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Posts posted by Piichai

  1. Under the PTP over the last several years BlueSky was never taken off the air. I cannot see your logic here. The BP and Nation have not been censored, until recently. There was no curfew imposed.

    Oddly, I am also glad that Uncle sat down with the unruly stepchildren and said "Play nice, or don't play at all." They said "No" and he is giving them ALL a time out. I hate agreeing with the gist of what someone said and being baffled at the particulars.

    The only reason PTP didn't shut down Blue Sky is because the CC stopped them.


    Corruption index Thailand

    Corruption perception index Thailand

    Corruption situation index Thailand

  2. This government will have more legitimacy than the military junta, hated, not endorsed, even the senate speaker thrown away as as body to appoint an interim PM.

    This government will be a focus point for the opposition in the country, organising funds, equipment, printing publications.

    And what if they are endorsed after a while?

    And what if the second one, who escaped to the uk, endorses them, as the only hope of returning to thailand?

    Governments on exile are known from ww2, de gaulle, czekoslavakian, polish and other governments in london

    With the head of state operating freely, the government in exile will have no legitimacy at all.

    • Like 1
  3. He will also name himself First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Chief Justice, Commander-in-Chief, Lord High Admiral... Archbishop of Titipu, and Lord Mayor" and Lord High Everything Else as he is the Grand Poobah.

    Seriously, as of today he is in charge of:

    Government of Thailand (as prime minister)

    Internal Security Command

    Ministry of Justice

    National Anti-Money Laundering Office

    National Budget Bureau

    National Intelligence Agency

    National Police Agency

    National Security Council

    Office of the Attorney General

    Maybe he knows how to delegate.

    • Like 1
  4. whistling.gif Well, I certainly hope they do do pay some of what was promised to the farmers.

    But, being cynical, I still don't believe it.

    Not that I don't believe the new Junta doesn't honestly mean they want to pay the farmers, but frankly, where is the money going to come from?

    If they can actually sell some of the old stockpiled Rice, even from this year's harvest ...... the real problem is that the Rice subsidy is still selling Rice at below market price.... or at least the pledge price they offered.

    Maybe I'm a fool, and I don't understand this "new economics", but in my "old economics" if you buy something, then pay to store it for a couple of years, and then sell it for less than you bought it for in the first place ...... aren't you losing money?

    Now hasn't that been the real problem of the Rice scheme all along?

    So far most of the money allotted for the Rice scheme has been going to the people who have stored the Rice in their warehouses for 3 or 4 years already.

    And it has NOT gone to farmers it was supposed to but the Rice merchants who are storing the Rice.

    Unless the Rice is sold, those merchants who have the Rice in storage will be the one's who benefit and. as usual not the farmers who produced the Rice.

    But, hey, what do I know anyhow.

    Thailand has more money than you think. It wasn't that Yingluck stopped paying the farmers months before Suthep hit the streets because Thailand didn't have the cash; Yingluck stopped paying because the entire project was mismanaged.

    Hopefully as the military gets to the bottom of things, they'll document and publish how the scam operated.

  5. "Security has been stepped up in Buri Ram at the provincial hall, train station, power stations and bus station to prevent ill-intentioned groups from staging violence"

    Is that sentence from a different article? Where's the connection to rice payments and supporting soldiers?

    Standard Thai reporting.

  6. well, now the former government knows what they needed to do to pay the farmers: throw out the constitution! anyone who thinks YS didn't want the farmers paid is too caught up in their own rhetoric to think clearly. they tried but they were blocked at every turn because the yellow's didn't want the farmers paid- much better for them if it was there to drive a wedge in the government's base.

    but it sets a super great precedence: want thing done? throw out the constitution.


    Why did Yingluck stop paying the farmers months before Suthep hit the streets?

    • Like 2
  7. @valvenus ... u need to come live and in Isaan.... posting you tube clips of a fire at the KK prov hall in 2010..so what ? same people , same town blah blah blah ... we now have a dictatorship , a general who"s army consists of mainly men from what region ? duh ? Isaan ...now do you think they will turn on their own families if it gets to that ? the rules have changed, unlike the past , we live by the rule of one man ... forget pissing competitions over the shins and suthep .... reds v yellows .... dream on if you think this will just wash away overnight ....

    No, there's a good chance it'll take a couple of years.

    But there's also a good chance Thailand will be better for it.

    • Like 2
  8. propaganda .... i find it amusing the general ( i use that word lightly) shuts down the media but allows this type of reporting to get coverage ... we are in an interesting stage here , do not think for one minute all is well ....never forget the dictators of the past ..now we are in the hands of one old mans ego driven crusade ...Mugabe , Hitler , Pol pot , Mussolini , Franco , ..get the picture ? early signs are scary ..Martial law then Coup ? ( nice forward planning) pay the rice farmers from general revenue ? detaining people with no public news of the safety of these individuals ...curfew across the whole of Thailand( why) ....meanwhile the Armies priority of resolving the problems in the Sth just get worse daily ( more deaths last night) ... time to think about leaving imo

    Prayuth is publicizing this because he wants the Reds to see what's going on. He wants the Reds and their leaders to know that those arrested are singing like canaries, and that one arrest will lead to another.

    The military is operating in every jangwat, thus it makes sense the curfew is country-wide.

    As for what is happening in the south: try reading some of the Thai social media. You might be surprised. Politics makes strange bedfellows indeed!

    • Like 1
  9. Twenty-one men and one woman, who were arrested over the past two days with a cache of weapons, have confessed that they were planning a terrorist attack in Khon Kaen on the orders of red-shirt hardliners, the military said yesterday.

    Not the first to sing, and they won't be the last.

    Prayuth will systematically dismantle Thaksin's terror organization.

    • Like 2
  10. Good for the military

    IMO opinion they were pretty prepared for the meet5ings being a waste of time and they seemed to have things pretty well planned and organized for the coup. Seems pretty smooth so far.

    I have a feeling that Prayuth has been planning this with a select group of insiders for some weeks. I think he was willing to compromise, if the caretaker government had been willing to resign and make way for an interim government appointed by the Senate but he had a plan B and was willing to pull the trigger. During the course of the day Thaksin made known his order to his puppet caretaker government to fight on till the end, not knowing that the end was only hours away, hastened by his blustering statement.


  11. Suthep never had any reforms..his goal was to get PTP to resign, rightly they did not. Prayuth had no option...he asked them to resign, they said no, he had to coup them. Prayuth was coming into the hot seat one way or the other. The fact the army have committed so many attrocities on their own people and they had been told by the Americans about not couping the last election made them wait until they had no option. They need to be in power at this time..you work it out. What comes very soon will shock the nation

    I believe Prayuth had a choice; he could have let the Senate continue on the track they were headed.

    But that would have taken time. Considering the weapon caches found (and their links), Prayuth chose to act quickly and decisively.

    Things have been snowballing the last couple of days, and I suspect it's going to get more interesting soon.

  12. Don't count your chickens too soon, there is a distinct and worrying absence of certain flags and symbols of reverence as one would expect and present in every other coup that is not in this one so far.

    This could be pre-emptive to a transition the country was always going to have to face in the near future. Until we see a certain broadcast by a certain person

    Its too early to really tell but this could very well be a coup unlike any other Thailand has seen.

    I'd not be applauding the general just yet if I were you.

    Check out the Live Feed.

    hmmm...... there is only the armys word, given that there was going to be no coup in the first place, that isnt worth a lot.

    You haven't checked it recently.

  13. Don't count your chickens too soon, there is a distinct and worrying absence of certain flags and symbols of reverence as one would expect and present in every other coup that is not in this one so far.

    This could be pre-emptive to a transition the country was always going to have to face in the near future. Until we see a certain broadcast by a certain person

    Its too early to really tell but this could very well be a coup unlike any other Thailand has seen.

    I'd not be applauding the general just yet if I were you.

    Check out the Live Feed.

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