years ago !!!

    As you rightly put it, we keep repeating the same cycle & hope for different results. While in fact, we have the answer to our problems right in front of us - political participation and people as power base. It is legimate and more effective than monopoly of power.


  4. He warned that politicians that have had their hands in wrongfully managing the country in the past must take responsibility for what they have done, stressing such people could not be trusted as they could not keep their promise and carry out their duty properly.

    Wow, many PTP in the Yingluck maladministration must be worried sick, including ol' Yingy. I hope the General digs deep and then prosecutes any and all involved in corruption. Maybe it is time to bring Thaksin home. w00t.gif

    If there are some democrats involved in corruption, fine, add them to the list. ANYONE, regardless of which side of the aisle they are from, should be targeted for investigation. If found guilty, confiscate any and all ill gotten gains, add a hefty penalty and then jail time, preferably in the Bangkok Hilton and not some 5 star resort.

    For the worst of the worst offenders, try the China solution... execution.

    It would appear that there may be light at the end of the tunnel after all.

    What about the military? You think they should be included in THE LIST regardless?

  5. If this was to include both sides (with people such as Suthep getting locked up for example) it would be great,

    Sadly its just more of a witch hunt to underscore the dominance of one group prior to someones, shall we say, departure. This will all backfire in epeic fashion eventually. Its the final backlash of a dieing establishment living on borrowed time.

    codswallop.... and you know it.

    For every Dem that goes to prison for wrongdoing, 50 Thaksin politicians will go in... Because that is probably the ratio.

    I genuinely pity people like yourself who think this is all a big fight against corruption. To live in (or have some attachment) to a country and know so little about the underlying situation really is sad. On the plus side you arnt alone and whilst most of the outside world laughs at you theres lots of other sex pats on here that agree with your insular views.

    On a serious note would you accept that on the above Suthep should be locked up for all the well documented corruption he has been involved in? Yes or no question, no man in Dubai BS please...

    I am sure he neither needs nor wants your pity and the fact is that brainwashed sheeple who love Thaksin such as yourself are truly the pitiable ones. And then you go on to call him a 'sexpat' when you don't even know him, typical rouge tactics trying to smear your opponent. Typically sad post from a brainwashed sheeple.

    As for Suthep's ''well documented corruption'' - all you have are allegations. Where is the proof ? Yeah, that's what I thought.....How about the 'well documented' corruption committed by your beloved PT party - for which there is proof ? Would you agree that all politicians regardless of which side they are on should be banged up if there IS PROOF of their wrongdoing ? Or only the ones you don't like ?

    There are few Suthep's corruption charges (not allegation) sitting in the NACC desk. Just that the NACC made the decision which cases they want to go after and which cases should stay in the backburner.

  6. So the military will decide arbitrarily who they feel is responsible? Looks like judge, juror and executioner all rolled up in one. Not a nice thought internally and externally.

    You just dont like the fact that theyve cleared up the past Governments garbage in 1 month and have the country feeling like a more honest, on track place!! Maybe one day youll realise that the answer to Thailands problems is in Thailand NOT in Dubai!!

    Love, just what has been cleared out. What the general did was to stop the PDRC and the UDD from killing each other and put an end to the 7 months of economic impasse. The party act, election act and the all the previous government projects are still on track. No one from the previous government has been convicted for corruption. You really have to stop being Dubai centric and just focus on Thailand.

    You need to catch up a bit Eric. Projects have been put on hold - to be checked and evaluated by experts, rather than politicians and family members.

    No one has been convicted of corruption - yet. The prospect has increased now the politically controlled Tarit has been removed, CAPO has been dissolved and can't block things anymore and 16 incompetent or "influenced" very senior policeman removed to inactive posts.

    Watch this space.

    PS - do you consider breaking rules and nepotism corruption or do you define it differently?

    If you mean old wine in a new bottle, then it is. Not that it's unexpected that the junta will review and evaluated but still the old wine.

    I will watch the space regarding conviction. If the previous government didn't stand a snowflake of chance in hell in previous courts, I tend to think kangaroo courts.

    Are you still talkng about just the NSC Thawil case or there are more to conclude nepotism. In any case, I still feel that it's the prerogative of any government to select their top civil servant and moreover Priewpan was well qualified and in line for promotion.

    • Like 1
  7. So the military will decide arbitrarily who they feel is responsible? Looks like judge, juror and executioner all rolled up in one. Not a nice thought internally and externally.

    You just dont like the fact that theyve cleared up the past Governments garbage in 1 month and have the country feeling like a more honest, on track place!! Maybe one day youll realise that the answer to Thailands problems is in Thailand NOT in Dubai!!

    Love, just what has been cleared out. What the general did was to stop the PDRC and the UDD from killing each other and put an end to the 7 months of economic impasse. The party act, election act and the all the previous government projects are still on track. No one from the previous government has been convicted for corruption. You really have to stop being Dubai centric and just focus on Thailand.

  8. beating about corruption by the junta but there is no proof. (how could there be whey are in charge so short)

    You're funny.

    You do realize that:

    a.) the military has a massive budget, no oversight, and lots of procurement opportunities.

    b.) this isn't their first rodeo

    c.) they've been plugged in at the civil service level for eons, much of the skim happens there rather than at the political level.

    But yes, we're not implying that the Junta has helped themselves to additional remuneration for their most current "sacrifice", yet.

    And yes, they will be granted full immunity, amazingly they will grant it unto themselves, for any "mistakes" they might make on this year's coup.

    I know.. but I am commenting on all the people saying they have already enriched themselves. The fact that they might be corrupt does not mean that this bunch is that is pulling the strings. Id like to see some proof. But there is no proof.. because the could not have even tried that. Just like YL asked for time give them time too. To either prove your point or mine but you guys are jumping the gun. YL hung herself maybe the army does the same. I doubt it.

    Can't argue against your statement. I guess the same premise can be level on Yingluck or any of her cabinet of corruption in the rice scheme. Jumping the gun?

  9. One: Will those hordes opposed to Yingluck's water-management scheme show up to oppose the junta's wataer management scheme?

    A significant number of these projects have been in the planning stages since the early 1990's, as a result of efforts by the Royal Irrigation Department begun at the behest of the Monarch back in the 1950's. There was overwhelming demand from all quarters: citizens, bureaucrats, foreign investors, industry, politicians of all ilks, water management experts, Dr. Water, here re: proactively addressing future flooding situations, during/after the great flood of 2011. But, easier to demand that everyone just "be happy", and also learn to swim.

    Is every project perfect? (No)

    Are there potential civilian displacements? (Yes)

    Will graft/corruption instantly disappear? (Up to you)

    Is it easy to sit back and do nothing? (Yes)

    We have been hearing all the problems relating to floods and droughts for decades. The same frustrations are heard on poor infrastructure. Governments after government talks about this but do not have the fortitude to face the challenges and rather kick the can down the road except for Taksin and Yingluck. They have faults but in terms of vision, courage and determination, they are the only governments that get things down. Oppositions and political opportunists will obviously take aimed and will try to discredit the projects and these are the people who are holding the potential of the nation down. Yes, review the projects but for the future of Thailand, these water and infrastructures are needed to just play catch up with our peers.

    Thaksin and Yingluck were indeed great in terms of vision, courage and determination, alas only to fill their own pockets (and opportunistically throw crumbs at uneducated empoverished masses to elect them). When you would be a private entrepreneur (busy with your own money...) confronted to a water management problem on your property, would it ever cross your mind to call a Mr Plodprasop to run the project for you (you know, the guy pushing water to the sea with thug boat propellers...)?

    Question for you. What do you know about using boats to quicken the flow of water and do you know whose idea was it? Careful with your answer as I don't want to put you into trouble.

  10. "This isn't to pick on your post, on the contrary, it's excellent. But your last sentence: How many times is it to be reviewed? And is the economic department at the Royal Thai Army headquarters really the perfect final review board? Really? Because?"

    I think we have to wait till June 11 and see the composition of the new body to manage the water management projects. Prayuth has wisely decided to call upon all those involved with the water project to meet. I am sure the Royal Irrigation Department, Engineering Institute (very vocal group) and hopefully also invite the JICA to join the meeting. If some talk about transparency and openess in decision making; hope they are equally vocal with the junta managing the water projects. The efforts to silence critics are not helpful.

  11. One: Will those hordes opposed to Yingluck's water-management scheme show up to oppose the junta's wataer management scheme?

    A significant number of these projects have been in the planning stages since the early 1990's, as a result of efforts by the Royal Irrigation Department begun at the behest of the Monarch back in the 1950's. There was overwhelming demand from all quarters: citizens, bureaucrats, foreign investors, industry, politicians of all ilks, water management experts, Dr. Water, here re: proactively addressing future flooding situations, during/after the great flood of 2011. But, easier to demand that everyone just "be happy", and also learn to swim.

    Is every project perfect? (No)

    Are there potential civilian displacements? (Yes)

    Will graft/corruption instantly disappear? (Up to you)

    Is it easy to sit back and do nothing? (Yes)

    We have been hearing all the problems relating to floods and droughts for decades. The same frustrations are heard on poor infrastructure. Governments after government talks about this but do not have the fortitude to face the challenges and rather kick the can down the road except for Taksin and Yingluck. They have faults but in terms of vision, courage and determination, they are the only governments that get things down. Oppositions and political opportunists will obviously take aimed and will try to discredit the projects and these are the people who are holding the potential of the nation down. Yes, review the projects but for the future of Thailand, these water and infrastructures are needed to just play catch up with our peers.

    Unfortunately the way Thaksin and Yingluck got things done leads to issues - ignoring the law, ignoring EIA requirements, avoiding transparency, not following budget rules, not selecting qualified suppliers, etc etc etc.

    Their record is more like launching projects and awarding contracts to contractors based on top secret criteria and then being found out for not doing anything correctly. Decisions taken by political cronies rather than experts.

    Perhaps you can tell us all where the emergency budget that was spent after the 2011 floods went? No one seems to know.

    Still, Dr.Thaksin had a nice visit to K Water judging by the photo and welcome banner. Now, tell me again, why would a bona fide company want to talk to a convicted criminal fraudster fugitive who can't actually go back to his country as he's an outstanding conviction and 15 outstanding court cases waiting? Oh yes, his sister was the PM. But, why would the PM allow a criminal to represent her country and negotiate contracts he has no subject matter expertise on its behalf? Little strange don't you think? Or was he only representing Shin family interests?

    Sure glad it is only your personal opinion which really is expected based on your political leaning.

    At least I qoute from a better and respected source. UNICEF monitored the flood and the fundings and concluded that the government was effective and effiient in its response. Tons of criticisms from the oppositions were expected.

    As for Taksin visit to K Water, the company spokesman has already said that it was a visit in his personal capacity to learn more from Korea's experience in water management. I would said that Taksin was being patriotic helpful to visit on his own expenses and pass the knowledge to Yinguck government. Of course you will have something else to say which is unimportant to me. The Korean Thailand ambassador was present and said expressed concern with allegation, bit like yours.

    The water project tender was open and transparent. It was a 3 days tender process and contenders must passed a technical review. No secret as you alleged or secret deals. All there for the NACC, OAG and independent agencies to monitor. They didnt said a thing but you did.

  12. One: Will those hordes opposed to Yingluck's water-management scheme show up to oppose the junta's wataer management scheme?

    A significant number of these projects have been in the planning stages since the early 1990's, as a result of efforts by the Royal Irrigation Department begun at the behest of the Monarch back in the 1950's. There was overwhelming demand from all quarters: citizens, bureaucrats, foreign investors, industry, politicians of all ilks, water management experts, Dr. Water, here re: proactively addressing future flooding situations, during/after the great flood of 2011. But, easier to demand that everyone just "be happy", and also learn to swim.

    Is every project perfect? (No)

    Are there potential civilian displacements? (Yes)

    Will graft/corruption instantly disappear? (Up to you)

    Is it easy to sit back and do nothing? (Yes)

    We have been hearing all the problems relating to floods and droughts for decades. The same frustrations are heard on poor infrastructure. Governments after government talks about this but do not have the fortitude to face the challenges and rather kick the can down the road except for Taksin and Yingluck. They have faults but in terms of vision, courage and determination, they are the only governments that get things down. Oppositions and political opportunists will obviously take aimed and will try to discredit the projects and these are the people who are holding the potential of the nation down. Yes, review the projects but for the future of Thailand, these water and infrastructures are needed to just play catch up with our peers.

  13. Let's face the reality that subsidies are here to stay as long as there are severe income inequality like in Thailand. It's a social contract that the tax payers who benefitted from the state creating the opportunities for them to move up their come ladder should help the less privilege sectors.

    Then it is also the question of preventing political and economic challenges. Farmers formed a very large portion of the population and is a serious threat if there are unrests caused farmers hardships. It is also an inflation threat of there are no subsidies or price control.

    It is a tricky balance of subsidy reform that need to reduce waste, shrink government outlays, enhance efficiency and productivity plus prevent corruption. Tough act and one Prayuth even if he is really sincere to reform is not enough. The preceding governments will have to follow through the reform for any chance of success.

    • Like 2
  14. In Australia the pest exterminators are prevented by law from using the powerful chemicals that work so well. They use mostly pyrethrum based sprays, which as noted may not be effective for termites in ceilings or established colonies under the house.

    BUT they also have a system that is used when spray would be ineffective, and that uses tiny amounts of powdered arsenic. They carefully make a very small entry to an active termite tunnel, so as not to scare the termites into deserting that tunnel. Then they puff some arsenic powder in. The worker ants remove this from the path by eating it. When they die, their bodies are taken back to the nest for food. Eventually, the tiny amount of arsenic kills the whole nest. Very safe. You could probably find more accurate info by googling, as it was nearly 20 years ago when I had it done at my house in Australia.

    the op.lives in Thailand.nothing is banned.

    unless the system that ayg.advises that was laid under the house before the build you will need the pest control.

    as I live on a moo-ban this was done and we have the treatment done every yr.

    Some things are banned here. Borax for instance. I was told it is effective for killing termites. As with arsenic it is carried back to the termite mound and eventually the queen dies. Unfortunately borax is banned and difficult to obtain. The problem was, or is, that vendors put it into their produce to make it crisp and fresh.

    Borax is not banned here. I use boric and borax in my production. I also have a formula that has arsenic and used for wood treatment. It is relatively easy to buy if you know where.

  15. In Australia the pest exterminators are prevented by law from using the powerful chemicals that work so well. They use mostly pyrethrum based sprays, which as noted may not be effective for termites in ceilings or established colonies under the house.

    BUT they also have a system that is used when spray would be ineffective, and that uses tiny amounts of powdered arsenic. They carefully make a very small entry to an active termite tunnel, so as not to scare the termites into deserting that tunnel. Then they puff some arsenic powder in. The worker ants remove this from the path by eating it. When they die, their bodies are taken back to the nest for food. Eventually, the tiny amount of arsenic kills the whole nest. Very safe. You could probably find more accurate info by googling, as it was nearly 20 years ago when I had it done at my house in Australia.

    the op.lives in Thailand.nothing is banned.

    unless the system that ayg.advises that was laid under the house before the build you will need the pest control.

    as I live on a moo-ban this was done and we have the treatment done every yr.

    Correct - nothing is banned in Thailand, including highly toxic chemicals. Up to you to decide. But as the op had mentioned a reluctance to poison loved ones the Australian system is a reasonable one for consideration.

    Not quite correct. I deal with chemicals and I know the registration process very well. Many toxic chemicals including DTT, dieldrin, chlordane, lindane have been banned long time ago and anyone caught importing faced a serious fine. Trust me when I say that the registration process is not an easy process with lots of documents and tests required.

  16. Thailand import almost 10,000 Tons of Boric and Borax every year. Half goes to the timber industry to treat rubber wood and the other half to the glass, fertilizer etc industries. It is actually easily available if you in the industry. Cost about 38B/kg for Boric and about 24B for Borax. However this comes in industrial size 25 kg and may not suit home user needs. Hope this info of some help.

  17. Should not be too difficult to investigate as there will be paper trials but not so the unaccountable & unrecorded donations to Suthep and it's no chicken feed.

    OH please, not again, do you stutter as well???

    You may think it is funny but it is so obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption that's high on their political preference and in rapid quick time too. This is not a neutral non partisan body and I am not suprise as this is a creation of the 2007 constitution.

    A but, but Suthep derailing post followed up with a falsehood post.

    You're on a role, Eric.


    The NACC was established by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, Buddhist Era 2540 (1997)


    Wrong. It was the NCCC in 1997. It was in the middle of a overhaul of the selection process before the NACC constituted in 2007 and came up with their idioscrantic selection process.

  18. Should not be too difficult to investigate as there will be paper trials but not so the unaccountable & unrecorded donations to Suthep and it's no chicken feed.

    OH please, not again, do you stutter as well???

    You may think it is funny but it is so obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption that's high on their political preference and in rapid quick time too. This is not a neutral non partisan body and I am not suprise as this is a creation of the 2007 constitution. NACC should be reform with a new selection process and selection committee.

    "obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption"

    Could you tell me what the abbreviation N.A.A.C. stands for ?

    Non Aligned Corruption Commission? No way judging on their preference to only go after PTP.

  19. Should not be too difficult to investigate as there will be paper trials but not so the unaccountable & unrecorded donations to Suthep and it's no chicken feed.

    OH please, not again, do you stutter as well???

    You may think it is funny but it is so obvious that the NACC is only interested in pursuing corruption that's high on their political preference and in rapid quick time too. This is not a neutral non partisan body and I am not suprise as this is a creation of the 2007 constitution. NACC should be reform with a new selection process and selection committee.

  20. Please explain what land and what 100m Bht.?

    This land. It was in every single Thai newspaper, on radio and TV.... heck it was even on Thai Visa. The only place it hasn't appeared is from the mouth of Mr Suthep. But the land papers are there. Until HE speaks, the documents speak for him and people with nasty minds will think the worst, just like they're entitled.

    ThaiVisa link aka "the last to know": http://goo.gl/Mr91qB

    As for being in power - neither is / was the camel herder and look at the damage he's unleashed on Thailand.

    And careful of the slanderous accusations you are making - Thai prison from all accounts isn't all that nice.

    And since you have no idea what "slander" is, you might as well drop that nonsense too. You're beclowning yourself all over this thread. You're as threatening as attachicon.gifunthreat.jpg


    Scraping the bottom of the barrel now, quoting Khaosod English as a reliable news source.

    Didn't see Suthep replying to the allegation or sue. Lots of unaccountable donation in hands of a corrupted politician. Says a lot.

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