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Everything posted by rabas

  1. (Lol, word twist!) The prior poster claimed IDF's low percentage of precision munitions = 'carpet bombing', none of which was true, even the percentage, according to poster's own links. As ex-military you know that tunnel busting munitions punching pinholes every 10 meters down a street is not carpet bombing. And that flattening buildings while leaving surrounding buildings untouched is, not, carpet bombing. You also know that warning civilians to leave in advance is not 'targeting children'. Hamas forbidding family and children to flee is.
  2. Completely disproving your carpet bombing hypothesis. They use 60% smart bombs and sophisticated computerized bombsites with the other bombs.
  3. Up to 60%, according to your own link. That's a start, at least you are proving yourself wrong. Now to learn you are doing so. Your whole premise is wrong anyway. Smart pilots use bombsites to drop dumb bombs on targets. That too is not carpet bombing. The allies bombed sub pens in WW2 using bomb sites.
  4. The IDF uses lots of precision targeted weapons. Precision targeted weapons are not used for carpet bombing. Please study till you get it all figured out. Little kids know this stuff. My cat would know if I had one.
  5. You did it again! You cut my full war crimes discussion with Geneva Convention references showing that Hamas is commenting gross war crimes. Just blew it away. Then you quote my now out of context ending, and go on an unrelated sound byte rant. Look at them trigger words. You need to stop this, seriously. You're imprinting Al Jazeera.
  6. True. An earlier disinformation post (I won't link it) suggested the IDF was proud of killing so many civilians. If you read the IDF link, they were proud of lowering civilian casualties below historical levels for urban warfare with human shields. Of course they are, if your not hooked on Al Jazeera.
  7. Use of a population as human shields is a war crime by by Protocol I of the Geneva Convention. Using your own population should be a crime against humanity. Using hospitals, schools, and places of worship as shields is even worse. A. IDF warns civilians to leave buildings and areas before firing. B. Hamas tries to prevent them from leaving. <== your problem is here.
  8. Worse, why hasn't Hamas been arrested for the horrific carnage they wreaked upon innocent Israelis? Had that happened, Hamas would not be using Hospitals as shields, and lots of people would still be alive. I don't need to believe anyone to understand logic.
  9. Relevant question. Do you have real combat experience in dense urban warfare against a terrorist enemy willing to do literally anything no matter how inhuman and against all the rules of war? Did you learn how soldiers react in those conditions? The IDF conducted a full probe and condemned both the action and the soldier responsible. They also discussed what lead to it. In summary, paragraph A above. For detail you can read here.
  10. and pathetic. Does he think the bombs that kill them were dropped by Hamas? You do know you are responding to a post whose author completely removed my full discussion and reasoning, leaving only a phrase that depends solely on the removed content. This is a good example how simplistic propaganda (out of context sound bite) can lead others, here you, to spread misinformation. Though honestly, yours also looks a bit like a simplest sound bite.
  11. So short, simplistic, and many mistakes. No, not everyone knows, no, not everyone knows the same things, and I was not justifying the slaughter of 1000s. My point was about Hamas' treatment of humanitarian efforts. Fire at Israel from humanitarian camps, draw in fire to kill more civilians and human shields, then steal their aid anyway. So do you want to know why there are so many dead Gazans? Because Hamas.
  12. As to why certain things are the way they are: The IDF said the Hamas terror group has fired at least 116 rockets from the recently designated al-Mawasi “humanitarian zone” in southern Gaza toward Israel. [ref] MAP 38 of the projectiles fell short into the Strip. Not to mention frequent robberies of humanitarian goods from Gaza citizens.
  13. When it's barbaric terrorists they are defiantly hostages. You keep forgetting things.
  14. I did. Why didn't you do that with your Wapost article?, which turned out to be of suspicious origin, thanks to one of our best analysts.
  15. I am not sure how that relates to the principle I cited, that overly simplistic views often arise from a lack of knowledge, and may also be a sign of propaganda. But I do notice your claim seems a bit simplistic. Some poll means some bad guys hate Gazans.
  16. No, it's from science. One of Richard Feynman's favorites. If it's all simple and all looks the same then you don't understand it yet. Propagandist's will tell you it's very simple and everyone hates their enemy.
  17. The more you learn and know about anything, the more diverse and complex it becomes. So, yeah, sure, all Gazans think alike. I would guess many are starting to question a lot of things.
  18. Did I say that? The lives of every Hamas terrorist is of prime significance. Any one left standing represents an existential threat, not just now but to mankind's future. Humans can no longer allow such horrific barbarism in the 21st century, especially killing their own children family as human shields purely for propaganda value. Ugh.
  19. "At least 17,487 Palestinians have been killed since then, according to Gaza Health Ministry figures..." According to VOA, the GHM traditionally tries to make reasonable estimates but it is also difficult. Also: "The agency, however, does not differentiate the number of deaths as civilians or combatants."
  20. Do you have any evidence for your numbers? Evidence as in factual or verifiable information.
  21. My family is addicted to hiso drinks. Doesn't matter what it is, coffee, juice, vitamins. If it's sold in a real heavy plastic designer bottle, they by it. Four times the plastic waste.
  22. It's well known that a healthy immune system can help fight against microbial disease. Saying it can fight off all viruses is contrary to known science. Our immune systems often have little immunity against new viruses that just crossed from nature (or lab) because we have never been exposed to them. That's how the adaptive immune system works. Little kids spend their time learning new diseases or now days getting lots of vaccines.
  23. You are denying Covid (exactly as I described in my post) by saying your immune system and other things you do will protect you. Now you deny denying! What are you afraid of?
  24. Rubbish misinformation, fire those 'researchers'. No virus can incubate inside a mask or anywhere outside a living creature because all viruses require being inside the cells of a living animal to replicate.
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