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Everything posted by heybuz

  1. How much, last I looked Thai wanted 5000 dollars return Singapore air 815 into swampy. This was all that came on a search for flights from Brisbane to BKK.
  2. pigs are also carriers of tb,whether it can be transmitted when eaten Im unsure but in my home country wild pigs are exterminated for this reason.
  3. On my one and only time on air Canada I can say imo Thai air is or was a head and shoulders above.
  4. Silly question probably, but would the insurance from your bank credit card or International debit card be suffice as insurance.?
  5. To hard to get out when they refuse to turn the meter on.
  6. i get my thai mate to do 4 or five seperate top ups and it gives me 4 or five months with dtac at 20 bht per month at the moment I'm covered until december.
  7. Scumbo can't supply oz"s needs he had to beg Poland for their soon to be out of date supplies,all he is good for is meaningless rubbish that he spews, and no substance to back it up, a failure in everything he has attempted as Pm.
  8. With the defamation laws in Thailand the way they are who is going to risk a posting a bad review.
  9. Yes they did a 30 minute first aid course and graduated as medics. 55
  10. not with scummbo running the country he is trying to turn it into the argentina of the south pacific.
  11. Seeing scummo stuffed up the wine, coal,beef,maize trade with china with his big mouth and a smaller brain than a flea they must be desperately looking around for a life saver as an election is looming.
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