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Posts posted by MoD1977

  1. Hi,

    I think i don't make it clear enough (apologize my limited English).

    I don't want a softer Ride, I want better Dampers.

    The suspension "hardness" is ok at the moment but the dampers don't make a good job.

    For example when i take the Highway 7 up to Bangkok, the section between Pattaya and Chonburi where the road is made out of concrete its shaking my teeth off. wink.png

    I hope you understand what I mean.

    It's the small shocks from the expansion joints in the road the orig. Dampers cannot compensate which is a sign for me that the orig. dampers are not good enough.

    The solution what I'm looking for is a complete high quality Suspension package (Dampers and springs) which is not rock hard.

    Perfect would be an adjustable kit.

    Is somebody here who put in a suspension kit in his Fortuner and share his experience?



  2. As freob43 mentioned the pressure should be at 30 psi (writen on plate at the Driver's door) but when i get tha car it was pumped up to 35 psi and every time i get it back from the anual service its back up to 35 psi doesnt matter if i tell them before 'leave the presure like it is' or not. sad.png

    I dont want a sporty ride but i notced in my cars back home that you can get new suspensions with big improvements in body roll without beeing rock hard.

    But i only own sedans and this is my 1st suv.

    I know that i dont get the same ride quality as a sedan but I'm sure there is a solution out there that improves the ride.

    I heard from someone that the Ohlins are the best for the Fortuner but i cannot find a set on the Ohlins webpage.

  3. When an inkjet printer breaks down and is out of warrenty then forget trying to repair, throw it away and by a new one.

    The reason is that this printers are so cheap that none manufacturer provide spareparts.

    There are only a couple of professional inkjet printers which can be repaired but these printers cost the same or more than a good Laserprinter.

    When you have a big printing output than do yourself a favour and by a laserprinter.

    They are for the longterm significant cheaper and you get normaly every part for repair.

    In my opinion the biggest benefit (special here in thailand) is that the ink can not dry out and clogging the Printhead.


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  4. Hi JDGRUEN,

    it looks like you are an expert with this AAC Blocks.

    I have a question:

    How can i improve the sound insulation when i plan a House with these blocks?

    At the moment the plans are to make the outside Walls from the House with doubble Walls (7,5cm thick blocks with 5 cm hollow space between).

    I think it will be enough for the normal noise of the surrounding from the house.

    The tricky part is that this house will have a build in homecinema and in there sometimes it will be a high soudlevel.

    This will be the only room in the House that will have also the inside Walls build as doubble Walls same as the outside Walls for soundproofing.

    The goal is to keep the rest of the house quiet when someone look at a movie inside.

    My idea is that we can fill the hollow space with rockwool but i'm not sure if it helps or its a wasting of money.

    What do you think?



  5. I wondering why he dont use the q-blocks also on the outside wall?

    Is there a good reason for that or is it only price related?

    I planing to let build a House for me and want t go for double walls so i'm very iteressted in this type of building.

    My goal is:

    1. reduce Heat

    2. Soundproofing

    thanks for your advice



  6. i neve have seen a drain like this in one of these shops.

    They only have this craby standard drains whitch you have to lift the lid when you take a shower and the smell comes when they dried out.

    In one shop i've seen a drain whitch have a smal lid in the bottom with a spring but i'm sure the spring wil break after a period of time (maybe a couple of weeks).

    The drain from this site looks like a realy good design for me because there is nothing what can go wrong when the quality is good and its well fitted.

    Thats why i'm interrested in some experience.



  7. I recomend ABC-Language School

    Good Teachers, nice helpfull Staff and they make all the papers for the Visa for You.

    They are the only School here in Pattaya that have also German-Thai courses (if it is in your interrest).

    Price is 27k Baht for 1 Year incl. the Visa (+ 1k/month if you want a German speaking Teacher).

    The only thing you have to pay for yourself is the visaextention every 3 month, it costs 1900.- Baht.



  8. Hi,

    i have a little diffrent Problem.

    On my Land i empty everything (Pool, Pot and all sort of small Plants) so i think there is no Living space for them.

    But the Problem is my Neighbor.

    Their Pool is not used and cleaned for years so it is a paradise for the mozzies.

    They are also not offten here and dont want to do anything against the mozzies, also dont want to empty the pool. facepalm.gif

    I found on an US Website a sort of Tablets you can put it in any sort of standing Water and it kills the larves for 1 Mounth.


    I cant found this Tablets here in Thailand and also the Guy from the Pestpatrol dont know/understand for what i want this tablets.

    Does anybody know if i can get this here or know a solution for the Problem?



  9. Hi,

    does anybody know if they sending also in Digital or only analoge?

    The women at the office in Pattaya dont understand what i mean sad.png

    I read also from a Settop box that is aviable (with more channels) but the women at the counter also dont understand what i mean sad.pngsad.png



  10. because his security is also his driver

    here is the story from that incident but its a bit diffrent from what i heared


    it is normaly a nice place to live because its very calm in our street.

    All the problems are becomming whorster until the last 10 Months.

    Since the last months the owner say every contracter who wants to come in need a permission from the office and for the permission they want 15 000 Baht. w00t.gif

    In my opinion they are running out of money a trying to get ervery baht they can put their hand on.

    In all the other Projects they have its the same story i heard.

  11. Hello,

    i'm the guy from this Video and you are right, i'm not the owner from this house on the paper., this was my Girlfriend.

    The thing is that i was suprised with the making of this video from the Reporter and for the reason that Englisch ist not my mother tongue (i think you can hear it) i was a little bit nervous and forget to say that i owned it with my Girlfriend.

    I do some repairs on the House for my own but big things like repair and remodel the Pool or flatten the complete Garden an put new soil an grass on is a to big job for me alone.

    Thats why i need help from constructors who cant get in the Village.

    A couple of weeks ago we have also a shooting in the village because the boss from the security send 3 from his guys with Baseballbats to one of my Neighbour to break down his private security box he build on the street. His security has selfdefenced him and shot at one of the attacker. This story was also in the news.

    The point is that the Villageowner do nothing else that one or two days before a meeting send a couple of workers to clean a little bit and cut the grass. After that they doing nothing unti the next meeting. The security guards (whitch changing all 1-3 Months because they dont paying them for insane reasons but this is another story) never catched one single burglar, the only thing they do ist not letting our workers an contractors in we hired.

    I hope all this comes to an end in the near future and then we can live in peace.



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