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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Will the calculus change if Trump is to lead the charge? That is get off his cosy lounge chair and lead the war against the deep state. He does talk tough.
  2. It will need a whole lot of courage to send Pita's appointment for royal endorsement assuming he gets sufficient bicameral votes while the case still with the CC.
  3. NACC is powerless to demand Prayut, Wissanu and about 100 political holders because (wait for this ….,,,,) the NCPO revised the NACC law that they are exempted. The revised law was enacted post coup 2018. Does this make us want to puke and pull our hair in disgust.
  4. All Shareholders get the financial report and agenda before the meeting. The meeting minutes need not go to all the shareholders unless there are expressed provision. That said, I don’t know if Pita get to read the minutes as he owned a tiny portion of shares. The doctored minutes state that Chairman Kim said that the iTV still in operation which was contrary to the actual comment by Kim. The video tape by a shareholder proved that point.
  5. The EC is using the financial report to the DBD as evidence that Pita know that he is illegible The report contained verbatim comment from the shareholders meeting that iTV is an operating media company. As you may have read, this report has been challenged by MFP that it was doctored by enemies who want to thwart his political ascension. Tape evidence showed that iTV categorically state in shareholder meeting that the company “ is not operating pending a legal case”.
  6. Just bored not silent. Investigated under the Trump's years and still no clear cut evidence. GOP got the laptop and given access to the FBI FD-1023 form and still more of the same allegations. GOP should know better to run on a report by crooked Giuliani. Now they too embarrass to quit on this suprious investigation.
  7. The ball at the Election Commission's feet following accusation of corruption to alter the minutes and the financial report to DBD that alleged iTV is still a media company. They have to investigate the descrepancies of the minutes and also the report sent to DBD by the iTV secretariat. EC can't accept the case without thorough investigation. If they don't investigate the complaints, it is a grave dereliction of duty and can result in impeaching the commissioners.
  8. Sorry off topic but i can say that both will leave permanent scars and lasting damage that one leader's personality alone can inflict on their countries.
  9. Remembered for being vain, narcissistic, corrupt, vulgar, sex scandals and love for authoritarianism. Remind me of someone.
  10. The smart ones have bailed out like Jim Trusty and John Rowley. They know it is a lost case and worried about getting pay.
  11. The crux of the case against Pita holding media shares is down to the 2020-2021 report to DBD report to DBD which changed the business type to TV media. Previous 2018-2019 financial report submitted to DBD showed iTV as a holding company. 'However in the latest report to DBD in 2023 just 4 days before the election, the report stated that iTV had carried out businesses of 'campaign media and investments". Pita is claiming that there is a conspiracy behind the changes in the reports to DBD to thwart his political ambition. He noticed such suspicious happenings surrounding the iTV shares and he asked his heirs to take over the shares entitled to him. This is serious evidence against him and it's a 50/50 chance that he will lend himself imprisoned or banned from politics. The only saving grace is that his shares are very little and in no way possible for him to play a role in influence PBS. There was precedent in a similar case whereby the Supreme Court ordered the EC to reinstate K Charnchai for holding 200 shares in AIS. The Court ruled that the value of shares were pittance and cant influence AIS.
  12. Will need someone to petition the NACC to investigate the EC. Had precedent in which NACC investigate and found the EC negligence in counting votes from New Zealand.
  13. This link provides some pertaining information of the Election Commission checking the eligibility of party candidates and finalizing the master list for eligible and illegible candidates. Hope this will be useful. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thai-election-commission-disqualifies-pm-candidate-and-nine-party-list-candidates/
  14. He was vetted twice by the EC for eligibility to run in 2019 & 2023 election.
  15. The EC vetted his eligibility in 2019 and in 2023 elections. He was the MP from 2019-2023 and the EC didn’t find the need to probe his qualification. Now EC want to investigate his eligibility. EC should be investigated for dereliction of duty in their vetting process.
  16. I believed so because the direct command of the military has been taken away from the 3 Ps and also the re-deployment of Bangkok military units. The importance of a Privy Councillor who is no longer around is paramount.
  17. It was reclaiming of power. Relocating the units from Bangkok is intergal in reclaiming power.
  18. PT with BJT, PPRP and DP will never happen. Thaksin may want to come home desperately but will never go that route as it mean upsetting their base and will never get wide support. The MFP and PTP coalition is a better option and give time for PTP to re-brand. Pita has his perils but the party will survive and Sreetha could likely be the PM alternate. However I do feel that Pita will be cleared of his legal issues as the case is weak and it does seem that the military and elites really have no appetite to creat problems in the early stage of his reign.
  19. In the past, the conservative forces can count on their middle class aka yellow shirts to stage demonstrations and creat an excuse for the military to stage a coup on a pretext of maintaining peace and order. This time the middle class will not be counted upon to congregate as they are part of the population against the military.
  20. The current roadblocks by the conservatives to prevent a popular elected pro-democractic leader from attaining his rightful top job do give many pause to ponder that the past cases by post coup judiciaries have elements of political expediency. Don't you share the same thought?
  21. The shares case is very weak and the Constitution Court may not even accept the case. As it stand at this moment, the EC has yet to accept the iTV case against Pita. At worst the EC can disqualify Pita and he can still be eligible for PM. Thanathorn' s case over the nedia shares case found him guilty as outlined by Section 82 of the Constitution and suspended him as MP. However his guilty verdict as regards to his loan to FFP got him banned for 10 years and party dissolution. Pita shares case is unlikely to get him banned like Thanathorn. Disqualification for Pita is not the end of his hope to become the Prime Minister.
  22. That's your typical banal ambiquous reply to most posts.
  23. Each time post coups the military and elites were soundly beatened in subsequent elections creating a loop of political conflicts. Maybe this time things will be different.
  24. He had since backtracked to a possible by-election for disqualified MPs. Even that is balderdash. In any case, another election will have even better outcome for MFP with more sympathetic votes.
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