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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Don't ask me, I am not the one who brought up the comparison. Talk to Placeholder. I was just fact checking false claims. Hmm. Any false claims in your post? What about military purposely fighting civilians, is that accurate? ... Is the military really fighting the civilians right to exist? Maybe you mean the terrorists right to terrorize. ... Maybe there are some human shields?
  2. That explains it. The reporters are suffering TicFace-TocBook disease. No cure.
  3. Before the thread gets too long, it may be good to verify facts so here are the full document releases in easily searchable pdf format. There was a second release today so there are two .pdf files. I searched both rabus and my real name, whew! It only took 2 seconds. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24253540/epstein-documents-943-https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24254004/epstein-2nd-batch.pdf In addition to names, you can also see what was said.
  4. Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? But your deflection is correct, I misremembered the most intense tank battle, which was in the Gulf war. But the Iraq invasion was by land and also relied on tanks thus my point about bombs was correct. Other than that, you missed the entire post's meaning.
  5. OK all is clear. I assumed it was likely the WSJ and its authors. There is far to much reporting like that nowadays. I tried the Wayback machine but all their archived copies were unreadable. archive.is finally worked. "And I notice you've left uncommented on the massive destruction wreaked on Gaza." Not so useful without discussing reasons and perspective. How do you prevent such things? Certainly not by ignoring parts of the story. That's often what causes them.
  6. You compare months of continual bombing during the Gaza invasion with Iraq from 2004 - 2010. 1) You don't include the Iraq invasion! ,which was March 2003! You only quote 2004- 2010. 2) The Iraq invasion and occupation was from 2003 to 2010. 2) The main combat period in Iraq took only 26 days before Iraq fell (in 2003) 3) Multiple counties participated in the invasion, you count US dropped weapons. 4) The Iraq invasion was the worlds biggest ever tank battle, tanks don't drop bombs. 5) and [Wiki] during the 30 day invasion the US and UK dropped 29,199 bombs. [official ref] 6) More than twice the rate you quote for Gaza. So question, who is misleading? The paywalled WSJ article and you were unaware, or your quoting?
  7. I know the content in your links though Western experts don't have a good record deciphering the complexities of Russian propaganda, disinformation, and lies. If you understand something about Russian culture, as it seems you do, you may know Russians have the same trouble. But knowing a bit about Russia makes your call for genocidal destruction of Ukraine all the worse. You kind of sound like RT.
  8. You can't make this stuff up. Peace lover praises Putin's mass killing of civilians and destruction of homes and hospitals. Says he want's much more. "For peace!" he explains, skipping the fact Putin's Russia started and continues the war. For peace, just make Putin go home. For lasting peace defenestrate him.
  9. Stealth nonsense. You argue Ukraine's allies' $ trillion+ defense spending can't afford $45 million of highly accurate defense missiles, but you see no problem with Russia blowing $1.2 billion of its meager $77B defense budget on a one night orgy killing civilians for Putin's presser? In the same week that Ukraine does ~$billion damage to Russia's military? Your not trying. And no, Ukraine doesn't use just ASRAAM's, they have many defense systems including patriots that shoot down Putin's $10M unstoppable Kinzhals, the world's only 'hyperbolic' missile. Putin's Russia should loose and will loose.
  10. You exaggerate. Proficient US military pilots can do air frame crossovers fairly quickly. Remember, these are proficient Ukrainian pilots already. Given a proficient Ukrainian pilot in new air frame against a proficient Russian pilot in an old air frame, each pushing a button to fire a missile after which modern US verses old Russian missile tech takes control, I will choose the Ukrainian in a new air frame.
  11. Russia intended maximum civilian damage for Putin's propaganda, civilian damage makes news. They had to save up missiles for weeks and blew $1.2 billion on 158 missiles and drones . Russia's total military budget is just $77 billion, which includes nuclear forces, navy, subs, and dooms day weapons development, etc. So Russia did kill several civilians. Days before the Ukrainian air force used one storm shadow missile to obliterate a Russian ship that costs $300 million to replace (and 10 years) along with 1000s of paid for drones and missiles being shipped from Iran, and the lives of almost 100 Russian military personnel. So after Russia spent $1.2B and lost far more, Ukraine won the week. Which team would you root for? Full story here: https://twitter.com/i/status/1741250201200029789 https://twitter.com/RealJakeBroe/status/1741240488236327215
  12. One or two?? If true, the war would be in its 2nd or 3rd year. Al Jazeera? [ref] "... but how many Israeli kids were killed since Oct 7?" LOL.
  13. It's in my post. Push the place that says [ref]. Or this: https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d My point to TBL was it's widely known, I don't need to look for some dark web unpostable misinformation.
  14. Did that. Found this. "At the same time, Egypt says a mass exodus from Gaza would bring Hamas or other Palestinian militants onto its soil. That might be destabilizing in Sinai, where Egypt's military fought for years against Islamic militants and at one point accused Hamas of backing them." [ref] BTW. It was a rhetorical question.
  15. Thank you for a real video! Not one using old women state actors calling for the death of Ukrainian Children. She represents a wider part of Russian opinion than state propaganda leads you to believe. You should hear an old friend of mine. He won't mention Putin by name on the phone (out of fear) but calls him "the one whose name cannot be mentioned". Btw, his daughter came to Thailand with her husband so he wouldn't get killed. They are lovely ordinary folks trying to live life.
  16. You don't know what life in Russia is like. Yes, Russia has some extremely wealthy people with yachts but remains a third world country with nukes and tanks. In Russia, you also live with constant fear of defenestration.
  17. Thank you for your answer. I thought so BTW. My Y/N question was about your feelings, which you are able to answer. Unfortunately, your Y/N question asks me to predict one party's future behavior in highly speculative circumstances, which is not possible. I can say that (as unlikely as it may be) once a peace ball gets rolling, many things are possible. However, it would require some external parties to relinquish their stakes in the current violence.
  18. They had help. Your friends at the time? On 17 November 1964, the Soviet Politburo decided to send increased support to North Vietnam. This aid included aircraft, radar, artillery, air defense systems, small arms, ammunition, food and medical supplies. They also sent Soviet military personnel to North Vietnam. Some 15,000 Soviet personnel served in Indo-China as advisers and occasionally as combatants. [ref]
  19. "... and how do you think they should fight?" Glad you asked. First, Hamas as a terror organization should not exist. Gazans and Palestinians should 'fight' by working with responsible Arab states to demonstrate a desire to improve (not weaponize) Gaza and develop reasonable peaceful proposals that shame Israel for not doing likewise. Once the ball gets rolling, many but not all relevant powers would support it. Would you like to see something like that? That's a yes or no type question.
  20. The $3 billion is not related to the aid in your link. Soundbite? You may not be aware that Israel's 2022 GDP was $522 billion (half a trillion) and they are a major US partner in many areas of science and technology including manufacture of Intel CPUs, soon Nvidia GPUs, medicine, etc. All beneficial to the US economy. Israel in fact is 29th globally and ahead of Thailand. You might ask where would we be now if Palestinians and Arab nations had used the last 50 years similarly developing themselves and seeking cooperation. They surely have the oil revenue to do so.
  21. Not withstanding it's not about percentages as oft suggested even in your post above. To try for multiple errors, the prior poster's link that I referenced (from CNN and US officials) says: "The intelligence report was published in CNN. The assessment, compiled by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence says that about 40-45% of the 29,000 air-to-ground munitions Israel has used have been unguided." How's your math?
  22. (Lol, word twist!) The prior poster claimed IDF's low percentage of precision munitions = 'carpet bombing', none of which was true, even the percentage, according to poster's own links. As ex-military you know that tunnel busting munitions punching pinholes every 10 meters down a street is not carpet bombing. And that flattening buildings while leaving surrounding buildings untouched is, not, carpet bombing. You also know that warning civilians to leave in advance is not 'targeting children'. Hamas forbidding family and children to flee is.
  23. Completely disproving your carpet bombing hypothesis. They use 60% smart bombs and sophisticated computerized bombsites with the other bombs.
  24. Up to 60%, according to your own link. That's a start, at least you are proving yourself wrong. Now to learn you are doing so. Your whole premise is wrong anyway. Smart pilots use bombsites to drop dumb bombs on targets. That too is not carpet bombing. The allies bombed sub pens in WW2 using bomb sites.
  25. The IDF uses lots of precision targeted weapons. Precision targeted weapons are not used for carpet bombing. Please study till you get it all figured out. Little kids know this stuff. My cat would know if I had one.
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