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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Is this your personal opinion that the yellow elites and the military think that the monarchy is in danger or you think that they want their supporters to think there is danger to protect their existence. No one is abolishing 112. In fact, it is not even in the coalition MOU. Thailand has been a constitutional monarchy since 1932 and Thais accept that form of democracy.
  2. You not wrong but you have to separate those who do their research and have a good knowledge of the local political idiosyncrasies to provide an intelligent analysis as against those who has just post based on emotion and those that has little knowledge and simply troll.
  3. How would that coalition be? Without the MFP, there will not be any majority in the lower house. In fact it will be a fractured house in disarray with none having majority. You think PTP has not done the scenario planning? It's practically a disaster for PTP on so many fronts to not include MFP.
  4. Universal democratic principle to have elected representatives. Many forms do exist in every country.
  5. Really doubt that PTP will accept all the MPs from PPRP if dissolved. Some of the MPs were from the PDRC and will be a betrayal to their supporters if they are allowed in. Others are practically ex-TRT politicians who switch to PPRP for money and power and will have no problem going back to their roots. PTP will also unlikely to step ahead and made their intention known as it will backfire on their popularity. They have also said that in the media. But the bottomline is that the military backed parties are done and the 3P involvement in politics are over and good riddance to that. Either MFP and PTP and their coalition partners gets into power, it is a win for democracy.
  6. AFAIK when the term ends, the constitution on senate appointment proceedings will have to be re-written due to the legal technicality as regards to the selection and appointment of the senators. The body (NCPO) that was assigned to select the panel of 8-10 person committee has been disbanded after the coup. No provision in the constitution for mass replacement but there are provisions for resignation and death. The constitution allows amendment to the military-backed constitution adopted in 2017. In 2020, oppositions pushed for amendment to abolish the Senate and demanded change but was voted down by the joint houses. Civilians can pushed for amendment if they can garnered sufficient signatures. Re-drafting the whole constitution will need a referendum.
  7. The share ownership ruling by EC will only disqualified K Pita and will not derailed the party. The party still remained as the leader of the coalition. In any case, EC disqualification should be investigated before the election; not after. Case is weak.
  8. They surprised you; didn't they with the big win and became the lead party in the coalition. Most thought they were unicorn party full of fluff and will not achieve the hype generated. But they did the aspiration part and now on the verge of becoming the government. Sure they want to move quickly but have to pragmatic in their approach. Not their fault for not moving faster. They are braved enough to pledge for reforms of entrenched and difficult but necessary policies that have stagnated Thailand. I wish them the very best.
  9. SET has nosedived last few days because of the election uncertainty created by Prayut's hairbrained constitution amendement to include the appointed senators to be involved in the election of the Prime Minister. Investors are not stupid.
  10. Move Forward Party is just being fair to its coalition parties who hold different views on 112. They have not abandon reforming 112 but will exclude this for its first 100 days in office. The matter will be debated and dealt with when the Parliament convene. Bit harsh to call the MOU which contain a comprehensive list of progressive agenda which included bureaucracy reform, removing military conscription, plan for southern peace, fight against corruption, regulating cannabis and improving the education. By the way, they haven't start governing but you have declared they are doomed. That is quite animus towards the party who has the majority backing.
  11. The separation of power in Thailand is rather grey. In the case of similar context of having shares in a media company, Thanathorn was disqualified as MP by the CC in about 9 months. By then, Thanathorn was already part of the House opposition. The party survive. About 3 months later, his loan to party case was found guilty and the party was dissolved. Party MPs formed new party (MFP) while some joined other existing political parties. So assuming the worst case, Pita will be disqualify but the party will remain and will still be the majority with the coalition in the House.
  12. Perhaps MFP didn’t expect that they will win spectacularly or their inexperience not having push another candidate or even perhaps they don’t have leaders in their rank that have star power. Meanwhile PTP push 3 potential PM candidates. Wily party for sure. I’m my opinion, the case against Pita is very weak and I doubt EC will accept the case. Even if EC accept the case and the case is refer to the Constitution Court for judgement, it will take while for the case to be adjudicated. EC has only 60 days time frame to certify the election. The verdict will not affect the party. I doubt PTP will invite BJT if the PM goes to PTP. (Likely Sretha). Thaksin has not forgiven Newin’s betrayal. I agree with you that PTP will be taking stock of their poor performance and public sentiments and would be rather reckless to have a party from the pro military coalition. PTP will stick with their MFP coalition and it is impossible that any military coalition will have the House majority. IMO Prayut and Prawit are done with politics.
  13. A propaganda piece written by Siam Rath owned by politician in the Junta coalition government.
  14. This shocking win dispel allegation expounded by some here that Thailand voters are uneducated and ill informed.
  15. MFP has cool down the temperature as regards to 112 amendments by stating that the coalition parties can object to the amendments. It is not a condition for the coalition parties.
  16. The Section 112 amendments for less severe penalties, preventing the law from being arbitrarily used for political advantage or stifling dissent and centralizing LM complaints to the Royal House Bureau rather than any citizens as in the current law. All seem reasonable but not for few.
  17. The EC has not yet accept the case. They are doing their investigation. The next stage if case accepted will be the motion to the Constitutional Court for judgement. Still a long way to go. Don't get ahead of yourself. Not the time to sign your obituary on Thailand yet. Many things have change since last coup.
  18. Appalling that the GOP leadership allow her to proceed with this shameless act. I guess the Maga crazies still call all the shots in the party
  19. Lately there are some good news on the human rights front. Teen held on 112 charged freed after 50 days lock-up awaiting charges and another teenage released on bail on the same charge. There are still 1,902 young people prosecuted for political participation and expression since the beginning of the Free Youth pro-democracy protests in July 2020. Hoping to hear some good news soon when the MFP coalition form the government.
  20. The alleged violation was candidates for public office holding shares in a mass media company. iTV stopped operating its television station at midnight on March7, 2007. They are no longer a media company. Media company distributes content across multiple platforms. He reported the family heritage share to NACC. Keep up please.
  21. iTV ceased operating in March 2007. However they maintain their status as a legal entity because of a legal battle against the PM's Office. The Administration Court ruled that the termination of iTV's contract was unlawful and ordered compensation of US$2.89 million. PM's Office appealed and case is still ongoing. iTV still generate revenue from investments and from its subsidiary, Artware Media which leases equipments for television and radio production. Technically this case has little merits as iTV is no longer a media company. Besides he is holding the shares in family trust and reported this to the NACC. He done nothing wrong in terms of the complaint and certainly not corrupt as you insinuated.
  22. Majority of voters think pro-junta parties don't have any point. Still don't get it?
  23. Promises made and promises kept. Got to admire the guts of this young political party. 45 bills for amendments including sensitive charter re-write and laws on right and liberty. Even stab at the rich on land reform laws. A thing like this in the past will bring out the whistle blowers adorned in yellow shirts but so far they have been quiet. What a paradigm change if this stay the same.
  24. Most likely the 6 from the group of 50 senators that are not from the military and police but from grassroots and professional bodies. Now that they taken a lead publicly, it may trigger more to state their votes to reflect the sentiment of the majority of voters. The rejection of the pro military parties should exert some pressure on their conscience as it manifest that their previous decision for a junta coalition government was wrong.
  25. Pita proposed to watered-down penalties in Section 112 of the Crminal Code. He is not removing the protection for the monarchy. Section 112 has been abused by the Prayut government to inflict overly punitive penalties.
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