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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. But you haven't raised any issues of substance in relation to whether another referendum can be held. Once in a generation is a turn of phrase like dead in a ditch.
  2. So 50% of the Scottish electorate need protection from England because they are too stupid to make a rational decision for themselves? Given the last 12 years of England's choices for government, i can only assume that that your post was written in jest...
  3. Salmond is yesterday's man. Not only has the world changed significantly since 2014, most of the promises made by the UK gov if we were to stay have proven to be lies. Add to that the disaster that is brexit and we are now in very different circumstances. The clamour for independence is not the fringe show it was in 2010. WM can stonewall all they like - that is simply more fuel to the fire.
  4. There was no such agreement. Once in a lifetime is a fiction of your own making.
  5. Of course England can - but for reasons which utterly confound me, England insists on electing the most venal, corrupt politicians. Here's an idea - get rid of FPTP and what is effectively a 2 party system, get true and proper representation and start electing decent MPs. Then you might get what you should already have.
  6. EVEL did away with that until last year, when it was rescinded, however the reality is that there are very few English only laws which pass through WM. Most have at least a tangential impact on the devolved nations by way of Barnett consequentials.
  7. The day after the independence vote, rather than fulfill his pledge to make Holyrood the most powerful devolved administration in the world, Cameron implemented EVEL. That's your English parliament right there. As for the SG performance in education, health - it is head and shoulders above the English equivalents. Drugs are a disgrace, I grant you but the roots are complex and go back to even before Thatcher did her utmost to destroy the things she didn't like - IE the working class.
  8. England has the overwhelming majority of MPs. It has no need for a second chamber.
  9. If you had seen the state of Thaivisa in the run up to 2014, you would know what I mean. There were lots of cheap jibes (much like yours above) but an almost palpable rage by most English posters at the very notion of Scottish independence. But maybe these guys have something you might like? https://www.englishdemocrats.party/
  10. An interesting poll from C4 taken yesterday afternoon. Would you vote SNP at the next GE if a victory for them could lead to Scotland leaving the UK? ✅ Yes - 50% ❌ No - 33%
  11. Can you highlight the documents which state either 'once and for all' or 'once in a generation'?
  12. The Welsh independence movement is gaining significant traction, but sadly the English seem too afraid to go it alone. They constantly whine about subsidising ungrateful jocks, yet they fall over themselves to prevent said jocks from unburdening their southern neighbours.
  13. Good lord, where before the canard was 'once in a generation', now it's 'once and for all'? Where does the nonsense spring from?
  14. We are in the wilderness now, except we have a right wing corrupt and incompetent government we have rejected at every election since 1955 in charge of us.
  15. While your analogy is true, it's not what was promised by Brown in 2014 when he said that if we voted No, Holyrood would be as powerful as Westminster. Sadly too many fell for the lies of the UK government and we continue to suffer the consequences.
  16. We have put them in power in successive SG elections since 2010. If they were truly as bad as you seem to think, do you really think that would have happened?
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