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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Concur with post#1. Reside in Bangkok and applied my driver license in Pathumthani. Less waiting time.
  2. Having an ex-Prime Minister as adviser whose tenure was often referred as the "Fifth Asia Tiger"following the heels of the superperforming "Four Tigers" is actually not a bad situation. Just look at how the 2 coup governments have dragged Thailand backwards economically to appreciate that Thailand almost became an Asia Tiger. That moniker has long past unfortunately.
  3. Doesn’t not matter whether it’s Trump or DeSantis for 2024. Trump has no broad base support and Desantis doesnt have nation wide appeal. None of them can win 2024. Unfortunately there are no other suitable candidates from team crazy while team normal are shut out. GOP has themselves to blame for creating their monster.
  4. Good news. It's now at least 1,000 people arrested. They will be charged for the Jan 6 riot. More than half of those defendents have pleaded guilty to crimes. DOJ has sufficient evidence to lay charges on the other half. So stand by for more indictments and prison time news.
  5. Well one buffon didnt think the way you do and even call for this buffoon to be given the Pulitzer. Í hope the family of Sicknick will file a defamation claim against the sleaze-slinging Carlson and Fox.
  6. What really happen on this day is that 840 people have been arrested for storming the US Capitol building on Jan 6 with charges ranging from obstruction of an official proceeding to assault. 185 individuals have received criminal sentences. Shaman Chansley whom Tucker described as toured guided into the building is behind bar for 41 months. Mathew Greene far right member of the Proud Boys who was the first wave of the capitol attack faces 25 years in prison. The crem dela crem must surely be the Jack Smith's grand jury moving at light speed investigate the chief instigator of the attack Donald Trump with the subpoena of Mike Pence. Meanwhile Tucker Carlson will continue to lie and grift from his gullible Fox audience.
  7. Haven't America suffered enough of embarrassment from Trump to have a convict running for Presidency. Even third world countries don't have such cringy record. I hope he will step aside if convicted and display an iota of decency which is long overdue.
  8. No it’s not a mental problem. The American Psychiatric Association has revised its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and it no longer lists being transgender as a mental disorder, among other changes announced this past weekend.
  9. Trump never in his life been a gracious loser. Fear his crazy mob and not whether he gets financial backing.
  10. In China, they also keep such matters private too. Drove them to self medication and surgery. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/09/health/china-transgender-amnesty-report-intl/index.html
  11. Bet you can’t tell the difference between Communist, Socialist and Liberal Left.
  12. https://thethaiger.com/finance/loans/guides/how-to-check-your-credit-score/
  13. The household debt issue is too big for any political party to ignore. The high debt and low serviceability are threats to the economic and financial stability and may even spilled into political instability. Lifting wage is only portion of the solutions needed. Legislations on lender responsibility and retailer interest rates have to be reviewed. This issue should be a bipartisan effort and is a long term process. Unfortunately Thailand does not have this luxury due to the elite establishment and the military hijacking the democratic process and shoving their own agenda to the people. Make them poor, uneducated and submissive.
  14. Should read Michael Knowles called for fatwa against transgender. https://muslimmatters.org/2022/06/21/fatwa-regarding-transgenderism/
  15. Delaware Governor (D) nominated the judges and the senate (majority D) appointed them. You need prayers not hope. What I hope is that Dominion gets their 1.6 billion which they richly deserved.
  16. The only politician that has government experience all his life was Ahbisit. He was a career politician who never work in any private sector. Well he didn’t fare that well as appointed Prime Minister.
  17. Which countries that border Russia did NATO expanded? Norway and Poland are old members. After the Russia invasion of Ukraine, Finland and Ukraine formally applied. Putin dream of Russia grandeur to emulate the former Soveit Union expansionism is creating fear among the border countries and pushing them towards Nato alliance to safeguard their security. .
  18. Thailand and most Asia countries which have export as key component in their GDP will face slower growth from looming recession in Europe, US rate hikes and weak China rebound. So I am not surprise by the report. It's a month data and no conclusion on Thailand's economic health can be concluded.
  19. You can live in your denial fantasy but you have to accept certain facts on the judiciary front. Federal prosecutors fiery court filing in August regarding the classified documents found at Mar-la-go and efforts by Trump to obstruct the investigation are violations of Espionage Act, Improper handling of federal records and obstruction of a federal investigation. The Jan 6 committee treasure trove of findings have uncovered enough evidence to indict Trump. Jack Smith has subpoenaed Pence, Ivanka and Jared moving up the ladder for possible indictment of Trump. Trump's phone call prompted the Georgia criminal investigation by Willis. The foreperson has given hints about possible indictments. All these have freaked out Trump as he lashed out with unhinged rants attacking prosecutors and family members. He looks like a guilty and desperate man living in fear of impending criminal charges.
  20. Your wait wouldn't be long before indictments start coming in beginning with Georgia. By any standard measure, his effort to cajole and bully Raffensperger to steal an election could be prosecuted under Georgia law. He has crashed through legal and ethical boundaries in his criminal undertakings. Indictments from Jack Smith will soon step up the pace with his indictments for the 2 cases that he handled. Materials from the Jan 6 committee and the classified documents found on Mar-la-Go are going to be a rich amount of evidences for indictments. Get your popcorn ready. It will be wild.
  21. Here's another sound advise. Service your car at authorized service center. They give quality assurance and buys you a peace of mind.
  22. The far right not going to be happy with you admitting that there is a Ukraine war and not staged. You may even lose a few friends here.
  23. He was caught with both his hands in the cookie jar and in the case of Mahattan's grand jury he was caught with his pants down. Fulton county district attorney had his 'perfect' phone call to Brad Raffensperger and Special Counsel Jack Smith has sizable evidence. TRump's blantant criming are gifts to the grand jury. Meanwhile, it's crickets as far as Joe and Hillary are concern. Nothing to see and nothing to hear about. If you have something, please share.
  24. The Southern provinces are his best and probably only chance for his party to win seats. He need to get at least 25 seats to be candidate for Prime Minister. This is his desperate and last chance effort to get to that magical number in his last few days in office. Just another form of vote buying.
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