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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. If the pro democracy coalition failed, both parties look bad after receiving overwhelming mandate from the voters. You cant rescue democracy by joining alliance with non democratic parties. It’s a no go path for PTP. A lot more gains for both parties to work hard to get an amicable solution and they will.
  2. PTP has better leverage tham MFP to form a majority coalition but I doubt they will go that route. It would meant that PTP would lose support from its pro-democracy voters who could then vote overwhelmingly for MFP in the next election. The supporters of PTP will see that as a betrayal after they have sacrified against the military. All leaders of PTP have make strong statement against allying with the junta parties. The Dem Party's demise is a stark reminder of betraying your own ideology. The pro-democracr coalition will stay and a compromise solution will be reached.
  3. I think there are positives that MFP can take to give the House Speakership role to PTP. It may even help Pita get a more favourable persuasion from the conservative senators to his side for PM. The hard line MFP manifesto that were promised to be pushed through Parliament by a MFP House Speaker may be problematic to get the Senate votes.
  4. The North and Northeast provinces had their best economic years under Thaksin and Yingluck's governments. Just 10 years ago, these provinces were emerging alongside its farm as a potent economic fuel in one of Asia's top emrging markets. Then the economy of the North and Northeast were inthe grip of a boom. Economic growth in that region reached 40% from 21007 to 2011 against 23% for the country and just 17% for greater Bangkok. Monthly household income rose the most of any Thai region. The boom was driven by TRT and their predecessor parties. The subsequent establishment/military governments reversed their policies and investments and reverted back to Bangkok centric spending. The economic disparity has since widened considerably.
  5. Thailand has 14 Free Trade Agreements with 18 countries including all his largest trading partners.
  6. IMO Dem should overhauled their party and not clinged to past controversial leaders like Abhisit. The stigma from his association with non democratic means to obtain power will be unforgivened by the progressives. The party has suffered dramatic decline in support especially in Bangkok which has been their tradition stronghold. A better choice will be Mdm Watanya Bunnag who is much younger and very popular with the youths and untarnished with political baggages should be in a better position to turn the party;s fortune. Mdm Dear as she popularly known in the football fraternity and a favourite among the party members in the South. She will support Pita too.
  7. This judge always wrong in her judgement. She will be indirect culpable should any witness gets hurt badly by Trump's lunatics.
  8. Both complaints regarding shares and land plot declarations have been nullified. NACC has confirmed that the shares were declared and Pita has already sold the land plot. Runangkrai is running on empty but just being as repulsive clown.
  9. Don't waste your breathe explaining to morons who bring their bad habits here and try to make a nonsenical justifications for their bad habits.
  10. Judging from recent statements by Anutin and Prawit and plus the fact that Prayut is packing and has not spoken politically, I think the junta coalition's back is broken and they have conceded. The MFP and their 6 coalition parties will form the next government and probably will gain 2 more partners by accepting Chart Pattana Kia Party in the coalition with Korn quitting. Left now with the question of who will be PM. When the House Speaker position is settled on Wed, we probably have a clue.
  11. Royalist Seree had threatened EC with dereliction of duty if the agency didn’t submit the case to the courts. EC gave him the cold shoulders. Now he is desperately embarking on a different route on assets declaration and it will mostly likely to go limp as well. Assets and liabilities declaration to NACC are mandatory for all politicians before and after taking office. Pita has not taken office and have time to declare should the land he inherited is an issue.
  12. In that respect, PTP will be the most qualified as the party has more MPs who are familiar with legal and Parliamentary matters. If the talks between the 2 major coalition parties failed, it will go down to decision by votes and most likely PTP will win. But I think both parties are trying to find a solution and maintain the cohesion. I am sure they are worry that the junta parties can still form a minority government and with support from the senates grappled the PM position. The feeling from the grassroots is that PTP may give the speaker position to MFP as they feel that Pita’s PM position is on highly shaky ground on the legal fronts and senates opposition. PTP may see their chance for PM and allow MFP take the house speakership
  13. That's true. MFP only submitted Pita as PM candidate while PTP submitted 3 candidates to EC. Sreetha will be the alternate if Pita is disqualified. I still think Pita will survive and be PM. Unusual for the progress from election to new government to move so fast by the EC. Perhaps political expediency by higher-up at play. Just my 2 cents.
  14. The advice by K Sita must be taken seriously as it’s a race against time to have the House sorted out and have the votes for the Prime Minister on 13 July. The coalition must make the date in order to outrun any attempts by EC to submit the case to the Criminal or Constitution Court. If the EC can’t move the case to either courts before the date, they will unlikely to do so for fear of putting political pressure for Royal endorsement. I think the House speaker position can be resolved amicably by MFP and PT. It probably will settled by having different speakers from alternate parties in each Parliament sessions
  15. Thanks. IMO those impasse by both houses were big obstacles for the opposition coalition 2 years ago. They did mount an attempt to amend and even got to the 3rd and final reading last year before they were denied by the joint votes. I think the dynamics have definitely change after the election. The MFP coalition has more votes and only require some from the junta votes to cross over. Perhaps amend after all the senators term expire. It will be elected senators for sure.
  16. The constitution for senate appointments is only a transitory provision and has to be amended by the next government. The provision task the NCPO to select and appoint the senators after the coup. NCPO has been dissolved making the amendment mandatory. Moreover all the appointments will expire next year.The new civilian government will defintely right this wrong and amend for elected senators.
  17. The car discount scheme came about after the big flood which resulted in many car manufacturers losing revenue and considered moving out. The scheme resulted in high sales and enable car manufacturers to recoup their losses and rethink moving out of Thailand.
  18. I will say both actions are for different audience. Think this is rather smart.
  19. Yingluck was charged for breach of statutory duty & malfeasance (junta court) not for scam. Warehouse corruption has nothing to do with Yingluck but the rice surveyors or the warehouse people themselves. if breach of statutory duty & malfeasance was the charge, then surely Prayut should also by charged for the massive corruption in the medical glove procurement scandal which caused losses at over 100 M Baht and the procurement of ATKs. What about the failures in handling the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in widespread closure of many businesses and an economic meltdown. If you in Thailand long, you should know the highly skewed court decisions against democratic political opponents.
  20. Election Commission has a reward system for anyone who can provide evidence of election corruption up to B1 million.
  21. Just your typical frivolous talk without real evidence. You should start your post with IMHO and be quite acceptable. By the way, the law is for donating to party fundings. Thanathorn argued it was a loan and not a donation. Guess who won.
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