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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. What Tanathorn said has legs. His family is in the elite group and his uncle is a senior minister in the junta government. He is in a unique position to know plenty of the mindset of senators. Of the 250 senators, 50 were not appointed by the NCPO but from the business and social sectors and may not be loyal to the junta government. The 194 appointed by NCPO term of 6 years will expire next year and may be looking at their self interest rather than sticking with the fortune of the fading military parties. Recently a wife of the military appointed senator joined PTP. Perhaps a glimpse of the mindset of the NCPO appointed senators.
  2. Shall we start with the corrupt act of seizing power via coup.
  3. Thailand Corruption Perception Index has not improved last 2 decades. There are notable corruption cases involving the military and those political allies that have not been adjudicated. Former constitutional judge had admitted that political expediency were involved in some judgemental verdict. Fight against corruption must continue but the transparency leave much to desire. The eligibility for Thai voters are that they are Thai national, over 18 years and registered. Education plays no part in voters eligibility. They should not be prejudiced and discriminated based on education. POliticians make policies in their campaigning need to have the details yo clarify source of finance. Ultimately they will answer to the voters. Personal I think that the wage proposals are long overdue. Wages are exploted by big corporates. Thailand need to moved out of the low wage economies to attract FDI. The labour intensive businesses have to move to cheaper wage countries. Thailand has to climb up the value chain economies. Invest in human capital and pay the workers the right dues. The reason Phue Thai has win elections after elections is that they always live up to their campaign promises. If they don't, the voters would have voted them out times after times.
  4. Glad you put people first. Thai people decide not the courts nor the military.
  5. Too bad. Trump can’t seek out juries using specific barometers that would be more preferable to him.
  6. MTG reeling that an even more mentally unstable and documented liar will upstage her. Anyway her outburst caused Trump team to rescind the job offer. Looking forward to more catfight and mudslinging between 2 despicable racist bigots. Popcorn at a ready.
  7. They were expelled because of gun protest. House decorum was the excuse.
  8. The constituents were there protesting and calling for gun law reform. Thats what owing and representing their constituents are all about and not about protecting party line.
  9. So what was the debate? Was that about concerns over the 3 kids and 3 officials gunned down in yet another mass shooting and stricter gun laws? Expelling the 3 Dem lawmakers seem more important for the never ending mass shootings with kids involved. Just where are the GOP's priority. Serve the people or to their power greed.
  10. They were recognized to speak under House rule. Furthermore, they spoke for the people in the people's house. Appalling behavior by the GOP that looks like racist purge.
  11. Josh Shapiro. Gained lots of notoriety country wide taking down Mastriano. Good orator and intelligent.
  12. Vetted by the jury who compelled to lay charges due to the sheer volume of documentary and testimonial evidences. Trump is toast.
  13. Not only lowest ethical standard. Also lowest ethical misconduct in the Anita Hill's accusation. The highest court now has 2 justices accused of sexual misconduct. Trump will be proud of them.
  14. Documentary and testimonial evidences. Case exceedingly strong. Trump will pay bigly for stiffing David Pecker. .
  15. Judge has given a thinly veiled admonishment of Trump’s incitement that has the potential of messing and polluting the jury pool. He will be slapped with court contempt that can result in jail time if he continue to incite that will jeopardize court personnel and jury. He better not test this no nonsense judge.
  16. Cian O'Mahony, lead researcher from the UCC School of Applied Psychology suggest critical thinking skill before being exposed to conspiracy beliefs as a panacea. Maybe too late for you but there is always hope.
  17. Perhaps too complicated for you to understand. Mail-in ballots not novel and used as far back as 17 century Massachusetts when men voted from home due to vulnerability to Indian attack. Trump lost and spread lies that there were irregularities and unproven fraud. It’s that simple to understand
  18. All Asian currencies strengthened in tandem with the declining US 10 years yield signalling slower economic growth with the likehood of recession. Even oil with the decrease output couldn't gain traction.
  19. Another Maga extremist Dan Kelly fell to a liberal. Dan Kelly was not gracious in his defeat. Typical Maga poor loser. Big moment for Wisconsin's liberals after 15 years.
  20. Hilarious irony for Trump who coined the “ lock her up” chant to be locked up. Hillary may get her last laugh. Talk about karma.
  21. Not sure about clean politicians but Trump is blatantly corrupt as a civilian and in office. His epic underhandedness is too lengthy to be recounted.
  22. Even despite Trump's contention that no money from his campaign was used to pay off Daniel, he still broke the campaign finance laws by failing to declare the secret payment to the Federal Election Commission. No debt to Cohen was listed on Trump's personal financial disclosure form which was certified on 16 June 2017. The wiggle room getting exceedingly tight. Not guilty may be a distant drum.
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