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Luk Mhee

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Posts posted by Luk Mhee

  1. At the time of the initial conflagration there were some comments, official/semi-official, that fires of this type can burn for weeks, months and longer.

    The other alternative is to drill holes to the bottom of the dump and freeze the ground with nitrogen which in turn will cool down the hot areas enough to be able to extinguish the fires.

  2. Jeez Guys, don’t u ever learn! Do u really think that pouring water over a chemically activated fire in a dump is going to solve the problem? All it does is cools the top layer of the dump, the bottom layer is still burning and as soon as the water is evaporated by the heat, the cycle starts all over again. Excavate the dump and mix the bottom layer with soil and then compact the mess. Jeez guys where is your logic?

  3. Too much batter, that lets the chicken look big. (Remove the batter and see what I mean)

    They don’t use the 11 herbs, which takes the original taste away.

    The chickens tough, possibly not farmed chicken, but local village chicken bought at half price.

    Lunch hour, the shops full of customers, but only 2 of the 5 tills are working, after rush hour, 4 of the 5 tills are working.

    French fries, they wait until the last packet has been sold, then only do they fry the new batch. Result; customer waits for over 15 minutes before getting his fries. The same goes for the chicken.

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  4. The general must be careful not to fall into the political psychological trap. The more you give the more they want. Give a finger they want the hand, give the hand they want the arm, eventually they will control the whole body.

    The general should be very diplomatic in what he says; diplomacy is to tell a person to go to hell in such a nice way that they actually looks forward to the trip.

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    1. Run
    2. Don't attempt to move the explosives
    3. Check for radiation (from a case a few years back)
    4. Don't use cutting torches on the casing
    5. Don't use angle grinders on the casing
    6. Don't do anything with it except call EOD
    7. Use common sense
    8. Ignore 1-7 if the thought of making a very small amount of cash outweighs your survival instinct and the lives of yourself and others around you

    What common sense? Where can we find it? perhaps from our comic books

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  6. He disclosed that more than 500 communities in Songkhla were preparing to become waste-free by 2016.

    How do you do that then? Eat nothing? Buy nothing?

    Gets the 'stupidest comment of the day' award from me.

    Actually the biggest waste we have in Thailand is the non-recyclable plastic toys and packets used for taking food home, followed by Styrofoam, and last but not least is packaging mainly from the likes of toothpaste, soap, and other commodities that come contained in non-recyclable cardboard, do we really need our toothpaste and other items to come in fancy packaging that contributes almost 12% of the price of the goods that one buys?

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