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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. O’Reilly’s viewerships actually increased at the time of the controversy. In fact his viewers encouraged him to fight the allegation. It’s the dropped in advertising revenues that got him fired. Age was not a factor with his viewers. His No Spin Twitter podcast was a dismal failure. By the way, he was fired in 2017; not a long time ago. Fox is holding back their treasure trove of Tucker’s information and watching his move. Without Fox, Tucker will be a forgotten man as a commentary conservative outlet.
  2. O’Reilly drew in more viewerships at his own peak and was the number one cable show for a long while and he is practically forgotten. Twitter podcast is losing its edge and advertising revenues. It’s hard to sustain interest of listeners. If that is Tucker’s plan, it is a losing proposition. No looking good for Tucker. Fox was his golden goose and he f it up.
  3. I can live with some bias but not preying on viewers vulnerability with lies and misinformation in order to make money.
  4. So I gathered that you have not stopped watching Fox even after they lose the defamation case for lying and misinformation. No wonder you sound confused.
  5. Fox paid $787.5 million for lying and misinformation. Those stuffs CNN will not mention.
  6. Got the information from this link. SA earned 80% of its export income with oil and makes up 40% of GDP. Hajj Tourism bring in about $8-9 billion. https://www.dw.com/en/skiing-in-saudi-arabia-fantasy-or-genuine-economic-change/a-62090850
  7. Realistically Pheu Thai will be the clear winner of the election followed by Move Forward according to polls. Even if both parties were to cooperate, it will not reach the magical number to negate the senate votes. But should the progressive parties like Seri Ruam, Prachachat, Pheu Chat, New Economics and Thai People Power win respectable numbers with PT and MF winning big, the coalition will be in a better position to form the government. If that happen, my quess with be K Srettha will be choosen as Prime Minister and K Pita will be the Foreign Minister. K Pita is still young but lack the business experience. With the older demographic narrowing, his long term political aspiration looks favorable.
  8. It used to be that the Dem Party will dominate in the South. Unfortunately those days are gone. The deep south have seen the most dramatic change from DP to the Prachachat Party which won most seats in the last election. They are a coalition party of Pheu Thai. This election may see the Move Forward Party upsetting many of the seats held by PPRP. Meanwhile all seats up for grab by many parties like BJT, Chart Pattana, UTN, PPRP and PTP. I am expecting some surprises in the South.
  9. Who cares. Let both touch themselves to oblivion. USA will be better without both of them.
  10. Now thats funny to say that Saudi is looking at golf to replace oil revenue which makes up around 40% of the Saudi's GDP.
  11. Thailand government got Interpol involved asking them to issue a Red Alert for the arrest of Thaksin. Interpol simply shrugged off the request from the post coup government. That’s how much the international community feel about Thaksin’s charges.
  12. The reason that year and day in 1932 is still celebrated as Constitution Day and the dawn of democracy. Not a perfect constitution but still the first constitution necessary for democracy to begin. Learn from this momentous event.
  13. Can’t pursue any criminal charges towards the coup leaders as they have written their own amnesty in the constitution. Just show how bent these military crooks are. Politics have been in state of decline in Thailand since democracy was given to the people in 1932. The main corrupters are the military and the elites and their desire for their preservation. I still have confidence that people power will prevail like in Indonesia and Philippines
  14. I guess we never know since military leaders and their political allies rarely see a day in court. The investigative agencies and the courts tend to give them a wide berth.
  15. You said Thaksin controlled and paid the media. Press was more free during those times than current. The Press Freedom Index ranking for Thailand has been falling since 1997 from 59 to 140 (2018). If you read the Thai papers during Thaksin’s tenure, there many negative news of him and there are newspapers that are fiercely pointing out his corruptions. Sondhi had his un-interrupted rallies to highlight Thaksin’s corruption at Lumpini Park and reported by all major press.. What you said is totally asinine. The coups have made Thaksin more popular and his people’s policies resonate with the population and continued by current governments like the 30 B Medicare scheme and OTOP. The voters have a legit process to vote him out. If they vote for his parties, it is simply that they like his party vision and confident that the party leaders will provide good policies to lift their living standard something that the Bangkok centric government has never done for decades.
  16. Elections not producing an outright winner and require coalition with other parties to form the government is very normal is many countries. The obsession in Thailand that you need the military to meddle and break the deadlock must ceased. The military has no business to make decision for the people. I sincerely hope that the Thai people will stand strong against any attempt by the military to interfere with the people’s freedom to make their own decision.
  17. This history of last 5 coups followed the same disturbing pattern of de-franchising a segment of people’s will to choose their leaders and crushing the any dissent by force. The 1977 coup mercilessly crushed the infamous Oct 6 protest by people against the return of a military dictator. The 1991’s Black May again crushed peaceful protest. The last 3 coups by the corrupt 3Ps to restore elites and military dominance over the people. As you rightly said, corrupt elected leaders can be voted out but not the corrupt coup leaders who shred the constitution and amend for their preservation. Democracy is allowing all eligible citizens to decide their leaders and to hear a poster advocating de-franchising the poor and uneducated to vote is disgusting and nauseating.
  18. Their power and influence are waning and it will not surprise me if nothing politically will happen in this election. The new regime would not want his reign begin with political unrest.
  19. 77 political parties and close to 40 million Thais participated in the last election. I wouldn’t call that kind of democratic participation rare. If not for the skewed constitution, voters intimidation, dissolution of a major party and the rubber stamping senators, the junta party and the Prayut would not have been the government.
  20. I wouldn’t get too excited on the whistleblowers angle as they are yet to be verified by FBI. Below a self explanatory extract from a news report At this point, is unclear exactly what is in the form, what the allegations against Biden are, or whether there is any weight to them. The form is little more than a tip sheet, a document the FBI uses to record interviews with sources who might have witnessed a potential crime. And currently, not even the people seeking it know exactly what they'll find.
  21. I wonder who is this noted academic who make such ridiculous comment. Prayut may be ambitous but he is not stupid. Without the house majority, the government will not function and faces no confidence vote that will force a dissolution. Pure nonsence that he will stay with a minority government. I even doubt that the senators will support him. He is toast.
  22. If I can recollect, those implicated red shirts were aquitted by the Courts. You have new evidence?
  23. House Republicans Weaponization Committee isn't doing real oversight. Have you any news worthy malfeasances that were recovered by any of the committees?
  24. The alleged damage to E.Jean Carroll's reputation in this civil case could cost up to $2.7 million acccording to a legal expert. I doubt Trump will risk more exposures and discoveries by appearing in court for such a small amount. There is still a criminal assault element in this case and doubt he will take that kind of risk to be questioned by prosecutors under oath. He is simply sticking to his playbook with his usual innuendos to his captive audience.
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