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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. Military had shown a sign of change over the past 7 months. I truly thought the military would provide the security, force political parties to negotiate, find a happy medium set of reforms, and quickly implement an election. Unfortunately, the Army chose the path of old, outdated methods to deal with its people.

    I guess you missed it when Prayuth held meetings for two days, and Thaksin forbid the PTP & UDD to compromise.

    Check the Live Feed.

  2. I still don't make myself clear. If that would have broken the law, it was in any case an emergency to pay the farmers.

    Or the main scope was just kick out government and who cares the farmer?

    The government already showed total incompetence in manage the rice subsidy, why let the farmer suffer? Qui prodest?

    I want to emphasize again: I don't defend ex-government, it was a disgrace to itself. But there's no hero...

    PTP was quite willing to break the law, there is no denying that. And although it's a pity the farmers and their families suffered, others were not willing to break the law. Thaksin apologists are quite used to PTP and the Reds treating the law with contempt, and think everyone else should as well. But there are others who disagree. There are others that make decisions that are not popular, but it doesn't make them less right.

    It does no good to speculate on what might have happened if the EC agreed to break the law. Your efforts would be better spent thinking about why Yingluck refused to pay the farmers the money due long before PDRC hit the streets, and why Yingluck did not provide for the farmers before dissolving parliament.

    And how to ensure this never happens again!

  3. I assume the next stage for lifting the curfew would be to suspend it in most areas, if anything does kick of it could be reimposed at short notice hopefully only in the area that has the problem.

    Obviously at night best to stay close to where one is staying and if things do kick of then get in doors or well away from the problem.

    If Prayuth believes he is continuing to make progress following leads, I don't think he'll lift the curfew entirely.

  4. Yingluck was a caretaker; Yingluck had not the authority for many things.

    Prayuth is not lumbered by being a caretaker.

    Piichai I am aware of that, if the EC would have given their ok, I am sure that banks would have given their ok for loans as they do now.

    I am not putting it on a political matter, but I am looking it from the farmers perspective. It's a shame that they had to wait so long, as no one gave a damn about them during the caretaker government...

    Why would the EC assist Yingluck in breaking the law?

    There are some interesting threads with discussions on how Thaksin used the farmers as pawns. But what it all comes down to is that Yingluck could have paid the farmers when the money was due long before PDRC hit the streets, or Yingluck could have provided for the farmers before she dissolved parliament; either would have been legal and the farmers would have been paid. Yingluck chose to do neither, and the farmers and their families suffered as a result.

    Shameful indeed. But it's just another snowflake in Thaksin's blizzard of shame.

  5. Talking about cronies, seem the police reform is just about switching from cronies of one to the other. I wouldn't be too harsh on Yingluck seeing the similar antics of the present.

    BANGKOK, May 29 -- Senior government officials moved to their new offices as ordered by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) including former national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew, ordered to work at the Prime Minister's Office as deputy chief of the NCPO overseeing special affairs.

    One can just imagine the special affairs Adul is now overseeing.

  6. It's illegal for caretakers to take on debt because it could be seen as campaigning.

    Given that it's illegal, one shouldn't think the banks would be involved; after all, if something happens, it might prove difficult to get their money back. Banks have a fiduciary responsibility to their customers and shareholders, and they don't want to go to jail for a failing government willing to break laws attempting to stay in power.

    Yingluck should have paid the farmers before PDRC hit the streets, or Yingluck should have provided for the farmers before dissolving parliament. Yingluck chose to do neither.

    We surely agree on the fact that until Yingluck resigned they did not do what they should have done: take care of farmers payments.

    I still is a mistery how caretaker government has been obstacled to take on debt with the agreement of EC, and now suddenly there's no problem for banks and Thai economy.

    Anyway, as I said, the important is farmers are going to be paid and at least this matter will be fixed. A big cheer for Thai farmers!

    Yingluck was a caretaker; Yingluck had not the authority for many things.

    Prayuth is not lumbered by being a caretaker.

  7. I have never denied that the new rulers of the country are not trying to pay out the farmers, but there are the regular Thai style promises we have already got used to.

    Also, when there is no freedom of speech I don't give notice to news. Are you really listening to the news report from a dictatorial country?? Do you believe everything you hear from the Laotian, Burmese or the North Korean government? Man, wake up.

    These are nice stories, and it's great to see that the army follows what the Yingluck government already started. However, the reality is that the other side has NO voice at all, so we can't see the real picture.

    Yeah, they're following Yingluck with a mop and cleaning up all the mess!

  8. Banks will bid if they think it is good business.

    I'm aware of that, I only think how they can evaluate Thailand government situation changed after only just 5 days of coup.

    Plus almost every foreign analyst foresee recession...

    By the way, I am glad that the farmer mess caused by the last government is going to be fixed somehow.

    It's illegal for caretakers to take on debt because it could be seen as campaigning.

    Given that it's illegal, one shouldn't think the banks would be involved; after all, if something happens, it might prove difficult to get their money back. Banks have a fiduciary responsibility to their customers and shareholders, and they don't want to go to jail for a failing government willing to break laws attempting to stay in power.

    Yingluck should have paid the farmers before PDRC hit the streets, or Yingluck should have provided for the farmers before dissolving parliament. Yingluck chose to do neither.

    • Like 1
  9. Seem now the banks are climbing all over themselves to provide loans to the rice scheme. The infrastructure and the water projects are back on the drawing board. OPEC wants the tablet scheme to continue and the budget is back on track. Looks like pre PDRC days. Except for stopping the amnesty bill, the 6+ months of PDRC really has not achieved anything.

    Some have noticed Yingluck and her cronies are no longer in office.

    Isnt this unfortunate that a legitimate elected government has to bow to undemocractic forces and banks who were intimidated to lend found the courage to lend now. And the irony of previous resistants to the infrastructure, water and tablet projects are now back, found favour and consider again. Talking about cronies, seem the police reform is just about switching from cronies of one to the other. I wouldn't be too harsh on Yingluck seeing the similar antics of the present.

    Although pressured by PTP, banks were unable to loan due to the questionable status of the caretaker government.

    And as far as the projects are concerned, they are hardly "in favor" again. In fact, the tablet tragedy was so poorly managed, there's little chance of seeing the light of day again.

    The military is doing considerably more than playing musical chairs with the police hierarchy.

    One would do well to check the threads for more information.

  10. Seem now the banks are climbing all over themselves to provide loans to the rice scheme. The infrastructure and the water projects are back on the drawing board. OPEC wants the tablet scheme to continue and the budget is back on track. Looks like pre PDRC days. Except for stopping the amnesty bill, the 6+ months of PDRC really has not achieved anything.

    Some have noticed Yingluck and her cronies are no longer in office.

    Some don't have much of a choice except to do what Army "asks" them to do.

    Yingluck and company had a world of choice. Now they are learning that actions (or lack thereof) have consequences.

    • Like 1
  11. Seem now the banks are climbing all over themselves to provide loans to the rice scheme. The infrastructure and the water projects are back on the drawing board. OPEC wants the tablet scheme to continue and the budget is back on track. Looks like pre PDRC days. Except for stopping the amnesty bill, the 6+ months of PDRC really has not achieved anything.

    Some have noticed Yingluck and her cronies are no longer in office.

    • Like 1
  12. Yeah, but can we have the telly back?

    Sick to death of SyFy and Universal.

    And what is up with sports my cable has blocked even the golf channel. I was unaware that it was a hotbed of sedition.

    It might be the service provider. True digital required a software update before they could restrict their block to BBC & CNN.

  13. Who was(were) the one(s) who thought - "let's impose a curfew" and then did not immediately understand in the next thought - "this will impact tourism"?

    Tourism is not the military's primary concern.
    I wasn't at their last staff meeting. Do you know what was discussed? If so, please share.

    I share all I can.

    If tourism is the military's primary concern, the military is doing an exceptional job containing the Reds.

  14. Absolutely no excuse for not paying the farmers....

    Apart from the blatant effort from the opposition to ensure that they could not be paid.

    Not so - a blatant effort by the opposition to stop them borrowing more tom pay for it - rather than using the money they already had borrowed, earned and held for that reason - and a blatant effort to sop them breaking the constitution by borrowing in the country's name with no legal mandate to do so (i.e. caretaker mode).

    I was referring to the blatant effort to prevent deals going through when they tried to sell the rice to China, long before they tried to borrow the money.

    You haven't been keeping up with the G2G deals.

  15. I hope that they generally again abolish the 2am curfew in Thailand.

    8-10 years ago the closing hour 2am were introduced from Taksin to make his police friends rich.

    Thais love to party and socialize.

    Tourists also want to have fun on vacation.

    Good, if the entertainment centers would have open again around the clock.

    Also a lot of money would come in again.

    Maybe, or maybe not.

    You might recall he was having problems with his son at the time.

    Another ill-conceived and poorly implemented Thaksin policy.

    Another snowflake in Thaksin's blizzard of shame.

  16. Kids need to go put and climb trees and do things that will incorporate their physical attributes about life instead of wasting their times at a prison yard called School aka "brainwashing-institute"

    and this will accomplish what. More rice farmers.
    Yes, if that's the choice. Better than wasting 10 plus hours a day regurgitating facts and information memorizing that you won't EVER need again in your life....

    When were an SAT or a Pytagoras complex mathematics score OR any certain brainwashed violent propaganda history doctrine lessons from the past ever been practical in your life, huh????

    I used the Pythagorean theorem just last week when writing a JavaScript program for my Android phone to determine the nearest Sky Train/subway station. Will be replacing it with Vincenty's formula for more accurate distance calculations as soon as I get the time.

    The daughter uses math all the time to modify cooking recipes and sewing patterns. And now that she has a Samsung tablet, she's also interested in writing her own little apps. Using Tasker and AutoVoice, she has developed her own digital assistant in JavaScript that responds to recognized speech; just like Siri, only considerably more complex. She uses random numbers to vary the prompts spoken by the digital assistant so it is not predictable or boring. It really is pretty cool.

    At the age of 18, she uses Microsoft Excel and some rather complex financial formulas to forecast the future of her investments based on average rates of return. And the spreadsheets are all configurable so she can easily calculate what ever she wants whenever she wants.

    There's little chance her talents would have flourished had she spent her life in a tree.

    I learned early in life that if the only tool one has is a hammer, they are forced to address every problem as if it were a nail.

    A good education provides children with tools so they can have a better life; and the more tools the better.

    You won't get that from sitting in a tree, and you won't get that from tablets that don't work.

    • Like 1
  17. Look at Udon and Nong Khai, we get tons of tourists flowing through here, to cross the border at Nong Khai. Sometimes flying in later in the day, into Udon before arriving in Nong Khai. How do they manage? Basically, it would have to, by definition, include all the border crossing areas. Vientiane is one of the more popular places to get a double entry tourist visa...as well as other types

    How many tourists do you think are crossing the border between midnight an 4 AM?

    Obviously zero. Your point is obvious. What about the businesses that support these people....bars/restaurants/7-11's....

    I consider that tourists would want the option to go out for some noodles at 2am...or possibly a beer after midnight...just as they would do the same in Pattaya or Phuket.

    The curfew should be managed with the consideration of public security, not tourist convenience.

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