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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. This got to be a colossal embarrassment for the Maga wing who make it their singular mission to investigate Hunter Biden and foolishly thinking it will implicate Joe Biden and possible impeachment. The 5 years investigation and wasteful spending of tax payers money fizzled down to just misdemeanor charges of Hunter and nothing on Joe Biden. Big disappointment for the Maga supporters who were promised much and got nothing. This looks like a continuing theme for the Maga GOP on other missions they promised when they got control of the House.
  2. The GOP has everything they needed from a Trump appointed judge and 5 years of investigation but still nothing of substance has developed as far as charges are concerned. The GOP oversight committee don’t even have sufficient evidence to use their subpoena powers. Hopeful wishes to remove POTUS is just day dreaming.
  3. If civilized country is defined as law and order, safe, low crime rate especially gun incidents, multi racial harmony and organized; then Singapore is indeed a civilized country.
  4. Thanks for the correction. The Singapore is authorized to run random drug test on visiting foreigners as well as locals.
  5. Singapore don't do testing for passengers coming from overseas. Singapore has strict laws in the Misuse of drugs Act that covers drug possession, consumption and trafficking. Warning in various forms are given to visitors. If they persist with ignoring the Act, they pay the consequences.
  6. That was a cash giveaways while the PTP's package is digital money with conditions. .
  7. Sure they do with the usual deceit by keeping the news away from their viewers.
  8. Limited company are registered with DBD which has the name of shareholders. You have to de-register with the DBD if you decide to remove yourself as shareholders. It will require a EGM by shareholders to acknowledge your removal and submitted to DBD. Without the DBD de-registration, you still be the shareholder in all sort of legality. Consult a lawyer. Not a difficult process.
  9. As the standard bearer and chief moneymaker of the Fox brand, will be a very difficult decision for Fox to cancel his show like they did with Lou Dobb. But should Fox relent from the massive financial pressure from lawsuits and pulling out of advertisers, Carlson really has not many place to go to spew falsehood with impunity to a large captive audience and get paid well. Perhaps into politics and join other Maga cockroaches.
  10. I rather have these military muppets trialed for unlawful seizure of power from a legitimate elected government. Allowing them to participate in the next election is a travesty for democracy.
  11. Became a joke in so many ways. 1. Gave Dominion Voting Systems Inc. a whopping return on its investment of more than 1,500% 2. Allow Jake Tapperto have a good laugh while reading Fox's statement on commitment to the highest journalistic standard 3. Fox saying little about the unprecedented massive Dominion settlement
  12. There are rumors that Fox may jettison some of their lead personalities to rejuvenate their image. They didn’t hesitated to cancel Lou Dobb’s show soon after Smartmatic sued Fox. Maybe just maybe business may not be usual after this massive payoff and damage to their image. Will like to see Tucker Carlson gone for good.
  13. Quite a winfall for Smartmatic if they get close to the Dominion settlement amount considering their annual revenue is about $200 million. Dominion is laughing all the way to the bank and shareholders will benefit from this windfall. Their annual revenue is about $17.4 million. Will hit Fox hard deservingly. https://www.zippia.com/dominion-voting-systems-careers-1569241/revenue/
  14. 13% poll is a disaster for an incumbent party that is well funded and has the government apparatus in provinces to influence the elction campaign.
  15. Lies have consequences. Coming soon will be the Smartmatic $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit and anchors Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs and Jeanine Pirro named. as well as Sidney Powell and Giuliani. If successful this will hit Fox's bottom line after the Dominion settlement for $787.5. Shareholders will be furious as well as scared and may start start selling and could lead to more financial vulnerability.
  16. Galling. The GOP has the distinction of having many more notable and recent scandals involving the sexual abuse of minors and young students as well as a recent track record of reacting to them with a shrug. The chief excrement reportly barged into the dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing in the Miss Teen USA pageant. Roy Moore, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz part of the steamy pile. Republican culture warriors better have a good look into the mirror as they smear the progressives as groomers
  17. Montana will join Afghanistan if the total tiktok ban is passed.
  18. The last 3 years gave seen the government rolled out a series of packages to ease the impact of the people like the 5,000 B per month to temporary and self employed workers for as long as 6 months. People get so use to free money and with the election looming, all key political parties are promising to the 50 m voters almost everything from steep increases in cash handouts and wages to suspending debt. Pledges from 9 major parties so far required about 3.14 T Baht per year. UTN pledge to triple cash handouts to welfare cardholders to 1,000B/month more than PPRP of 700B/month. It really just comes down to who's offering more money. With the expected increase in revenue and the reduction of state spending, it may is left to be seen whether the freebies are sustainable. Doubt the freesbies will affect any party's popularity. People are used to free money in last 3 years.
  19. What is clear is that power has shifted and the Eastern Tiger faction that has staged 3 coups in last 2 decades are marginalized. The rise of the King’s Guard has ellipse the military influence of the 3 Ps.
  20. The civilised world don't have 7,957 children and teens shot every year in USA.
  21. Not only the moral authority has gone but also the re-alignment of the military allegiance and the physical re-allocation of units stationed in Bangkok that were central in past coups. The next coup if any will not be a roll-over of the people and welcomed with flowers by the yellow shirts in Bangkok.
  22. Don't see his party winning more than 25 seats to be eligible to nominate him as Premier candidate. UTN may get some party list seats and maybe in Chonburi where his Labour Minister Suchart is strong. In the south, he will be fighting against the incumbent Dem Party, PPRP and BJT and unlikely to gain much traction. In Bangkok, it will be a white wash for UTN as Bangkokians simply hate the sight of this abnoxious man. It will be good for the country not to have any remnants of junta allied parties in the the next government. 8 years of stagnated economic growth lead by an uninspiring temperament military strongman is enough.
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