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Eric Loh

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Posts posted by Eric Loh

  1. How much was allocated for the B 3 tn infrastructure projects? If they are financing it through the budget as they said they would do it should have been included in Departmental budgets which would have increased substantially. As there is no mention of this are one to assume that they will be financing it like it was proposed before, with loans?

    Of course they will, like anyone with half an investment brain knows you borrow when the interest rates are low like now on fixed terms. Considering there were reports of it being approved previously i presume it has been left out and 'forgotten' about, in the orgy of happiness.(and censorship)

    If you have 5 mill sitting in the bank attracting 2% (the lowest in many years) interest and you need money for a 7 million place do you:

    a) cut other budgets and take from that

    cool.png borrow at low interest rates knowing the rate will go up soon (probably globally) and hopefully below GDP/capital appreciation value

    c) not do anything

    d) when your budget shows a deficit of 250 bln you make up money or 'do it in the budget deficit'

    Any investor with an ounce of a brain knows cool.png is the right and financially prudent option.

    At the end of the day Thailand needs to invest in infrastructure, long term borrowing if you don't have the financial power to hand is the normal way to do it.

    I agree with the borrowing when interest rates are low, but if you remember the financing of these projects by loans was shotdown in flames before (when the interest rates/ bond yields was even lower than now). It was recently said that it would be financed by savings and would be financed within the budget. If they did finance it within the budget the transport departments budget should have increased dramatically, which it didn't, which means they are going to take longterm loans (30 yrs to 50 yrs) and not finance it through the budget and budget deficit (normally financed with shorter term bonds). Interesting to see how no question are asked when absolute power comes into the equation.

    The infrastructure project will be funded by short and long term domestic and foreign loans.


  2. Sooo lets get this straight, the idea is to pay off the loan sharks for these people that cant afford it ? So that pays the mafia off and then what will the people that get bailed out from the sharks do, other than go right back and get another loan from somewhere... possibly the same sharks again having now got a clean slate and having no way to get a loan from other channels, like the state ?

    Cut out the middleman rather than what seems to me like a great bailout for both the sharks and the poor.

    This isnt pro active but reactive and will have no lasting effect other than to keep the sharks paid off...

    Heres an idea, why not if they want to help, just set up a loan program that lends direct to the poor at rates far lower than the loan sharks do and put the sharks right out of business or get street rates dropping if the sharks wish to compete.

    Loan program that lends directly o the poor at low rates; like micro credit? Already there call the Village Fund.

  3. All these band aids whether getting the vendors off sidewalks, getting tough on traffic, motor taxi mafia etc etc are just treating the symptoms but not addressing the cause. Nice as it gives the people some feel good moments but as soon as the junta release grib, all the woes will return. Police force is simply under-paid and are easy targets for bribes.Reason why Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan polceman are unbrideable as they are paid highest in the world.

    Crazy Eric can never say anything good about those who are not red, you are so negative about everything these days. Boo hoo. Let's enjoy the common sense and order as long as it lasts, let's hope for the best and that this is the start of something good.

    Now, now, don't be hasty, my dear 'too crazy'. Eric just wants to tell us that he's really in favour of the NCPO NOT releasing it's grip any time soon thumbsup.gif

    Dear friend, at least you do understand me. Yes, the woes must be continously "gripped" but not necessary by the junta. Tough efforts must be continue even after the junta depart. That's part of the cause that need to be addressed besides re-structuring the wages. The junta should take this opportunity when they have everyone attention to re-write rules and policies with enough deterrents on offenders so that all these woes will not appear again. Is that so crazy?

  4. All these band aids whether getting the vendors off sidewalks, getting tough on traffic, motor taxi mafia etc etc are just treating the symptoms but not addressing the cause. Nice as it gives the people some feel good moments but as soon as the junta release grib, all the woes will return. Police force is simply under-paid and are easy targets for bribes.Reason why Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan polceman are unbrideable as they are paid highest in the world.

    Crazy Eric can never say anything good about those who are not red, you are so negative about everything these days. Boo hoo. Let's enjoy the common sense and order as long as it lasts, let's hope for the best and that this is the start of something good.

    Perhaps my reasoning is not meant for simple minded people who can't grasp the concept.

  5. All these band aids whether getting the vendors off sidewalks, getting tough on traffic, motor taxi mafia etc etc are just treating the symptoms but not addressing the cause. Nice as it gives the people some feel good moments but as soon as the junta release grib, all the woes will return. Police force is simply under-paid and are easy targets for bribes.Reason why Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan polceman are unbrideable as they are paid highest in the world.

    • Like 1
  6. Where was this Thai judge with this point of view for the last eight years?

    Well in 2010 he and his 3 of his fellow constitutional court judges applied a variation of this point of view "he suggested that political parties must not receive donations from any one source while businesses could donate money to political parties within a limit." to the Democrat Party, when dismissing the dissolution case against them over an "alleged" donation of 258 Million Baht from TPI Tolene, 4-3 on a technicality - presumably the donation limit he'll recommend will be quite high whistling.gif .

    Fab, you too kind. There are more than the one case that you mentioned that the Constitutional Court with Jaran dismissed dissolution cases due to improper procedural process. There was even a infamous utube exposing Dem members lobbying the judges for a favorable hearing.

  7. Really suprised by Jaran rather shallow suggestion that business people should not involved in politics. Must be a world first to have full time politician that can are paid a good politician salary and gainfully employed till retirement with benefits. No one goes into politics to be well off or get rich but politicians happen to be some of the wealthiest figures in Thailand as well as around the world.

    If he is really serious, he should also include government officials to be free from business. We know that is ludicrous and can never be taken seriously.

    What he would have suggested that laws be reformed to punish an illegal act by politicians and government officials if acts by them are directly related to their official duties. Jaran is trying to kiss up to the junta. How did he end up as a constitutional court judge with this kind of thinking.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Good to see more confiscation of these red shirt war weapons.

    Makes Thailand a safer place.

    Every normal person will know , regardless of your allegiance, that any news delivered during these time should be regarded as pure propaganda. If nobody can dispute any article it cannot not be regarded as news. Everything should be viewed as..."awaiting independent confirmation"

    Us "abnormal" people like to give the Military the benefit of the doubt...what would Thailand likely look like today...if the Military had not stepped in when it did...?

    For the sake of argument, this really is a moot. To me, it was premature and almost to a point of using a sledgehammer to kill a fly. The country was not engulf in civil unrest to warrant military intervention. The economy was not good but was neither bad; foreign credit ratings testify to that. People could still get around and do their usual businesses. The only hot spots were at the protest sites and only in Bangkok !!

    There are lots of "if only" like if only the judiciary be tougher against the protestors, if the police were given sufficient legal means to manage the situation, if the military act more tougher than just stay on the sidelines and wait for things to aggravate.

    I do see needs to review the rice policy and also agree with the mass coming out against Taksin amnesty and the people voices have been heard and could have done something legitimate when Parliment was dissolved. From that onwards, events start to escalate almost as though it was a carefull crafted plan to the coup.

    Now its water over the bridge and no point whining. I do hope the General will act honorably for the country and not do his bidding for others. He has started well and looks like he do want general well being for the people. I do hope he continue with his good work and succeed in his non partisan reform. It's good for the country if he achieved what he talk about and country become less corrupted, feudal, civil servants working for the country, trustworth courts and independent agencies and an effective police force. I am here for the long haul and will be happy if that can happen.

  9. The Red vermin continue to infect TVF with blame Suthep stuff. VS, Suthep was the trojan horse to take down the convicted criminal led proxy government. All of their corruption would have been found out at some point.

    Thankyou three times

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Hope you are right. I too will like to see non-staged corruption conviction but so far...........

    Oh come on, Eric, don't leave us in suspense.

    Which staged corruption convictions do you know of, or are you only implying that you haven't seen corruption convictions so far ?

    Think along the lines of the Ahbisit and Suthep false charges and you know what I mean. Not implying but really I haven't seen any corruption conviction so far. Have you? Trialled and convicted by TVF jury counts for nothing and means nothing.

  10. The Red vermin continue to infect TVF with blame Suthep stuff. VS, Suthep was the trojan horse to take down the convicted criminal led proxy government. All of their corruption would have been found out at some point.

    Thankyou three times

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Hope you are right. I too will like to see non-staged corruption conviction but so far...........

  11. To think, none were found in the previous 6 months before the coup. None.

    Heck, the Junta found so many small, tiny, insignificant weapons caches in 60 days that it equated to 10% of all weapons finds over a 14 year period. The way it is going they will be up at 15% in no time.

    Well done and lets hope the "special" amnesty period given to the remaining red shirts bears fruit or in this case guns as well.

    I wonder why too? Weapons are suddenly popping up during Junta time.

  12. whatsupdoc.

    I guess the reason that the cost of living is higher is to a large extent due to the steep rise in minimum wage. If so, raising the minimum wage further might not have the desired effect.

    The main reason there was a rise in the minimum wage level was so as people could live as opposed to exist.

    No doubt you are comfortably living on an average Thai wage in your ivory tower?

    It didn't work though did it, any rise in wages must be coupled with a rise in productivity otherwise it doesn't work,prices just rise to compensate.

    I don't understand, you propose that there not be minimum wages required? Do you think business will raise wages in fairness to the profits they earn? Not my understanding of history. I love the writer, Charles Dickens, but I don't want to see a return to England in the 1850's before government intervention to address the unmet needs in society.

    We have a tight labour market and whether the government 300 B wage increase or wage will eventually rise is a moot point. We seen labour unrests in Indonesia and China over wage raise and governments were behind the curve and companies forced to increase wages after days of losses.

    Workers are better informed and have unions now to advise. Business that profit and not raise wage or benefits in tandem will have a very fluid labour force. I have example of a friend who bought a luxury car while workers have no wage increase or bonus. They notice and start the bad mouthing. What happen next is expected. Workers and even mid management walk out.

    If you are in touch with hiring nowadays, you will know that 300B is now on a low end. Workers for construction are now demanding up to 500 B in Pattaya and Bangkok and skill workers are still hard to find. I have hired workers at 300 B for my restaurant business and it is impossible to retain and they will be on lookout for better wage and they will get it next door.

    The biggest inflation component is food followed by transportation. Importers have to pay more to import due to the Baht depreciation. Transport companies are raising their delivery charges due to higher oil prices, also due to Baht depreciation. Higher prices are passed down and affect all including food prices. Lots if components are in play, not only wages.

  13. I will be very interested to know whether the missing rice & poor supervision of the quality occurred during the time when there was a non functioning government and ministries and also whether the thefts were the work of the private warehouse contractors before some sense of judgement can be passed. I also think that the investigators should look whether there were collusion of corruption between Government Warehouse Organisation and the Farmers Organsation with these private conractors whom they contracted. I would think the corruption is only at that level.

    That would be the private contractors like Nuttawat transport, right.

    Robbie, you misunderstood. If it is Nuttawut warehouse and there are evidence to proof corruption, he should get the same treatment as others. Same as ministers and even Yingluck if there are enough evidence to charge them. But here in TVF land, ignorant people are just speculating and accusing based on colour affiliation. I am just stating the fact that rice could be missing when the government was not fully functioning ( that is the word used by Payuth) and corrupt people take that advantage.

    The rice scheme was poorly designed and there was poor implementation. There are Coloured affiliated posters who made silly political innuendo with some saying silly things are Thailand will go the way of Greece and it is a Taksin scam without an iota of evidence. Has any minister been convicted yet.? So far I only see corruption at the private warehouse level, no ministers were even mentioned less implicated.

  14. I will be very interested to know whether the missing rice & poor supervision of the quality occurred during the time when there was a non functioning government and ministries and also whether the thefts were the work of the private warehouse contractors before some sense of judgement can be passed. I also think that the investigators should look whether there were collusion of corruption between Government Warehouse Organisation and the Farmers Organsation with these private conractors whom they contracted. I would think the corruption is only at that level.

  15. They should learn from the 2006 coup.

    Elections not before it's certain, that no foul play and no vicious undercover networking will happen again.

    Don't care about international interference of the biased or unknowing countries.

    Better a later date for election than another failed one.

    And definitely no elections until the candidate they would like to win is absolutely guaranteed to do so.

    PTP or whatever name they go by, will probably win whatever they do. Groundhog year all over again.

    Really not a question of PTP wins but how much grounds will the Dem lose.

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