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Everything posted by rabas

  1. You conflate an activity, terrorism, with a historical conflict, then lie that terrorism is not terrorism if terrorists like Hamas do it. What crap. Beyond that lie, that any conflict can a priori only be resolved through horrific inhuman terrorism is an utter lie. Terrorism is likely the worst and least successful approach possible. History tells us this.
  2. Dear god, it's the first item that comes up in google, don't just search under your bed... Individuals born within the country receive an Israeli passport at birth if at least one parent is a citizen. Non-Jewish foreigners may naturalize after living in the country for at least three years while holding permanent residency, renouncing former citizenship, and learning Hebrew. Wow.
  3. Yes, you are mistaken. Arab and Muslims in Israel are full citizens. 2 million of them. Israel is a democracy, the only democracy in the Middle East ranked 29th worldwide. See Democracy Index WIKI. This does not include Gaza, which is a terrorist state run by Hamas. Good time to ask oneself how much else am I unaware of. Probably most of us.
  4. Not only citizens, Arab Muslim women are not required to, and often don't, cover their heads. Many appreciate living in a normal society. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/21/middleeast/arab-israeli-citizens-cmd-intl/index.html ... back to Hamas ...
  5. Sigh, the RFA Argus (A135) is a medical evacuation ship. [referance] RFA Argus is a Primary Casualty Receiving Ship of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary. With a 100-bed medical complex on board, she acts as a floating medical facility during times of crisis or war.
  6. You keep saying that. Is there an issue with oxygen where you are? Ventilation not working? That aside, he's right to say constant accusations that others are one-sided are tiring. I think it's more like "The make of a man is in how he views others."
  7. I follow strict science and logic. If there's a definition of carpet bombing, then Israel either did or did not do it. There is no "other points of view" or shaming. The rest is you wondering in your own mind, which I leave to you.
  8. Wow, the greatest deceptive twist ever, like a Möbius strip tied in knots. Ukraine did not launch a massive terror attack on Russia butchering 1000s of Russian women and Children. Duh. Still haven't answered my first question ...
  9. Targeting buildings and tunnels is not vaguely 'carpet bombing'. Fun world where one just makes up anything they want. Do you think inventing so much inflammatory crap in such volatile situations contributes to worsening the situation?
  10. But then you know the IDF has not sought a 'collective punishment' as you suggest rather they worked hard to warn civilians before attacks and even ask those in northern Gaza to move south out of harms way and about 700,000 did. Considering what happened, stopping Hamas is self defense.
  11. But that was not the question. You mentioned Iran's aim, goals in supporting Hamas. So what are those goals? As your statement, only you would know what you meant.
  12. Good, we have taken the first small step towards a real discussion. Now, what are those Iranian goals for which they support Hamas?
  13. Well, he's not providing billions, weapons, training to slit throats, etc. So your question is poorly defined if at all. Who know's what it means? Let's start with a much better grounded question. Let me ask you, why is Iran supporting Hamas so much for so long?
  14. I basically agree. My point was US/Western high tech military might is a strong deterrent to Iran's normal adventurism, which in part got us to where we are and has been growing. While two big aircraft carriers is good optics, it also suggests the US/West are taking risks seriously. Although overt, direct support for Hamas is not in Iran's interest (as you say) nor its way, I still worry about dangerous unintended paths to the future . Someone once explained to me that Iran's actions are very hard to influence, I think I was talking about Putin at the time. As for destabilizing Iran, one can only hope. There's little stability except for the regime's iron fist. I've worked with/in Iran extensively, not many fancy the regime outside of rural religious enclaves. The locals speculate who carries a pocket razor. When the regime falls they'll dash into a toilet, shave, and exit saying Hallo! ready for business.
  15. All hell may depend on things like whether Iran's unstoppable hypersonic missiles work any better than Russia's, which were all shot down by aging Patriot missiles. Gerald R Ford likely has better ones. But any shooting between Iran and the West would be real bad.
  16. The absolute minimum from stopping Hamas terror for once and for all. Because the horrific death of children will not stop until Hamas is stopped. Oh, and by the way, it's all children not just Palestinian children.
  17. Yes, a very nice statement by the Chinese ambassador, I bookmarked it. Now the rest of the story. Both sides of the free world divide, West vs Russia - China, have been trading UN vetos and getting nowhere. The Chinese ambassador is making a sound good speech (which I accept as genuine), after vetoing the following: (Times of India reference) In a significant diplomatic development, Russia and China wielded their veto power at the United Nations Security Council to quash a U.S.-sponsored resolution. The resolution had sought to address the Israel-Hamas conflict by proposing humanitarian pauses in the hostilities to facilitate the delivery of aid, safeguard civilians, and curtail the arming of Hamas and other militants in Gaza. The U.S. presented the resolution in light of mounting concerns about the deepening humanitarian crisis and a rising civilian death toll in Gaza.
  18. I blame the smoker. In other words, simple one liners don't work.
  19. So you realize that Hamas is the problem. If the best time to kill Hamas was 15 years ago, the second best time is now. Welcome on board.
  20. What you say is because you are culturally isolated here. I speak disarmingly fluent Thai and spend my time with my large Thai family and those I work with. What's more, my favorite activity is walking around goofing on total strangers, aka phoot len. I get about a 90% hit rate. But you bring up a good point. In Thailand (away from tourist areas) you often need to be the one to break the ice. This is backwards from your experience in Colorado where social banter can be a requirement and may not be an indicator of true friendliness. Said another way, there are different kinds of friendliness like New England versus the southern states.
  21. No reason given is not equal to no reason.
  22. More wrong fact and figures. Nuclear tons of TNT are not equal to tons of conventional bombs. The weight of actual explosives in a conventional bomb can be a 3rd to half of its total weight, so you're wrong by 2 to 3 times. A 570lb Mk82 bomb has about 192lb of explosives. ref Worse is comparing with radioactive nukes, just more rabid propaganda. There have been a lot of bombs dropped causing Gaza's people great suffering. The kicker is none of that would have happened without Hamas firing 7000 rockets at Israeli citizens and butchering 1000s, first.
  23. You forgot it's most important to find a way to stop it. That is the only humane path. Letting it repeat is the worst crime of all.
  24. You can't 'genocide' a terror group. Worth a thought though. All you complain about is expressly because Hamas, a terror group, hides among innocent civilians. Ask them to step outside Gaza to protect those civilians, and you solve your problem. Oh, and using human shields is a war crime.
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