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Posts posted by poweratradio

  1. You are right, foreigners don't seem welcome in Thailand. I was in Thailand for a year as an exchange student at a prominent university in Bangkok. I paid fees higher than the Thai students, but yet I was treated like a 2nd class student. We are not allowed to partake in student organizations, we are not given proper student I.Ds, our campus wi-fi was shut off a month earlier than our program end date, and every time we went into the library we would be given cold stares by the librarians, who would always question our identity in trying to prevent our entry. The Thai students in our classes would completely ignore us foreign students. Mandatory group projects were a nightmare, as Thais refused to acknowledge us as part of the group. At the university there isn't a language barrier either as most students there are fluent in English, so I can't understand what their problem is. I did occasionally meet the odd friendly Thai student, but these were few and far between. I also had my purse and smart phone stolen while at school. I went to report it stolen at the nearby police station per the school's instructions but the police refused to let me talk. As soon as they saw me come in the station, they said, 'No!' and handed me a paper with 'tourist police' on it. In Thai, I explained that I wasn't a tourist but a student and was instructed to come here by my school, but they didn't care. I then complained to my program advisor who is Thai, and he ended up returning to the same police station with me, and I got the report I needed within minutes. The sergeant said that he didn't understand why they sent me away as they have a translator in the office.

    The Thai exchange students that come to my university in the U.S. do not have to put up with this discrimination as they are treated as equals there. They are entitled to the same privileges as the non-foreign students. I don't understand why Thailand wouldn't want exchange students. We pay higher tuition fees, some of us volunteer for Thai NGOs, and in our free time we spend money at restaurants, bars, and tourist attractions. I really love Thailand, however towards the end of the year I felt relieved to leave and get away from the racism. Being considered 'the other' all the time gets pretty tiring. When I first came to Thailand I thought about returning a year later as an exchange student again but this time to conduct research for my Phd (which could take years). However after this experience, I don't want to come back. I'll be choosing another country to spend my grant money at instead. Thailand will continue to lose money on potential long-term exchange students if their attitudes towards foreigners doesn't change.

    Could you not have researched this attitude from previous exchange students prior to your decision to come here & be mentally beaten like your post indicates???

  2. Did 18 years.

    Finally ran out of love for it last year. Came home to the UK. Best thing I ever did.

    You must have plenty of money to afford all these taxes, to run a car, to pay lots of income tax, council tax etc etc etc.You must also be happy to walk about in all that wind and rain, be stuck in huge traffic jams (not just in the cities, everywhere) almost every time you go into your car.

    No thanks, even allowing for about 90% of drivers and riders having very little road sense, I will just stay here.

    Is that all you got? it's 27 degrees in London today and not a cloud in sight....

    difference is if I have an accident on the road in the UK then at least i've got a chance at the hospital for them to patch me up.... I wish you well to whatever chop shop you end up in out there if that ever happens....(not that I wish it to)

    lived in both places, Thailands great for a holiday and bit of time out or maybe a few years work on expat salary but full time.... I agree with the OP and the fella who has the silly cow turning up for the interview at the wrong time cos it suited her.... mind you kudos to her being 4 hours early thumbsup.gif

    Having a heart attack. Time from front door of hospital to hooked up, sensors, a heart specialist, 4 nurses in the ICU? 2 minutes. Where do you think?

    Nowhere in the world did that happen or will happen in 2 minutes. Get real.... Perhaps you were busy sweeping the ER steps when your ticker lost time and you fainted.

  3. You're totally right. Both about treatment in Thailand and the reception you'll get when the saffron colored glasses crowd wakes up and start telling you to relax and enjoy life and smell and the roses and blah blah blah.

    There's a lot of countries besides Thailand that are as nice or better. Really there are. When you go there you'll think 'why the hell did I waste so many years in a place that hated me.'

    I am a many Thais

    Really though, it was better ten years ago. It was cheaper, I was younger and you could do visa runs to your heart's content. I did hundreds of them.

    Please give the list of hassle free places. "There's a lot of countries besides Thailand that are as nice or better. Really there are." I and many Thai's would love to know these places where??? "Places where you can own land in your own name. Places where you really can just show up and stay as long as you want with no hassle."

    Perhaps your BudRight brain is just shooting us a load of dream fantasy here.

  4. What a loud of armchair beer induced swillin this total thread full of no it all's and holier than thou's opinions based on documentaries and Nature of Things with David Suzuki science hour.

    Wake up Geo techs the earth plates are floating on molten lava and anything can cause quakes and tremors.

    This old wives tale has been around since the deep coal mine days too. Make a big hole and it weakens the earth ha ha ha

    I'm in the biz over 30 years. Proud of it.

    We have done immeasurable harm to the environment, including sinking parts of Long Beach California by over 26' (http://www.longbeach.gov/oil/subsidence/story.asp). Some damage was because we didn't understand what was happening, some because it was a different world 80 years ago, and some out of plain old greed.

    But we're not alone, as the withdrawals of water for agriculture, industrial, and domestic use has probably done a lot more damage- along with hard rock and coal mining and their waste products. And of course, the users of these products (taht's all of us) do their own damage that dwarfs any harm we did extracting them from the ground.

    There is, in fact, convincing evidence that what's being done in the oil, mining and water industries is creating seismic events. But as I kidded about on a previous post, that may just be accelerating events that were going to happen anyway. The jury is still out.

    On your "make a big hole and it will weaken the earth", you really need to do some research before poo-pooing the idea. There are regular surface collapses in areas around the world that have significant mining tunnels, not to mention whole mountains that have been on fire for decades, and surface subsidence all over from groundwater withdrawals. And they all result in seismic events- AKA earthquakes.

    You have broadcast your swill...now go back to your room and behave or no supper for you!

    • Like 1
  5. I got picked up for being a farang it seems I was wearing a shirt like someone who did credit card fraud. They took me to the gold shop people not him. then to station I asked for embassy official they refused. Then they tired to get to admit to the crime even though I did commit it when that failed , they then tired to get me to agree to work undercover for them . Well I then said let me make a call they did I called embassy gave my information to them and said send a consul with in ear shot of officer They could get me out the door fast enough. At the time I worked for Homeland Security I was on vacation.As I was heading out the door the officer who took me in was getting his butt rimed. Seen him few days later Man did he move away at sight of me funny as hell.

    Then they tired to get to admit to the crime even though I did commit it.

    You must be edgeecateit...

  6. I got picked up for being a farang it seems I was wearing a shirt like someone who did credit card fraud. They took me to the gold shop people not him. then to station I asked for embassy official they refused. Then they tired to get to admit to the crime even though I did commit it when that failed , they then tired to get me to agree to work undercover for them . Well I then said let me make a call they did I called embassy gave my information to them and said send a consul with in ear shot of officer They could get me out the door fast enough. At the time I worked for Homeland Security I was on vacation.As I was heading out the door the officer who took me in was getting his butt rimed. Seen him few days later Man did he move away at sight of me funny as hell.

    WOW an American G man in Thailand. Did you flash your badge and show them your gun too hero?

  7. What a loud of armchair beer induced swillin this total thread full of no it all's and holier than thou's opinions based on documentaries and Nature of Things with David Suzuki science hour.

    Wake up Geo techs the earth plates are floating on molten lava and anything can cause quakes and tremors.

    This old wives tale has been around since the deep coal mine days too. Make a big hole and it weakens the earth ha ha ha

  8. Lol at all the people who fall for these "Like" scams. Not to worry though, as it proved to be fairly successful you can be sure that more will follow.

    Like the fake "Camaro" give away. The "draw date" changes every few days until the page owner has achieved enough "Likes" to be able to sell the page. Negative posts are deleted and posters blocked of course. The old "Bill Gates will give you $1,500 for every person you forward this email to" address-farming type emails are still making the rounds of the internet (and people wonder why they keep getting so much spam mail in their inboxes).

    Other "Like" scams are the "Facebook will donate $1 for every Like/Share" posts with the pic of a starving/deformed/injured child. Despite being proven (on numerous sites) as obvious hoaxes, people are still gullible enough to keep "liking/sharing", which of course, keeps the "like/share" farmers in business.

    Fortunately, TV members, especially those living in Thailand, have seen enough scams to be able to readily identify them, and not participate in forwarding/posting/liking/sharing them !

    Fortunately, TV members, especially those living in Thailand, have seen enough scams to be able to readily identify them, and not participate in forwarding/posting/liking/sharing them !

    Most tv members live in Thailand because they still can't see through the scam the whole country is .

    Could you please elaborate on this news that TV members are blind. In particular I would like to hear how the whole country of Thailand is a scam. DETAILS & FACTS please????

  9. WOW.! The OP asks a question of this form then half way through begins arguing with the people trying to give him some input. After coming off like he is a newbie here the OP announces he has lived in Thailand for 8 years and is a know it all about leases condo's etc etc.

    The reason for his post is........................................................WHAT?

  10. What an absurd sense of entitlement many Westerners have - almost as if they believe Thailand owes them something for flopping here and contributing nothing but a little money to the common wealth. What part of 'it's their country, theirs to make the laws and do as they please' is it difficult to understand?

    Go and moan in private to your expat friends, the Thais couldn't care less.

    Does it offend you that people of other nationalities choose Thailand as an adopted country or second home? Are you a bigoted xenophobic? Do the local Thais also hate the foreigners living here who contribute BHT 45,000-50,000 per month to the local economy? I don't think so. So, why dont' you go and complain in private a to your xenophobic bigoted friends.

    This guy was looking for information. An yes, Thai immigration unusual compared to international standards because every immigration office imposes different rules and requirements. Like, I know one Thai embassy where I can pay double price for a tourist visa and never fill out an application. How crazy is that?

    45000 - 55000 a month?!!! Is that on rice and water diet? Golf alone is more than that.....what about the young ladies, a few drinks, car, bike, food....hmm.....maybe you mean 145,000, that's more like it

    Ridiculous comment from a party boy who the condemnation of all on these last 4 pages is about.

    Family man in his own home/lservices with his own car/truck finds 45k to 55k ample.

  11. And where i can stay for 6 month in my home country when i not have anything there ?! Always i hear "oh in the USA you also can not stay for a long time" Why not say "oh in cambodia you buy a business visa and can stay for 1 year without a problem???!!!" Not all countries have tight visa rules. Why Thailand do it now and not before ?

    Because Thailand is not a refugee camp mandated to take in every person on the planet who thinks he/she needs to be catered to. A lot of the people who fit in this category have abused/circumvented the system for various reasons and now everyone in this group is paying the price. Despite what some people seem to imply, the world is not awash with people of independent means who want to settle in Thailand but do not fit in one of the existing long term categories.

    This pervasive sense of entitlement and constant Thai bashing from people who believe they are being discriminated against is probably the best argument against allowing them to settle here. Judging from comments here, these same people apparently feel they are above the law and should be allowed to do pretty much whatever they please. Who needs more of that type? I'm sure there are some countries that are eager to attract self-indulgent layabouts with spare change in their pockets, including the nanny states some of you have run away from. Why not set up camp in one of those countries? It'll be their gain and our loss ... or at least you can keep telling yourselves that.

    Well said Suradit,

    It's amazing the amount of whining willy's and moaning murtles on this forum.

    Every visa different, extensions can be based on Marriage with 400k in the bank, 800k in the bank buys you a retirement extension, there's various investment options and options to work or study. For the under 50 that wants to do none of the above, Thai elite 5 year/20 year options.

    So many options.

    If only Thai people could get into foriegn countries so damn easy.

    They CAN! Any spouse of a US Citizen, male or female, gay or straight can get permanent residency in the US. Not only that, it's cheaper than applying for permanent residency in Thailand. No silly retirement based on extension or money tied up that you can't spend.

    In fact, the damn application is FREE if you can prove financial hardship, which are assumed to if you make below the federal poverty line!

    Why include refugees in your blanket statement. It is not cheap as the same medical , police checks and more than a year of waiting to green card and there is no way a burden to the state will be accepted unless the U>S. accidentally bombed their house in one of their war theaters. Still a refugee and the UN demands countries accept a quota per year.

  12. What an absurd sense of entitlement many Westerners have - almost as if they believe Thailand owes them something for flopping here and contributing nothing but a little money to the common wealth. What part of 'it's their country, theirs to make the laws and do as they please' is it difficult to understand?

    Go and moan in private to your expat friends, the Thais couldn't care less.

    Does it offend you that people of other nationalities choose Thailand as an adopted country or second home? Are you a bigoted xenophobic? Do the local Thais also hate the foreigners living here who contribute BHT 45,000-50,000 per month to the local economy? I don't think so. So, why dont' you go and complain in private a to your xenophobic bigoted friends.

    This guy was looking for information. An yes, Thai immigration unusual compared to international standards because every immigration office imposes different rules and requirements. Like, I know one Thai embassy where I can pay double price for a tourist visa and never fill out an application. How crazy is that?

    Most western countries won't let you stay more than 6 months no matter what you spend.

    Are you suggesting Americans hate foreigners?

    YES both incoming foreigners and foreign countries they visit with their holier than thou view of the world.

  13. Now im waiting for the answers. In another thread i ask this question and many Grandpas answered. "Get an ED Visa and learn the language", "Thailand not want you here", "Buy the elite card", "Work legally", but there is no way at the moment to stay a longer time 6 month+ in Thailand for people under 50. I dont know why. I have the same problem. Have enough money but not want to buy the expensive elite card.(there can be also problems because a visa is not always a entrie to Thailand even with a elite card)

    Yes, that's the same answer these fossilized geezers can only come up with, over and over again, quite frankly worse than a effin broking record.

    I see your point exactly, have well enough to satisfy the monthly / yearly funds required but don't find any of the other options appealing and all that is in the way is this ridiculous again restriction. Does anyone see a difference between a 40 - 49 year old who wont qualify as opposed to a 50+ year old.???

    I see no reason why if you can show a decent sum of money they can't at least issue you a 1 entry 90 non-imm visa??

    Thailand would most probably benefit much more from the 35 - 49's who would have made it financially if they are returning around this age bracket than the majority 50+ living on a measly pension.

    WOW! How crasss your comment was regarding the over 50's not benefiting Thailand because they are living on measly pensions. Oh Contraire! Scribber of ill will. Just look on the TV ads on here most of the luxury houses and condo's for sale were or are owned by the over 50 crowd who also own restaurants and bars here as well. Many marry and begin construction right away of what could be likened to mansions in their home countries and many more begin the commercialization of the farmland never used before by the families or villages they adopt. GET REAL.

  14. What an absurd sense of entitlement many Westerners have - almost as if they believe Thailand owes them something for flopping here and contributing nothing but a little money to the common wealth. What part of 'it's their country, theirs to make the laws and do as they please' is it difficult to understand?

    Go and moan in private to your expat friends, the Thais couldn't care less.

    It was quite generous of you make a blanket statement about Westerners and the feeling they may have of entitlement to having Thailand as a Satellite homeland for their recreation and relaxation. A common term used by the Military doing the Viet Nam police action. Afraid to say the U.S.A. created Thailand as an R & R destination and the corruption of the people began. ENTITLEMENT worldwide I must also lay at the feet of the American People who buy into the powers that be propaganda about the all mighty all powerful U.S.A. world police.

  15. I simply took the Thai marriage registrations to immigration and it was honored to bring my wife to Canada as a permanent resident and now she is waiting to take her oath of citizenship next month and then a Canadian passport and off we go back to Thailand.



    "I figured it out , they were from BKK-PKT Hospital and probably waiting for the guy to answer if he has insurance or not and if he has insurance , his bill is gaining on what services he's had already  and what can they add on before anyone checks...."
    Your power of deduction is fantastic! Very clever indeed!
    "Money isn't everything ,but it's way ahead of what's in 2 nd place ! TiT "
    Is Thailand the ONLY country where hospitals and medic have a interest in money?
    Without money or insurance which hospital, in which country would welcome a patient?


    Any public hospital in Australia, New Zealand or Cuba, just to name 3 off the top of my head


    Then there is wonderful Canada with its Universal healthcare. Everyone is the same.

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