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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Marjorie TG will disagree with you. She compared Trump to Nelson Mandela ......wait for this..... and Jesus. Almost as laughable as sobbing Lindsey begging for donations.
  2. The New York Times on Tuesday published eight of the 11 checks and a timeline of when they were sent to Cohen — all during Trump’s presidency. If I am correct, each check will be treated as a separate indictment of falsifying internal business records. That will probably explain the unusually large number of indictments. Stand corrected.
  3. There are more. April 25 E.Jean Carroll trial Oct 2 Civil case brought by NY AG Letitia James on tax fraud Jan 24 Civil lawsuit over an alleged fraudulent multilevel marketing scheme Trump promoted brought by plaintiffs who invested and then faced considerable fimancial losses. There are more lawsuits against Trump that remain pending and could still go to trial. The guy is a giant magnet for committing crimes. Kind of career criminal.
  4. A non nonsense Judge facing nonsence Trump. Expect fireworks tomorrow.
  5. Yes it is scary that the 3 Ps got their pardon with their self written amnesty and may stage another coup.
  6. The same generals that stage the coup are the same post 2019 government. Still it couldn't win the majority of seats but their fall back plan with the appointed senators gave them the false legitimacy.
  7. Here are some interesting facts that will have a bearing on the coming election. Number of eligible voters according to the Bureau of Registration. Total qualified voters - 52,322,824 which can be categorized as follows:- Gen Z (1997-2017) 7,670,354 (representing only those above 18) Gen Y (1965-1980) 15,144,468 Baby boomers (1946-1964) 11,153,133 Silent Generation (1925-1946) 2,227,540 Above 99 - 36,179 Gen Z and Y hold the key. The voters that gave Thaksin the mandate years ago are now lesser and Unlikely to play a big part to influence the election results. PTP's landslide win may not be a sure bet but if they do win big, the Thaksin's factor is minimal. PTP will have to win over the Gen Z and Y with the right candidates and winning strategies.
  8. Whether it’s drug addiction nor drug related murders and crimes has to be fixed. 80% of the overcrowded prisons are drug related. Post coup government investigation of Thaksin’s war on drugs didn’t come to any conclusion but there were extra judiciary killings by rogue policemen. Drug dealers are killing lots of people and should be severely punished. In some countries, it’s capital punishment.
  9. Just say you don’t know will do. A sneak peep to help you. Democracy is a system of elected government. Rest you can figure it out.
  10. Vote buying has been around before Thaksin. The Dem Party has the deepest pockets with their big corporate sponsors. Vote buying don't guarantee loyalty at the ballot boxes. Korn even admitted that fallacy. Ultimately people choose the government based on what they can deliver to the betterment of the people. Thaksin did delivered and the people responded because they like what he did.
  11. With the return of democracy, all things change including human rights and rule of law because people can vote the government out if nothing improved.
  12. The usual uproar and surge of support for Trump's endless crimes but it will die off. Fact is that prosecuting ex-leaders is common in democracies even in developed countries such as France,South Korea and Italy. America democracy although flawed have faced tough challenges before and survived. Trump and his acolytes are just a tiny speck in US democracy history. The majority voting population of USA are educated, informed and progressive in their views and projected their views in the 2020 and mid-term elections. The Trump circus will not last and his hate mobs will fade back into the woodwork when there is no Trump.
  13. You are entitled to your choice. Even Charles Mason had fans who believed he was innocent.
  14. That would be considered as an opportunity lost to grift from his gullible followers.
  15. That angle on changing lawyers may have little bearing on whether he flipped. The lawyers were seen as not Trump enough. There still a chance that he will flipped from impending legal perils. https://www.salon.com/2023/03/30/allen-weisselberg-dumps-funded-lawyer--legal-experts-think-that-could-mean-he-flipped/
  16. Weisselberg has being living in this kind of condition at Riley’s Island Jail protecting the real criminal living in comfort. He will soon be thrown under the bus when he flipped. He will learn that blind loyalty to Trump is conditional and a heavy price to pay.
  17. He has stated his stance firmly at CPAC that he will stay in the race even if indicted. He is like Macbeth consumed with a narcissistic belief that his base will carry him over in the primary. The favourable polls are giving him confidence that he can prevailed. The indictments breathes life into his grievance driven election run. He will not quit unless the polls dump on him and his sycophants turned on him which is highly unlikely. He may even go scrorched earth to his party if everything goes against him. Bottomline is that he will not likely to quit the race.
  18. There is also a element of Trump's fatigue seeping into the mindsets of his supporters. As in the Waco's election rally, attendees were seen walking away from the rally within 30 minutes of his speech. They see nothing new in his speech but regurgitation of playing the victim card and whining about the investigations and decided they have enough and walk off. His endless legal troubles will likely wear down support from his base and to the wider audience.
  19. Let see if he will keep mum in the courtroom. Normally attorneys advise clients to keep mum but can he. He likely to be caught up in the moment and make silly statements that will not help his situation and can land him in other problems.
  20. In the words of Lord Theodan "So it begins". Fani Willis and Jack Smith to follow.
  21. The NRA customer base and the Republican supporters base are the same white Republican men living in the rural areas. They formed the highest rates of gun ownership according to Pew Research. The NRA and Republicans have a synergistic relationship. NRA relies on a disputed interpretation of the 2nd amendment while the Republicans are strong supporter of the 2nd amendment. Lot in common that taking a heavy human toil of gun violence.
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